Show HN: Vdm, a sane alternative to e.g. Git submodules

Hey folks! I've been working on something on & (mostly) off for a little over a year, and picked it back up recently because of yet another related frustration at work.

I've spent a lot of time ripping out git submodules from repos my teams use, but I've spent an equally large amount of time wondering why there doesn't seem to be a better option for managing arbitrary dependencies across repos in the Year of Our Lord 2024. So, I put together a really early version of such an arbitrary-dependency manager. It's called vdm, and you can find it in the linked URL above & below.

I'm sharing mostly because I'm curious if I'm blatantly missing some other tool that exists that isn't language-specific (like Bit for JS seems to be, for example), but also in case people have any hot-takes or feedback on the functionality as listed in the README.

Also of note is that I'm not sharing to potentially monetize or "generate customer interest" or anything -- I'm just another builder on the internet.

Thanks for looking, and let me know if you have any questions!


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# Comments: 9

Creato 6mo | 29 lug 2024, 05:30:09

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