Show HN: Universal Logger for Node, Deno, Bun, Browser

Hey everyone, I had posted about my project a couple of years ago and it was met with a lot of interest, so I'm writing about the major v2 update that's just been released to see if anyone is interested.

What makes Adze interesting compared to other logging libraries like pino, bunyan, winston, etc?

Adze is universal. This means that Adze will "just work" in all of your environments. This is especially handy when working with SSR projects like sveltekit, nuxt, next, etc. You can also use Adze with Bun or Deno without any special adaptations or considerations.

Adze 2.x is also smaller (13.29kb minified and brotlied) and faster than the original. Benchmarks put it at generating 100,000 logs in ~700ms.

Version 2 also offers a cleaner API than version 1 as it no longer uses factories and instead uses static class methods.

    import adze from 'adze';
    // Generating a log
    adze.timestamp.ns('foo').log('A log with a timestamp and namespace.');
    // Making a child logger
    const logger = adze.timestamp.ns('foo').seal();
    logger.log('A log with a timestamp and namespace.');
Adze 2.x comes with support for four different types of log formats out-of-the-box. These formats include: - a human-readable pretty format - a machine-readable JSON format that is compatible with the Bunyan CLI - a format for common logs - and a format for simple stdout logging

Adze 2.x also offers better extensibility support. You can now create custom formatters and custom middleware for modifying log behavior or transporting them to another source (like a file, etc). Log listeners are also still supported.

Changing formats is easy.

    import adze, { setup } from 'adze';
      format: 'json', // - Change with an env var
    adze.withEmoji.success('This is a pretty log!');
Adze 2.x also includes a handy new template literal logging feature for times where you are repeating logs frequently with slightly different messages (like error messages in a catch). Adze offers a new sealTag terminator that will seal your configuration into a template literal tag function to further simplify your logging. Example

    import adze from 'adze';
    // Let's create a reusable ERR tag with emoji's, timestamps, and the "my-module" namespace.
    const ERR = adze.withEmoji.timestamp.ns('my-module').sealTag();
    try {
      // do something that could fail...
    } catch (e) {
      ERR`Printing my error as an error log! ${e}`;
There is much, much more to Adze than what I can present in this post, but please check it out at and let me know what you think! Try it out! Also, please give it a star to bookmark it at if you might use it in the future!

I appreciate any feedback as well. This has been a huge labor of love for me and I hope it benefits you all as well.

Thank you!

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# Comments: 8

Creato 2d | 16 set 2024, 22:50:10

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