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 EDATec Passive Coolers for Raspberry Pi 5 and 4 Review: Keeping Cool

Passive cooling your Raspberry Pi provides a silent means to keep your Pi ticking, and EDATec has options for the Raspberry Pi 5 and the older 4.

The Morning After: The 12 best gadgets we reviewed in 2024

As 2025 approaches, we’re reviewing all our… reviews. Yes, everything we poked, prodded, and critiqued this year. Alongside inevitable smartphone and laptop upgrades (it was a particularly strong year for Pixel phones, while Apple continues to offer a premium phone experience on its pro iPhones), it was also a year of impressive drones and cameras, keeping Steve Dent very

1mo | Engadget
YouTube copies Netflix's old 'Play Something' button in new test

YouTube is testing a new "Play Something" floating action button, borrowing a now-defunct Netflix feature of the same name. It works in much the same way, playing a random video that's likely based on your previous selections, 9to5Google reported. 

Hitting t

1mo | Engadget
How the Aurelia Institute is designing a self-assembling space station

The next housing boom will happen above Earth. Replacements for an aging International Space Station (ISS) slated for a 2030 decommission, NASA’s Artemis mission returning humans to the moon and possibly Mars, and a burgeoning lunar economy are spurring teams of engineers and designers to reimagine habitats for extended living and working in space.

Most of the next-generation space stations vying to expand the ISS’s 11-person capacity and eventually replace it, feature fixed, rigid

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2025 via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

Get ready for the future of digital marketing. Explore the top trends and predictions that will shape the industry in the coming year.

The post Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends For 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Vehicle to Grid Charging Could Change the Game for Fleet Owners

Bidirectional charging isn't just for consumers. Fleet owners are poised to use bidirectional charging in 2025 and beyond.

1mo |
Your EV Could Soon Charge Your House, Tools – and Even the Grid

Electric vehicles aren't just eco-friendly transportation anymore. The EVs of tomorrow can also be your home's battery backup too.

1mo |
Mortgages Move Up for Homeseekers: Mortgage Rates on Dec. 30, 2024

A few major mortgage rates increased. But where they go next will depend on the incoming economic data and the Fed's plans for future interest rate cuts.

1mo |
Refi Rates Ride High: Today's Refinance Rates for Dec. 30, 2024

Several benchmark refinance rates were higher this week, but refinancing could be still make sense for other reasons.

1mo |
 VR headsets are mainstream, and I'm tired of pretending they're not

From Meta Quest to Vision Pro, VR and mixed reality headsets have more than earned their place in the limelight of the mainstream.

Mravenci porážejí lidi v kooperativní geometrické hádance

Lidé a mravenci jsou v podstatě jediní, kdo dokáže systematicky spolupracovat při přepravě velkých nákladů, které značně přesahují velikost jejich těla. Radikální mezidruhový experiment s lidmi a „šílenými“ mravenci Paratrechina longicornis ukázal, že při individuálním řešení problému stěhování klavíru mají sice lidé navrch, ale v kooperativním módu vítězí mravenci.

1mo |
WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg’s Web Hosting Clients via @sejournal, @martinibuster

WordPress developer releases code that prevents themes & plugins from activating on sites hosted on Matt Mullenweg's web hosting platform

The post WordPress Developer Publishes Code To Block Mullenweg’s Web Hosting Clients appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Google CEO Describes A 2025 Beyond A Search Box via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google CEO outlines 2025 plan to make AI apps like Gemini the interface for how users search. What does it mean for publishers and SEO?

The post Google CEO Describes A 2025 Beyond A Search Box appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Show HN: WIP NandToTetris Emulator in pure C – logic gates to ALU to CPU to PC


NandToTetris is a course which has you build a full computer from:

Logic gates -> Chips -> RAM -> CPU -> Computer -> Assembler -> Compiler -> OS -> Tetris

All this is done via software defined hardware emulation.

I'm building an emulator for this entire stack in C.

How is my approach different to other projects that build emulators?

    - No external dependencies (so far)
    - Start with a single software defined NAND gate in C
      - EVERYT
1mo | Hacker news
LG's new UltraGear lineup includes a bendable 5K OLED

As is tradition, LG is announcing several of its new OLED monitors before CES 2025 kickoffs in earnest. The new UltraGear GX9 series all feature curved WOLED

1mo | Engadget
Show HN: Chorus, a Mac app that lets you chat a bunch of AIs at once

There's so many cool models to try but they're all in different places. In Chorus you can chat with a bunch of models all at once, and add your own system prompts.

Like 4o with a CBT overview, or a succinct Claude. Excited to hear your thoughts!

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Points: 11

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1mo | Hacker news
Fukušima I na prahu roku 2025

Největším úspěchem tohoto roku bylo úspěšné odebrání vzorky ztuhlé taveniny z aktivní zóny druhého reaktoru. Velmi úspěšně proběhl první rok vypouštění tritiové vody. Zlomem je i spuštění prvního varného reaktoru, kterým je blok Onagawa 2. Japonsko se vrátilo k energetické koncepci postavené na rozvoji kombinace jaderných a obnovitelných zdrojů.

1mo |
 NYT Connections today — my hints and answers for Monday, December 30 (game #568)

Looking for NYT Connections answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, plus my commentary on the puzzles. jako alternativa k YouTube, SvarDOS jako samostatný systém

Vznikl projekt, komunitní platforma pro sdílení videí, postavená na otevřeném softwaru PeerTube. Ze SvarDOS se díky implementaci vlastního jádra stal samostatný open-source operační systém.

1mo |
Postřehy z bezpečnosti: aktualizace telefonů Google Pixel vás odpojí od dat

Podíváme se na aktualizace mobilních zařízení Google Pixel, na v Japonsku tolik neoblíbené zpoždění způsobené DDoS útokem na tamní aerolinky JAL a vyhlásíme vítěze soutěže o největšího zloděje kryptoměn za minulý rok.

1mo |
Hackers injected malicious code into several Chrome extensions in recent attack

Hackers were reportedly able to modify several Chrome extensions with malicious code this month after gaining access to admin accounts through a phishing campaign. The cybersecurity company Cyberhaven shared in a

1mo | Engadget
 Tech Resolutions 2025 – 7 ways to survive January and upgrade your life with tech this year

Looking to upgrade your tech life in 2024? Here are 14 ways the TechRadar team is doing it –and how you can do the same.

Check out the first full trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Marvel just dropped the first trailer for its upcoming animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which will bring us back to Peter Parker’s early days as a high school superhero. The art leans into a classic comic book style, and it looks like the story itself will be a departure from the MCU version of things, in contrast to how

1mo | Engadget