Robert Lawrence Kuhn on "A Landscape of Consciousness" | Closer To Truth Chats Sara Imari Walker on Physics, Emergence, and Life on Other Planets | Closer To Truth Chats Greg Epstein on Technology, Morality, and Non-Religion Niels Gregersen - Did Animals Suffer in Evolution? 2h | Closer to truth Tom McLeish - Are Science & Religion at War? 23h | Closer to truth Kevin Timpe - Why is There Sin? 1d | Closer to truth Antonius Roberts - How Does Art Affect Perception, Cognition, and Emotion? 2d | Closer to truth Sean Carroll on consciousness and the physical world 2d | Closer to truth Peter Atkins - Arguments Against God? 3d | Closer to truth Anya Plutynski - Evolution and the Nature of Chance 3d | Closer to truth Michael Murray - Philosophy of the Bible 4d | Closer to truth How are humans and animals different? 5d | Closer to truth Deepak Chopra - Must the Universe Contain Consciousness? 5d | Closer to truth 1 2 3 4 5 > >> Unirsi al gruppo Ricerca CreatoPassato un giornoPassati quattro giorniMese scorso Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Ordina perper pertinenzaUpvotedNuovo primaConteggio segnalibriConteggio commenti Ricerca