Code Generation with Dart & Flutter: The Ultimate Guide

An extensive guide covering the code generation mechanism in Dart, useful code-generating packages, and tips for efficient codebase maintenance.

Testing Functions That Throw

When writing test expectations for functions that throw, we need a bit careful. To avoid surprises, always pass a closure inside the expect method.

April 2024: WASM I/O Updates, Theme Extensions, Signals 5.0, iOS Privacy Manifest Tools

Also included in this edition: UI Testing with Maestro, Flutter Custom Carousel, codegen with GenQ, Shorebird 1.0, and the latest from Code with Andrea.

Flutter Tip: Use Composition Aggressively

Create small, reusable widgets that are easier to reason about, and banish the massive build method from existence!

Add Fixed Spacing with the Gap Widget

How to easily add fixed spacing inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows or scrolling views.

Add Fixed Spacing with the Gap Widget

How to easily add fixed spacing inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows or scrolling views.

Flutter Pagination with Riverpod: The Ultimate Guide

A complete guide to implementing pagination with Riverpod, covering: infinite scrolling, loading and error states, search UI, caching, and debouncing.

How to Build and Deploy a Dart Shelf App on

Learn how to build and deploy a Dart Shelf App that taps into the OpenAI API without exposing the API key in your Flutter client.

March 2024: Flutter Drag and Drop, JavaScript vs Dart, Useful Packages, Flutter UI Challenges

Also included in this edition: Mastering responsive UIs, how to speed up initial page loads on Flutter web, and all the latest news from Code With Andrea.

How to Publish your Flutter Web Apps on GitHub Pages for Free

A step-by-step tutorial showing how to deploy your Flutter web apps to GitHub Pages using Makefiles.

