Underscores in Imports

Underscores in Imports Underscores in Go serve a few purposes. In U+005F, “” is a letter (as a string). You may also see them as [ “” ] in between successive digits and a base prefix. In this case, it’s to improve the readability of the code. You may also see them in function names, e.g., imaginary_lit. The underscore is quite a versatile tool. They even have their place in defining the kind of action that will take place in a function. https://golangcode.com/underscores-in-imports/

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Struct Tags with Underscore Before Function Names

In the Go world, an underscore (_) before an expression is called a blank identifier. As you may already know, identifiers—user-defined program components, e.g., name of a function, variable, or package—in Go must be preceded by an underscore or a letter (a-z or A-Z). If they aren’t, you’ll receive the compile- time error which essentially means Go cannot read the syntax of your code (you didn’t write your code correctly). https://golangcode.com/using-go-struct-tags-with-an-underscore-before-fun

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