Implementing Biometric Authentication in a Flutter App

Introduction ✌🏻 A lot of apps today have biometric authentication to authenticate the user. Have you ever wondered how they implement this feature? If yes, then today in this tutorial, I will show you how simple it is to add this feature to your app...

Video Calling in Flutter

Introduction: Don't have time to introduce video calling in your app from scratch? Don't worry. This blog is made for you. Learn to integrate video calling with a few lines of code within 30 minutes. Not believing it? No problem. Just go through the ...

Video Calling in Flutter

Introduction: Don't have time to introduce video calling in your app from scratch? Don't worry. This blog is made for you. Learn to integrate video calling with a few lines of code within 30 minutes. Not believing it? No problem. Just go through the ...

Flutter BLoC- Easiest explanation


What are states and why states are important?

Why do we need BLoC?

What is BLoC?

Creating a counter app using BLoC

What are states:

Whenever the increment button is tapped, the state of the screen changes, and the number gets incremented...

A journey through state management and widget testing in Flutter

Introduction As a Flutter developer, you are undoubtedly familiar with the many challenges of building robust, scalable, and reliable mobile apps. One area that has garnered a lot of attention in the Flutter community is state management: the process...

Passwordless Authentication In Flutter Using Magic SDK

by Emmanuel Uchechukwu Passwordless Authentication is a security means or process by which users can gain access to an application or website without having to enter a password. It reduces your application's risk of security breaches and enhances use...

Fingerprint Authentication for your Flutter Applications

by Emmanuel Uchechukwu Fingerprint authentication has become an essential requirement in our mobile applications. It is the latest and the most reliable innovation in identity and access management. Fingerprint authentication is a form of biometric t...

2 Years as a Flutter Developer

Quality over quantity Every year presents us with many unexpected events, both good and bad. The challenging part is preparing or responding to these events as things don't always good to plan. This is the second article of a series where I share my ...

5 Awesome Flutter packages you must use in your next Flutter project

Introduction First of all, Happy new year to everyone out there! Today, we will have a look at 5 amazing Flutter packages that can be integrated with any Flutter project. If you already know about these packages, great! If not, then stick around and ...

🚀 Building a Fullstack App with dart_frog and Flutter in a Monorepo - Part 4

In the previous part, we set up models, data sources, repositories, exceptions and failures for the full-stack to-do application. We also made some changes to our packages. In this part, we will:

Connect to a Postgres database

Complete the backend ...
