Flutter and Dart MVC Web App Students Database full source code separated into Multiple Files Clean Code

Here is an example of a Flutter and Dart MVC web app that manages a student database: Copy codeimport 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_web/model/student.dart'; import 'package:flutter_web/service/student_service.dart';

class ... https://thomascherickal.hashnode.dev/flutter-and-dart-mvc-web-app-students-database-full-source-code-separated-into-multiple-files-clean-code

simple backend server in Dart using the dart: io

In this tutorial, we will create a simple HTTP server in the Dart programming language. To start, we need to import the 'dart:io' library, which provides access to various I/O-related functions, including the HttpServer class. import 'dart:io';

Next... https://www.ssekizinvu.com/simple-backend-server-in-dart-using-the-dart-io

🚀 Building a Fullstack App with dart_frog and Flutter in a Monorepo - Part 3

In the previous part, we set up models, data sources, repositories, and failures for the full-stack to-do application. In this part, we will:

Make changes to the failure classes

Create new failures



ServerFailure ... https://saileshdahal.com.np/building-a-fullstack-app-with-dartfrog-and-flutter-in-a-monorepo-part-3

What exactly is  BuildContext in Flutter?

BuildContext is present everywhere in Flutter. It is used in the build method of StatelessWidgets and State classes. It is also used in different scenarios like:

When calling Navigator.of(context) to navigate to a different screen.

When calling Sca... https://nsikak.hashnode.dev/what-exactly-is-buildcontext-in-flutter

How to create Chrome extension using Flutter?

What is Chrome extension 🤔? : here What is Flutter 🤔? : here So First, create ⚡ a project in flutter flutter create app_name if flutter web is not enabled, then enable it by flutter config --enable-web to run the flutter app on the web 🌍, use flut... https://narayann.hashnode.dev/chrome-extension-using-flutter

Flutter BLoC Beginner's Guide

Welcome to the second part of the Flutter BLoC for beginners series. In the last blog, we have seen the basics of BLoC like creation and usage, in this blog we are going to learn how to use Repositories in the Flutter BLoC project. This is a continua... https://sungod.hashnode.dev/flutter-bloc-beginners-guide-part2

Popular Technology for building Mobile, Desktop and Web Applications

Mobile Application Mobile apps are developed specifically for a particular mobile platform, such as Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android operating system. Mobile apps are typically designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, and they can be customized t... https://vigowebs.hashnode.dev/popular-technology-for-building-mobile-desktop-and-web-applications

Fast-track your Flutter development with VS code snippets

Many times we always repeat a specific block of code over and over. This can be so tiring and time-wasting and sometimes causes errors or inconsistency in the code while building our applications. Most flutter developers and engineers use Visual stud... https://mulieriq.hashnode.dev/fast-track-your-flutter-development-with-vs-code-snippets

CI/CD for the Flutter Android app with Codemagic

Setting up continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) for a Flutter Android app with Codemagic can greatly improve the development workflow and help ensure that the app is always in a deployable state. In this blog, we will go over the st... https://blog.sandeepkumarjha.com/cicd-for-the-flutter-android-app-with-codemagic

Self Realizations and Change of Perspectives:  Dev Retro 2022

Setting up the environment "See Rushikesh, there are two ways to look at a crisis in the Corporate; either you could get scared, confused, and leave it in gods hands or look at it as an opportunity, I would prefer the second one...", the exact words ... https://rpvk.hashnode.dev/self-realizations-and-change-of-perspectives-dev-retro-2022
