Why Choose Flutter for MVP App Development?

Choosing the right tool for MVP development is essential, and the decision is more complicated than it seems. You need to make sure that your app is going to be successful and is going to be able to grow. You need to ensure that it will be easy to de... https://sandeepmodi.hashnode.dev/why-choose-flutter-for-mvp-app-development

Utilisation de ChangeNotifier dans la structure MVC dans Flutter

Souvent, dans le développement mobile, nous devrons récupérer des données à partir de sources de données telles qu'un serveur ou une base de données locale et les afficher à l'écran à l'utilisateur. Cela doit être fait de la manière la plus efficace ... https://odilaste.hashnode.dev/utilisation-de-changenotifier-dans-la-structure-mvc-dans-flutter

Creating Widgets

Structuring your UI in Flutter can be tricky. For me the main reason was because both logic and UI code are written in the same language (Dart). This is something I wasn't used to coming from android native development. In this article I will share t... https://fluttergamedev.com/creating-widgets

Flutter Widgets — A brief guide

In the eyes of mobile developers, Flutter is manna straight from heaven Developers of an iOS app need not answer the question “When is it coming to Android?” They already have questions haunting them like:

When is the build ready to be shipped? How ... https://solutelabs.hashnode.dev/flutter-widgets-a-brief-guide-8e7074c3fabc

Flutter BLoC Tutorial For Absolute Beginners

What Is Flutter Bloc? In Flutter applications, the Flutter BLoC is used to manage the state. The flutter state management feature allows handling all possible states of the application easily. It is easy to grasp the concept of the Flutter bloc. This... https://solutelabs.hashnode.dev/flutter-bloc-tutorial-for-absolute-beginners-8798acd84134

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners: Step by Step Guide to Build Apps

Since it’s much-awaited launch, Flutter has caught a lot of attention, and we’re excited about it too! I’m hoping that a massive chunk of non-game apps will transition to flutter, and in anticipation, we are therefore training our team on it as well.... https://solutelabs.hashnode.dev/flutter-tutorial-for-beginners-step-by-step-guide-to-build-apps-7be309a6f26f

Functions In Dart Programming

Dart function is a set of statements that work on specific tasks. Functions can be called anywhere in a program to perform some operations and return a result. Functions make a program more readable, maintainable and easy to reuse. lets look at an ex... https://flutterwars.tk/functions-in-dart-programming

Build a Video Chat app in Flutter in less than 5 minutes

Creating a live video platform is not an easy task. You have to manage the transmission of the video and audio signal, manage its encoding and decoding, as well as to apply complex compression algorithms to adjust the bandwidth so that the streaming ... https://davidserrano.io/build-a-video-chat-app-in-flutter-in-less-than-5-minutes

Select the Date and Time in Flutter

Select Date


TextEditingController _date = TextEditingController();

DateTime startDate;


Advantages of Flutter Over React Native

React Native and Flutter are the leading cross-platform app development frameworks that are widely used in the technological industry. But what made these frameworks so popular? Their development speed, robust support, and code reusability are some o... https://dianapps.hashnode.dev/advantages-of-flutter-over-react-native
