Text recognition in Flutter

In this article we are going to see how we can create an application that recognizes text extracted from images and prints it on the screen. To do this we are going to use the camera plugin to open a video feed directly from the device's camera, and ... https://davidserrano.io/text-recognition-in-flutter-create-ocr-scanner-app

Using Flutter BLoc to build a shopping cart  part 1

Hi 👋🏿! I'll teach you how to use flutter bloc to build a shopping cart. So this will be in two parts. In this part I'll show you how to fetch shopping items using a fake store api. Stay with me ! not Sam Smith 😂 but yeah you get it. Flutter bloc h... https://fluttergod.hashnode.dev/using-flutter-bloc-to-build-a-shopping-cart-part-1

Flutter vs. React Native: Pick Your Hero

One of the most popular searches on the internet right now is “React Native vs. Flutter.” The two of them are the best cross-platform on the market right now, which is why this comparison is being made. The cornerstone of the technological world has ... https://blog.jainil.dev/flutter-vs-react-native-pick-your-hero

Make Flutter-like apps with Python that can be run on Browser, Android, IOS, or Windows/macOS!!!


Cross platform apps with python. Flet is mainly a UI framework powered by flutter which can help you make cross platform GUI apps with python or any other language.

You can now make flutter apps with just python with the Flet Framewor... https://fahadislam.hashnode.dev/make-flutter-like-apps-with-python-that-can-be-run-on-browser-android-ios-or-windowsmacos

Choosing cross-platform app development framework: Ionic vs Flutter vs React Native

Over the years, smartphones have become an essential part of human life. The invention of smartphones has led to the lesser usage of PCs. As a result, it can be witnessed that a compelling number of changes and transformations are being made for the ... https://vindaloosofttech.hashnode.dev/choosing-cross-platform-app-development-framework-ionic-vs-flutter-vs-react-native

Flutter + Golang : código nativo direto da fonte

Introdução Depois de contribuir para um package da comunidade(por ex. flutter_zxing) tive a curiosidade de me aprofundar mais em como chamar código nativo direto de um projeto Dart, e também estou tendo cada vez mais interesses em linguagens como Rus... https://lucasnaiade.dev/flutter-golang-codigo-nativo-direto-da-fonte

HTML to Flutter text widget

As a flutter developer, there are instances where the fields you get as response body when making an API call come as HTML tags (p, h1, ul, li, etc), when displaying to your frontend should be in regular text format. No need to panic, there are ways ... https://blog.renaissancelabs.org/html-to-flutter-text-widget-cla6m4s7c001j08kubya6h58c

React Native vs. Flutter -- a Comparison

by Ejiro Thankgod The two most popular frameworks for building cross-platform mobile apps are React Native and Flutter. These titans are supported by Facebook and Google, two of the largest tech businesses in the world. According to Statista, there a... https://openreplay.hashnode.dev/react-native-vs-flutter-a-comparison


PlutoGrid has default shortcut keys set, and users can change or set shortcut keys. Shortcut Range The scope of the shortcut depends on the focus.

PlutoGrid : In the state that TextField is not focused. You can set custom shortcut keys. TextField :... https://pluto.weblaze.dev/shortcuts

Introduction to PlutoLayout

PlutoLayout is a Flutter package for configuring layouts such as CMS or admin service.You can configure tab views or menus on the top, bottom, left, and right sides.It also supports keyboard shortcuts and allows you to toggle or resize the tab view. ... https://pluto.weblaze.dev/introduction-to-plutolayout
