Row grouping

Row grouping is a function to group rows of PlutoGrid. Group by column Rows are grouped by grouping cell values ​​based on a specified column.PlutoRows are automatically grouped by cell value without the user having to group them. // In the onLoaded ...

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile goes Beta

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, the cross-platform solution created by JetBrains for sharing Kotlin code across operating systems, has reached Beta after two years in Alpha stage. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, KMM from now on, is a very interesting techn...

Flutter Skeleton Loader

Loading times are unavoidable in application development. From a user experience (UX) perspective, the most important thing is to show your users that loading is taking place. One popular approach to communicate to users that data is loading is to di...

Theoretical Null safety in  a  nutshell

The Dart language has been on the rise recently due to the exploding popularity of its child framework- flutter. The language has a unique feature called null safety and I bet you must have heard about it if you ever tried to learn dart. As a javascr...

PlutoLayout Live Demo

PlutoLayout Live Demo A link to a live demo where you can see PlutoLayout in action on the web.

Flutter Boilerplate Project with Riverpod & GetIt

Flutter Riverpod Boilerplate Project This is a boilerplate flutter project created using Riverpod and GetIt. It currently support only Mobile (Tablet and Phone) with both production and staging environment capabilities. You can clone the project usin...

Test-driven Development in Flutter

Introduction In this article, I will describe the steps of implementation of Test-driven Development (TDD) in your Flutter project and also cover a basic introduction to the subject. What is TDD? TDD or Test-driven Development is the practice of writ...

Making my First Open Source Contribution

👀Finding a Project I occasionally browse GitHub like scrolling through a social media app. A few days ago I stumbled upon an issue which I thought I could solve. This was in a project called AppFlowy. I had in...

Creating a Flutter application with flavors (aka environments) with AWS Amplify and very_good_cli

When you work on big scale applications, keeping the data and behavior of your app predictable becomes an important topic. A slight change that you make in your app might end up breaking the entire structure. To prevent an unexpected disaster, flavor...

I ported React Query to Flutter

Motivation I have always been a huge fan of React Query since the first day i tried it and absence of such helper in Flutter ecosystem made writing Flutter apps complicated. Previously, i used Bloc for fetching server data and it was very challenging...
