The different strategies to building a cross-platform app

What are the general approaches to build an app that runs both on mobile and on web/desktop? In no particular order:

  1. iOS + Android + PWA

3x codebase. The Progressive Web App (PWA) is not reused on native. Must know and use 3 programming languages...

Building a keyboard with Fleksy SDK using Flutter

The keyboard is one of the apps a user interacts with every day. Almost all apps accept text input and allow a user to enter text. Therefore, a good keyboard can make or break the User Experience. However, even for the two most popular platforms, And...

Devblog 1: Proof of Concept

So last weekend I finally 'really' started working on my new pet project. In the previous post I've explained what I'll be building but not what I've actually done for it. In this post I will tell a little bit about what I've worked on. Baby steps I ...

Object Oriented Programming in Dart: Polymorphism

⏳️ In The Previous Article...

Hey there 👋🏻, Welcome to the fifth and final article in the series on OOPs in Dart. Encapsulation was covered in the prior article. We saw a practical example of what encapsulation is. Then, we learned how to accompli...

Why I am starting over again(ish)... Again

I started coding full-time in 2021, when I started coding, I did some tutorials on Flutter development, but not understand a lot about anything, and did not do something with the knowledge I got from the tutorial. I then looked into Web Development a...

Final Week of Bootcamp

Well here we are at the end of the show but is it really the end though? The task for the week is to create a Music app using one of the design from the Product Design team. The project feels more like a setup considering the amount of code it takes ...

Flutter Vs React Native

Hey! There I'm back with another interesting topic for discussion and sharing my thoughts on the topic .So today's topic of Discussion is "Flutter Vs React" . As we talk about what to choose for the profession i.e pron and cons of android vs web deve...

Switch themes easily in Flutter using Bloc

As a user of any application, We try to switch between the themes and choose which the theme that we like the most and as a mobile app developer, We should give our application users a flexibility to switch between themes which improves user experien...

Hogwarts Zits: Console App

Building this console app was so challenging to me, especially, since I am just a beginner, who knows little or nothing about Darts or how to build a Console App. I watched lots of videos on YouTube about Darts for beginners to understand what I was ...

How to create your first Flutter app?

In this blog I am going to show you how you can create your first flutter app in minutes using your terminal. Prerequisites : laptop and internet. Softwares you will need

Visual Studio Code

Android Emulator (Make sure you download the required SDK...
