How the internet works

Meaning of the internet The internet is the backbone of the web. It's the technical infrastructure that made the web possible. The internet or simply called "The Net" is a worldwide system of computer networks providing information and communication ...

How to handle onBackPressed()

As we know onBackPressed() is deprecated from android, So What is the alternative of onBackpressed lets discover the topic--> assume that, you have updated any of your application to API LEVEL 33, you have seen this error, onBackPressed is deprecate...

How Computers Work.

As human beings, we're filled with curiosity. Being introduced to a device, the first thing that will pop into one's mind is how it works especially if it's a device we've not been acquainted with. Is it your first time using a computer or it isn't, ...

Getting started with Provider in Flutter

Hey everyone I am Hasnain Makada, currently working as a Developer Advocate at Napptive where I explore the platform deeply and educate the community about DevOps. I am mostly interested in the field of Android Development using Flutter and in this b...

Extension method in dart(flutter).

Hello, Dart has one feature called the extension method and you might have already heard that somewhere as many languages have it these days. If you are completely new to extension methods, then might be you have questions like What is the extension...

Here is how we manage Flutter project and file architecture at JoFlee

Flutter is most useful in cross-platform technology. Each and every company or individual developer has either created their own way to manage code or just using someone else's patten. We found that file structure is most important for scalability of...

Using Streams

I hope you find this post useful, entertaining, and valuable. The purpose of the post is to understand the basics related to Streams We're going to try to discover some of the uses of Streams, these types of objects and/or concepts are not unique to ...

How to create Dart’s Extension Methods For Flutter

Extension methods, Introduced in Dart 2.7 allows us to add new functionality to already available libraries. Although it does not allow us to modify existing code directly, It gives us the ability to customize a class in a way that we can read and us...

Another list of VSCode Extensions for editor, git, flutter, other

Many of you had already seen few extensions from below list. If you found any extension new & useful, don't forget to like this blog. I'll categories below extension in ? different sections. a. vscode must have extensions b. git specific c. flutter s...

User Authentication with Firebase for Flutter Apps

User authentication is the verification process of a user to ensure they are who they are. User authentication is essential in protecting user accounts by requiring users to identify themselves. It also provides a personalized experience for users, s...
