Swipe actions in Flutter with the Dismissible widget

Introduction Swipe actions, or swipe gestures, are something that's very common in mobile apps. In its most common form, the "swipe to dismiss" pattern is something you might have seen in email apps, for example, where you swipe left to delete an ema... https://dartling.dev/swipe-actions-flutter-dismissible-widget

Facebook Login in Flutter

Step 0: Create a Firebase Project and put facebook credentials on their

Step 1: packages

firebase_core: firebase_auth: google_sign_in:

Step 2: goto: android/app/build.gradle and add these dependencies

apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-ser... https://mrhanji.hashnode.dev/facebook-login-in-flutter

Movie Recommender powered by Jina AI

Introduction Have you ever felt confused and wondered what new movie to watch, or watch a movie of a particular genre or maybe even a new movie that is similar to your favourite movie. Well, why not make our Movie Recommender that takes a text query ... https://commclassroom.hashnode.dev/movie-recommender-powered-by-jina-ai

Tips to improve Flutter App Performance

Performance being a crucial factor in applications is something we always strive to improve when building an application. Mobile applications are those that require the most compatibility in terms of performance and devices. An app should be able to... https://ayushmang.hashnode.dev/tips-to-improve-flutter-app-performance

📱 20 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition — intro into Riverpod with Providers, Consumers and AsyncValue

How are you doing, Flutter community? 🌈On my side, I'm happy to share with you the 20th update on my Flutter learning challenge! Finally, I started learning Riverpod state manager which positions itself as "A Reactive Caching and Data-binding Framew... https://kalabro.hashnode.dev/20-100-days-of-flutter-kates-edition-intro-into-riverpod-with-providers-consumers-and-asyncvalue

First week, First project

The bootcamp officially started on the 6th of June, 2022. We were finally added to our teams and given our first project: "Create an app that allows users sign in with Google or Facebook. Also calculate the distance between two locations using the Go... https://mobileappdevteam2.hashnode.dev/first-week-first-project

Firebase Authentication with GetX - Google Sign-in

Introduction GetX is very popular as a State Management solution for Flutter. However, I like to think of GetX as an entire ecosystem of various little tools which speed up the development process considerably. I don't have much experience working w... https://rijuth.hashnode.dev/google-sign-in-with-getx

LocateMe Project Documentation by Portfolio-mobile-app-team1

The project topic is to calculate the distance between two locations using Google Maps API. Basically, an API(Application Programming Interface) is a set of methods and tools that can be used for building software applications. Google Map API is an ... https://locateme.hashnode.dev/locateme-project-documentation-by-portfolio-mobile-app-team1

Starting With Flutter

Introduction Hey Everyone, I Know People Want To Start With Development (Which Is Like Applying Your Coding Skills To Work) And It Is Very Important To Start With The Development. So, To Start With Your Journey With Flutter. I Hope Many Would Know Ab... https://hirdeymittal.com/starting-with-flutter

【Flutter × Swift】The simplest way to use Method Channel.

Overview I'm going to write about the simplest way to use Flutter Method Channel to call Swift code from Flutter. Just 2 files that we need to use.

ios_method_channel.dart AppDelegate.swift

Completed files I show 2 completed files at first. ios_met... https://shion-engineering.hashnode.dev/flutter-swiftthe-simplest-way-to-use-method-channel
