📱 4 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition — custom widget and the roadmap to Flutter Development

Hi, Hashnode community! 👋 It's the 4th day of my 100 Days Of Flutter challenge. I have to admit it's not easy to find time for both learning and writing notes for this blog during a working day. I need to come up with a good schedule before I burn ... https://kalabro.hashnode.dev/4-100-days-of-flutter-kates-edition-custom-widget-and-the-roadmap-to-flutter-development

Flutter State Management made easy with provider | Flutter Tutorial for Beginners

In this article I am going to teach you in an extremely simple and short way how to apply state management in a Flutter app with the provider package.

📽 Video version available on YouTube and Odysee

https://youtu.be/nqJl5xgRW3A The resulting appli... https://davidserrano.io/flutter-state-management-made-easy-with-provider-flutter-tutorial-for-beginners

Flutter State Management made easy with provider | Flutter Tutorial for Beginners

In this article I am going to teach you in an extremely simple and short way how to apply state management in a Flutter app with the provider package. The resulting application is going to be a counter app in which we can increase the counter if we p... https://davidserrano.io/flutter-state-management-made-easy-with-provider-or-flutter-tutorial-for-beginners

📱 3 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition — meeting the community and a free course

Hi, Hashnode community and welcome to day 3 of my Flutter challenge! 👋 Pet Name Generator Today I finished my first app called “Pet Name Generator” which is a modified version of Google Codelab.

While building the app I learned:

Everything in Flut... https://kalabro.hashnode.dev/3-100-days-of-flutter-kates-edition-meeting-the-community-and-a-free-course

How I Made a TicTacToe Game That You Cannot Beat 🙅‍♂️

For reasons I cannot remember now, I once searched tic tac toe on Google. I noticed that when you search it, Google gives you a game board where you can play the game. You can even choose the difficulty. What spiked my interest the most is, that ther... https://blog.ikramhasan.com/how-i-made-a-tictactoe-game-that-you-cannot-beat

4 /100DaysOfFlutter : Dart: List, Classes and Objects

Dart List: List skills = ['Swiming', 'running', 'Karate'] This line will be spoken as List of String named skills has values Swiming running Karate; you can also use your own way of reading and pronouncing it. List can also be called an array... https://abhayprajapati.hashnode.dev/4-100daysofflutter-dart-list-classes-and-objects

📱 2 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition — 3 findings and 1 error

Hi, Hashnode community and welcome to day 2 of my Flutter challenge! 👋 Yesterday I installed everything needed to develop in Flutter and today I started my first Flutter app based on a Google Codelab. Finding 1: Google Codelabs

Google Developers Co... https://kalabro.hashnode.dev/2-100-days-of-flutter-kates-edition-3-findings-and-1-error

BEST VSCode Settings for Flutter Developers 🚀

Flutter is a UI toolkit from Google which lets you build apps for any screen - android, ios, windows, linux, mac, and more! It has seen an outstanding amount of love and support from users all around the world, over a very short period of time. In th... https://blog.ikramhasan.com/best-vscode-settings-for-flutter-developers

Matrix4 in Flutter

Hey everyone today we are going to talk about Matrix4 in a flutter. I have seen many people who want to make attractive websites and mobile applications but they have no idea. Even though most of these people have not even tried and just copy and pas... https://j3-dev.hashnode.dev/matrix4-in-flutter

Networking In Flutter : Dio

Why choose Dio over HTTP?

If you want a short answer to this question... It is because of More Featuresthat Dio provides. Yes, Dio provides a lot of capabilities that HTTP lacks. Interceptors, Global configuration, FormData, Request Cancellation, ... https://dhruvnakum.xyz/networking-in-flutter-dio
