Flutter Gems - April 2022 Update 💙 🎉

I am super excited to announce the latest major update of Flutter Gems.

In you are new to the Flutter ecosystem or have not heard about Flutter Gems before, it is a curated package guide for Dart + Flutter ecosystem where the packages are neatly seg... https://fluttergems.hashnode.dev/flutter-gems-april-2022-update

Widget testing: Dealing with Renderflex Overflow Errors

We've all certainly seen it in our UI before, "A RenderFlex overflowed by...", and we all know this error means that our UI is painting beyond the bounds of our available real estate. When this is on the screen, it's very easy to fix, but what about ... https://blog.remelehane.dev/widget-testing-dealing-with-renderflex-overflow-errors

Flutter — 1 Minute guide to Useful Tips and Libraries in 2022

Got a minute? In this article, we’ll have a quick look at a few most essential libraries and tips that make your day-to-day app development effective and easy. Here's a quick summary of the article.

You are developing pure Dart app. Use get_it for s... https://canopas.hashnode.dev/flutter-1-minute-guide-to-useful-tips-and-libraries-in-2022

Bloc Concurrency: Advance Event Transformer

Event Transformation

To retrieve data/state in BloC, we use the UI to trigger/pass an event to the BloC. When we're not working with real-time apps, this is OK. However, in some cases, we don't want our user to send the same request to the server ma... https://dhruvnakum.xyz/bloc-concurrency-advance-event-transformer

Please Don't forget to dispose your TextEditingController

Please see this API reference. https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/TextEditingController-class.html

And please focus on the following important message from flutter team. Remember to dispose of the TextEditingController when it is no longer need... https://sugitlab.hashnode.dev/please-dont-forget-to-dispose-your-texteditingcontroller

Data layer in Flutter V2 | Use the Repository Pattern to keep a local copy of your API data

A couple of months ago I wrote an article in which I explained how to keep a local copy of data downloaded from an API using the Repository Pattern. In this article I am going to do the same implementation but applying some improvements, making use o... https://davidserrano.io/data-layer-in-flutter-use-the-repository-pattern-to-keep-a-local-copy-of-your-api-data

Integrating Dart's Build Runner with VSCode

There are cases that you need to generate code in Dart to be relieved from writing a lot of boilerplate codes. Some 3rd party libraries utilize it. freezed requires it to generate code to have compile-time errors for union classes. json_serializable ... https://erayerdin.com/integrating-darts-build-runner-with-vscode-cl20eq19604zgy6nv47ir51ap

Automation — PHP Code Formatting before(pre) git commit

Who cares about code formatting and comments? Humans... Imagine yourself fixing code style issues day after day. Wouldn't you want to do something more interesting by formatting code before committing? Want to learn how to format code in PHP before c... https://canopas.hashnode.dev/automation-php-code-formatting-beforepre-git-commit

Flutter: How to implement Cupertino UI (iOS Style), with examples!

Hello, folks of the developer community 👋! I'm back with the promised article on Flutter 🔥, specifically in the Cupertino UI, or you may know it as the iOS-style implementation. For those who aren't familiar with Flutter, it's a framework by Google... https://andrenk.hashnode.dev/flutter-how-to-implement-cupertino-ui-ios-style-with-examples

Flutter: Up your testing game

Today we going to look at a great utility provided by Flutter's testing framework which gives us a lot more power when it comes to accurately test our widgets. Very often widgets can very simply be tested using find.byType, find.text and find.byKey. ... https://blog.remelehane.dev/flutter-up-your-testing-game
