Smashing magazine

How To Work With GraphQL In WordPress In 2024

What options do we have for integrating GraphQL with WordPress in 2024? Leonardo Losoviz describes the developments that have taken place in this space over the last three years.

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript

What do you do when you need to convert plain text into formatted HTML? Perhaps you reach for Markdown or manually write in the element tags yourself. Or maybe you have one or two of the dozens of online tools that will do it for you. In this tutorial, Alexis Kypridemos picks those tools apart and details the steps for how we can do it ourselves with a little vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

How To Monitor And Optimize Google Core Web Vitals

The three Core Web Vitals metrics don’t only tell you how visitors experience your website but also impact your Google search result rankings. In this article, we’ll look at what Core Web Vitals are, how they are measured, and how you can use DebugBear to monitor them continuously.

Sliding 3D Image Frames In CSS

Creating 3D effects in CSS isn’t an entirely new concept, but typical approaches use additional elements in the markup and pseudo-elements in the styles to pull it off. Temani Afif applies 3D effects and sliding transitions to a single <img> using clever CSS techniques that demonstrate advanced, modern styling practices.

Penpot’s CSS Grid Layout: Designing With Superpowers

Penpot helps designers and developers work better together by offering a free, open-source design tool based on open web standards. Today, let's explore Penpot’s latest feature, CSS Grid Layout. Penpot’s latest release is about efficiency and so much more. It gives designers superpowers and a better place at the table. Excited? Let’s take a look at it together.

Connecting With Users: Applying Principles Of Communication To UX Research

Victor Yocco reviews the components of the Transactional Model of communication, explaining how we might apply this framework to preparing, conducting, and analysing our UX research. You will understand how many UX research best practices align with the model and get an example of a tool for tracking alignment.

The Things Users Would Appreciate In Mobile Apps

What can we do to make a mobile app better? What subsidiary features are worth providing for our users? I have some ideas. You might, too. So, let’s compare our notes. Without any prescriptions attached, here are seven features I believe can palpably improve a user’s experience with a mobile app.

Iconography In Design Systems: Easy Troubleshooting And Maintenance

Tatsiana Tarkan digs deep into iconography as part of a design system and shares some doable tips that will turn icon creation and maintenance into an enjoyable process.

Infinite-Scrolling Logos In Flat HTML And Pure CSS

Remember the HTML <marquee> element? It’s deprecated, so it’s not like you’re going to use it when you need some sort of horizontal auto-scrolling feature. That’s where CSS comes in because it has all the tools we need to pull it off. Silvestar Bistrović demonstrates a technique that makes it possible with a set of images and as little HTML as possible.

Colorful Blossoms And Rainy Days (April 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

Could there be a better way to welcome the new month than with a little inspiration boost? We might have one for you: desktop wallpapers created by the community for the community. Enjoy!
