
post di Tomas_r2
How two widows turned their grief into a startup that helps people heal

When their husbands died suddenly about three years ago, a mutual friend connected Eloise Bune and Karine Nissim on Instagram. They got to know each other and became part of one another’s support system as they navigated the aftermath of being widowed—and the effect that grief has on doing everyday tasks.

“Executive functioning can become impaired, a lot of things become much harder, and there is more to do than ever when your life takes an unexpected hit,” Nissim says. “I needed s

Is GenAI the next dot-com bubble?

The home team talks about the current state of the software job market, the changing sentiments around AI job opportunities, the impact of big players like Facebook and OpenAI on the space, and the challenges for startups. Plus: The philosophical implications of LLMs and the friendship potential of corvids.

No, you can’t opt out of Meta AI, despite what Meta AI tells you

Some of the most brilliant minds in tech believe it’s only a matter of time before artificial intelligence reaches a new kind of limitless self-awareness, but AI may need to become more aware of its current limitations first.

In recent days, a chorus of Facebook and Instagram users have noticed a new AI-powered feature is being prominently integrated into the main search window of Meta-owned apps. “Meta AI,” which runs on the company’s supercharged

Spotify stock price jumps as Daniel Ek’s ‘year of monetization’ begins with record profits

Spotify shares (ticker: SPOT) are spiking in premarket trading as of the time of this writing. The stock price jump comes after Spotify reported Q1 2024 results, with the company boasting that it achieved record profitability in the quarter. Currently, Spotify shares are trading up nearly 6.5% to just above $290 per share.

For its Q1 2024, Spotify said it had “a solid start to the yea

Hundreds of users sue Grindr for allegedly selling their HIV data to advertisers

Grindr is being sued. The  LGBTQ+ dating app is accused of sharing its users’ medical data with advertisers. This data includes their HIV status. UK law firm Austen Hays filed the claim at London’s High Court yesterday. The class action lawsuit represents hundreds of

11mo | The Next Web
Experts weigh in on the best way to prepare teams for AI

The rapid workplace adoption of artificial intelligence demands new skills and a totally fresh approach to preparing your team. Circumventing the growing pains of AI calls for creativity.

Businesses are making AI accessible by integrating it seamlessly into daily workflows. As Michael Maximoff of Belkins highlights: “Staying ahead with AI is woven into our daily operations. We use Slack for ongoing communication, regularly sharing updates about new AI tools that could benefit

Dlouhodobá paměť není zadarmo: Musí dojít k poškození nervových buněk

Když děláte míchaná vajíčka, musíte nejdříve vajíčka rozbít a až pak si pochutnáte. Dlouhodobé vzpomínky se vytvářejí podobně. Neurony v hippokampu nejprve vyvolají zánět a rozbíjejí DNA a poté ji opravují, aby se mohla vytvořit seskupení neuronů, která uchovají vzpomínku na dlouhou dobu. Matička Příroda opět improvizovala.

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Community Corner: Keith “Danger” Casey

In this episode, Scott talks to Keith “Danger” Casey about being called “Danger”, his talks at php[tek] 2024, and the benefits of going to conferences. Links: LinkedIn Learning – Tickets to php[tek] 2024 –

The post Community Corner: Keith “Danger” Casey a

11mo | PHP Architect
AI could further complicate this crucial tipline for online child exploitation. Here’s why

A tipline set up 26 years ago to combat online child exploitation has not lived up to its potential and needs technological and other improvements to help law enforcement go after abusers and rescue victims, a new report from the Stanford Internet Observatory has found.

The fixes to what the researchers describe as an “enormously valuable” service must also come urgently as new artificial intelligence technology th

#428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens

Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:


EPISODE LINKS: Sean's Website:

Russia convicts Meta spokesperson over comments related to the War in Ukraine

A court in Russia on Monday convicted the spokesperson of U.S. technology company Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, of justifying terrorism and sentenced him to six years in prison in a swift trial in absentia, Russia’s independent news site Mediazona reported.

According to the outlet, the charges against Meta communications director Andy Stone stem from his remarks i

Apple quietly beefs up its AI division with acquisition of French startup

Apple is far from the loudest voice in the world of artificial intelligence right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s planning to sit out the fight.

The company quietly acquired Paris-based AI startup Datakalab in December, according to a report from French business magazine Chall

Tesla stock slumps again after troubled EV maker cuts prices ahead of earnings report

It was a big weekend for Tesla, with the company announcing price drops on a number of its vehicles as well as its full self-driving software. That news has raised concerns with investors leading to a more than 5% drop in the company’s stock price Monday, ahead of its Tuesday earnings call.

On Saturday, Tesla announced a $2,000 price cut on its Model Y, Model S, and Model X vehicles. The price drop brings the Model Y to its lowest price yet after taking into account the federal EV

3 carbon capture technologies you’ve probably never heard of

All of us will face the consequences of runaway climate change — unless, maybe, you’re living in one of Elon Musk’s new homes on Mars. But for the rest of us poor souls, tackling global heating is pretty much the top priority.  The bad news is we are

11mo | The Next Web
Is this the future of coffee? Kaffa Roastery releases AI-conic blend

I am really into (my friends might say somewhat obsessed with) coffee. Not just for the hits of caffeine that fuel our productivity-enthralled capitalist society, but also for the taste, as well as different styles of brewing (although my Swed

11mo | The Next Web
Japan’s FTC orders Google to fix keyword search undermining fair competition with Yahoo

Japan’s antitrust watchdog said Monday that U.S. search giant Google must fix its advertising search restrictions affecting Yahoo in Japan.

The Japan Fair Trade Commission said in a statement that its recent study of Google’s practices showed it was undermining fair compet

Brits to issue their own sick notes via algorithm under plan to save GP time

In an attempt to reduce the workload of GPs, the UK is planning to introduce a new National Health Service (NHS) algorithm that will enable self-issued sick notes. The move is part of the government’s effort to reform the sick note system, as Prime Minister

11mo | The Next Web
Don’t call it a jet pack: Here’s how the Pentagon is finally getting troops to fly

The U.S. military is poised to take American service members to new heights—literally.

Fast Company has learned that the Defense Department is actively testing brand-new, all-electric personal flight systems with the help of a handful of defense contractors. These systems will purportedly make individual troops capable of independent flight without requiring a lift from transport aircraft to reach their target, finally fulfilling the Pentagon’s decades-long dream of making

‘Silicon Zanzibar’ lost one of its main companies. Can Tanzania still make it Africa’s tech hub?

The mere mention of Zanzibar evokes images of sun-kissed beaches, pristine water and year-round sunshine. The picturesque island off the coast of Tanzania in east Africa has long been a celebrated tourist hotspot. But in recent years, the country has been orchestrating a shift in the island’s identity in an effort to christen it Silicon Zanzibar—Africa’s tech capital. 

To enable tech’s growth in Zanzibar, the country is rolling out multiple incentives to attract Pan-African t

Why streaming platforms are scrubbing the soundtracks from your favorite shows

Over the last few years, I’ve begun to experience a very unique kind of personal Mandela effect familiar to anyone born before the 21st century. When I watch old TV shows, I discover they don’t really sound the same. The issue isn’t the dialogue, it’s the music.

I first noticed this during an extremely ill-advised How I Met Your Mother rewatch on Netflix before the pandemic, and have since encountered it again when revisiting  X-Files, Buffy The Va

The Top 30 Social Media Influencers Worldwide via @sejournal, @theshelleywalsh

Uncover the top social media influencers worldwide and learn about their impact on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

The post The Top 30 Social Media Influencers Worldwide appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Earth Day: Ecosia launches world’s first energy-generating browser

Today — on Earth Day — non-profit search engine Ecosia has launched the “greenest browser on Earth” as it seeks to offer customers a more sustainable alternative to Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari.  Just like Ecosia’s search engine, the

11mo | The Next Web
Listy is a simple, free way to share recommendations with friends

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

Listy is a free and simple app for making lists of your favorite things. It automatically includes related images, like book or album covers. You can create shareable visual lists with

Google DeepMind RecurrentGemma Beats Transformer Models via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google DeepMind researchers invent a high performance alternative to transformer models that uses less computing resources

The post Google DeepMind RecurrentGemma Beats Transformer Models appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

European startups rejoice — VC investment is on the rise again

New data published today by Dealroom reveal that European VC investment rose 5% year-on-year for the first quarter of 2024. What’s more, the Netherlands is showing a particularly strong comeback. Amsterdam funding rose a highly encour

11mo | The Next Web
US Navy připravují test lodní vysokoenergetické mikrovlnné zbraně METEOR

Americké námořnictvo by rádo co nejrychleji získalo účinný mikrovlnný systém pro obranu lodí. V roce 2026 by mělo dojít na námořní testy vyvíjeného systému METEOR. Měl by fungovat proti dronům a podobným levným cílům, ale také proti balistickým protilodním střelám, které lze očekávat od technologicky vyspělých protivníků.

11mo |
10 Paid Search & PPC Planning Best Practices via @sejournal, @LisaRocksSEM

Ensure the success of your PPC marketing program. Align your strategy, keep up with trends, and improve performance with new features.

The post 10 Paid Search & PPC Planning Best Practices appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Systém AUAR využívá mikrotovárny k rychlejší a levnější stavbě domů

Stavebnictví se topí v problémech. Řešení by mohly přinést robotické minitovárny s nízkými kapitálovými náklady, které nabízejí úspory na práci a ještě větší na dodavatelských řetězcích a logistice. Automated Architecture (AUAR) s nimi chtějí v roce 2030 stavět 75 tisíc nízkoenergetických domů ročně.

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Paramount Streaming’s CEO launched Pluto TV 10 years ago. Here’s what he thinks about the future of free streaming

As streaming services continue to raise prices, customers have turned to more affordable options. Free ad-supported TV (or FAST) allows viewers to watch a variety of programming from TV shows and movies to live news on any device for free—but the trade-off is that you have to watch commercials. It’s a market that is growing quickly.

Over the past several years, Paramount’s Pluto TV, Fox’s Tubi, Amazon Freevee, The Roku Channel, and others have emerged as some of the popular FAST se

How global transport is getting greener, safer, and smarter

The global transport industry is always evolving. A decade ago, there was a big appetite for autonomous vehicles and cloud computing. These days, the industry is driven by a dual focus on decarbonization and automation across all layers of mobility—road, sea, rail, and air.

On the decarbonization front, the broa

Immanuel Kant

Ikonický filosof klasického novověku se narodil právě před 300 lety. Tady to bude hlavně o jeho geniálních nápadech v astrofyzice a specificky břitkém humoru. Pak něco málo o jeho kritice lidských poznávacích schopností. A jen letmo o nové metafyzice a morálce, neboť to jsou věci všude omílané a ne vždy přitažlivé.

11mo |
#427 – Neil Adams: Judo, Olympics, Winning, Losing, and the Champion Mindset

Neil Adams is a judo world champion, 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 5-time European champion, and often referred to as the Voice of Judo. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:


Exotický supravodič je možné ovládat magnetickým polem

Mezinárodní tým fyziků vytvořil exotický materiál, jehož supravodivost lze ovládat vnějším magnetickým polem. Je to 2D topologický izolátor ze rtuti manganu a telluru, který spojuje výhody supravodiče s ovladatelností topologického izolátoru. Už teď se rýsují zajímavé aplikace v supravodivých technologiích.

11mo |
The ethical pros and cons of Meta’s new Llama 3 open-source AI model

Meta has a brand-new Llama to show off. On Thursday, the social media giant announced Llama 3, the next version of its open-source model for the Meta AI assistant, which it hopes will make its chatbot the leading artificial intelligence technology.

Putting aside the question of whether this latest large language model (LLM)

The TikTok ban misses the big picture: America’s social media literary problem

The U.S. government moved closer to banning the video social media app TikTok after the House of Representatives attached the measure to an emergency spending bill on April 17, 2024. The move could improve the bill’s chances

What Is Programmatic Advertising? How Does It Work? via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Harness the power of programmatic advertising with this in-depth guide. Learn the mechanics and strategies to take your advertising to the next level.

The post What Is Programmatic Advertising? How Does It Work? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

‘Deepfakes’ are concerning but won’t stop the Olympic Games’ broadcaster from embracing AI

As part of a push by the International Olympic Committee to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in Paris, the Games’ broadcaster is stepping up its use of the technology—but not without concerns about the risk of “deepfakes“.

Olympic Br

AI at the Olympics: Organizers reveal plans to protect athletes from online harassment and more

Olympic organizers unveiled their strategy Friday to use artificial intelligence in sports, joining the global rush to capitalize on the rapidly advancing technology.

The International Olympic Committee outlined its agenda for taking advantage of AI. Officials said it could be used to help identify promising athletes, personalize training methods and make the games fairer by improving judging.

“Today we are making another step to ensure the uniqueness of the Olympic

Japanese doctors sue Google over false reviews to highlight the platform’s dangers

A group of Japanese doctors has filed a civil lawsuit against U.S. search giant Google, demanding damages for what they claim are unpoliced derogatory and often false comments.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Tokyo District Court, demands 1.4 million yen ($9,400) in damages for 63 medical professionals.

Google said in an emailed statement Friday that it is working “24 hours a day” to reduce misleading or

What happens when we train our AI on social media?

The unique relationship between social media and AI continues to develop in interesting ways, with Reddit’s recent deal with Google allowing their AI to train on its content, and tech companies’ sudden interest in once-popular social media sites like Photobuck

Why are U.S. utilities so vulnerable to cyberattacks?

When the streets of Muleshoe, Texas, flooded with water in January, most people probably didn’t blame Russian hackers.

But that’s exactly who was at blame, according to a report published this week by Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant, which said Russia was responsibl

Pakistan banned X over political instability. A top official is demanding its immediate return

An important ally of Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif demanded the government lift a two-month-old ban on the social media platform X, saying on Friday that it violates citizens’ right to speech and expression.

The ban on X has been in place since February, when the party of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan a

How OpenAI and Microsoft reawakened a sleeping software giant

Just a decade ago, the world’s biggest tech beast was a relative minnow. Microsoft had become notorious for disappointing product launches, stagnant innovation, and losing top talent. The first true software giant was becoming a big tech dinosaur. Fast forward t

11mo | The Next Web
Confidential Brazilian court orders against ‘digital militias’ on X released by U.S. congressional committee

A U.S. congressional committee released confidential Brazilian court orders to suspend accounts on the social media platform X, offering a glimpse into decisions that have spurred complaints of alleged censorship from the company and its billionaire owner Elon Musk

Google to ‘turbocharge’ its commitment to AI by integrating Android and Pixel divisions

Google will combine the software division responsible for Android mobile software and the Chrome browser with the hardware division known for Pixel smartphones and Fitbit wearables, the company said Thursday. It’s part of a broader plan to integrate artificial intelligence more widely throughout the company.

In a letter to employees, Go