
post di Tomas_r2
#452 – Dario Amodei: Anthropic CEO on Claude, AGI & the Future of AI & Humanity

Dario Amodei is the CEO of Anthropic, the company that created Claude. Amanda Askell is an AI researcher working on Claude's character and personality. Chris Olah is an AI researcher working on mechanistic interpretability. Thank you for listening ❤ Check out our sponsors: See below for timestamps, transcript, and to give feedback, submit questions, contact Lex, etc.


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How OpenAI and rivals are overcoming limitations of current AI models

Artificial intelligence companies like OpenAI are seeking to overcome unexpected delays and challenges in the pursuit of ever-bigger large language models by developing training techniques that use more human-like ways for algorithms to “think”.

A dozen AI scientists, researchers and investors told Reuters they believe that these techniques, which are

Can AI therapists save us from the global mental health crisis?

The global mental health crisis is deepening, exacerbated by a chronic shortage of qualified professionals. Per a report by the World Health Organization, mental health disorders affect one in four people globally d

Podivuhodné astrocyty v mozku ukládají vzpomínky jako živá kartotéka

Fascinující objev při výzkumu na myších prozradil, že se astrocyty, bohatě větvené neuroglie, považované za čistě podpůrné buňky, aktivně podílejí na tvorbě paměti. Hrají zásadní roli při ukládání vzpomínek i při jejich vyvolávání. Vše nasvědčuje tomu, že astrocyty jsou aktivní součástí operačního biosystému našeho mozku.

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3 simple steps for freeing up Gmail storage space in minutes

One of the Gmail accounts in the Aamoth household just started showing the dreaded “Account storage is full” banner, which means it’s time for a good scrubbing.

It’s not surprising: With all the emails, attachments, and documents we accumulate over time, it’s easy for our Gmail accounts to run low on available storage.

Luckily, there are a few easy ways to free up Gmail space in a matter of minutes.


Amazon is developing this tool for its drivers to speed up deliveries

Amazon is developing smart eyeglasses for its delivery drivers to guide them to, around and within buildings, as it tries to smooth the final stretch of an

Say Goodbye to Passwords

It’s been a couple of years since Apple, Google, and Microsoft started trying to kill the password, and its demise seems more likely than ever.

In 2022, all three companies embraced an alternative called passkeys, which sync securely between your devices and are protected by face recognition, a fingerprint, or a PIN. The thinking goes that if you don’t have to remember a password—or even create one in a password manager—you’re less likely to fall prey to phishing

140 Social Sharing Sites That Boost SEO & Drive Traffic via @sejournal, @jonleeclark

Explore how your content shared through bookmarking sites can help you build quality links and increase your visibility on search engines.

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Performance Max For Ecommerce: Advanced Strategies And Pitfalls To Avoid

Discover how to succeed with Performance Max for ecommerce and implement a strategic campaign segmentation approach to maximize conversions.

The post Performance Max For Ecommerce: Advanced Strategies And Pitfalls To Avoid appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

PPC And Paid Media Budget Planning Tips for 2025 via @sejournal, @LisaRocksSEM

Don't let budget uncertainty hold back your PPC success. This guide will help you allocate your resources strategically and maximize your campaign's performance.

The post PPC And Paid Media Budget Planning Tips for 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

These tweaks will make your iPhone simpler to use

This story first appeared in Advisorator, Jared’s weekly tech advice newsletter. Sign up for free to get more tips every Tuesday.

When my new iPhone 16 Pro Max arrived last month, I saw it not just as another gadget to play with, but as motivation to clean house.

My iOS installation has gotten so cluttered over the years that I’v

Mohou Ukrajinci vyvinout atomovou bombu?

V posledních týdnech se v médiích objevily zprávy o potenciálních jaderných záměrech Ukrajiny [1,2,3]. Ukrajina byla zavázána zbavit se všech Sovětských jaderných hlavic výměnou za územní integritu v rámci Budapešťského memoranda, to však zjevně dnes již neplatí. Krom Budapešťského memoranda je Ukrajina i signatářem smlouvy o nešíření jaderných zbraní [4]. Na druhou stranu signatářem této smlouvy byla i Severní Korea a ta jaderné zbraně dnes vlastní [5].

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Kvantové víry potvrzují supratekutost v suprapevné hmotě

Fyzici nadšeně zkoumají nedávno pozorované suprapevné látky (supersolids), které je možné vytvořit v ultrachladných dipolárních kvantových plynech. Teď v suprapevné látce pozorovali kvantové víry (quantum vortices), které vznikají jako součást reakce systému na rotaci. Něco takového bylo donedávna považováno za nesmírně obtížné.

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Teens learn a new conspiracy theory every week on social media yet most schools aren’t teaching media literacy

How often do you come in contact with a conspiracy theory? 

Maybe on occasion, when you flip through TV channels and land on an episode of “Ancient Aliens.” Or perhaps when a friend from high school shares a questionable meme on Facebook. 

How confident are you in your ability to tell fact from fiction? 

If you’re a teen, you could be exposed to conspiracy theories and a host of other pieces of misinformation as frequently as every day while scrol

This instant privacy inspector exposes the web’s tracking secrets

A blacklight can reveal all sorts of secrets that are invisible to the naked eye.

So what if you had a virtual blacklight for the web—a way to shine an illuminating glow on the sites you visit and reveal what’s really happening with ’em beneath the surface?

My friend, have I got just the tool for you today.

Unearth all sorts of little-known tech treasures with my free Cool

Polaris Spaceplanes konečně zvládli test lineárního pohonu aerospike

Demonstrační letoun MIRA II, který vzlétl z Peneemünde, zažehl za letu experimentální lineární pohon aerospike AS-1 LOX. Motor běžel 3 sekundy a stal se prvním motorem tohoto typu, který doopravdy poháněl letoun během letu. Po sérii testů by měl přijít na řadu o něco větší demonstrátor Nova a pak již kosmoplán Aurora, k němuž společnost Polaris směřuje.

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Živly jako kořeny a živly jako prvky

Cesta živlů od kořenů k prvkům začíná romanticky, přestože šlo o jeden z prvních pokusů o reduktivní výklad přírodního dění. Živly jakožto kořeny všeho u Empedokla, pak živly jakožto prvky u Aristotela. A taky kvintesence. Hippokratés se bez živlů ještě obešel (navzdory převažující populární verzi), zato alchymisté je často pěstují, až Boyle zavede pojem prvek v novodobém smyslu slova.

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LinkedIn billionaire Reid Hoffman on staying positive after Trump’s win

Following Donald Trump’s election victory, Reid Hoffman—cofounder of LinkedIn, partner at Greylock, and a major donor to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign—is figuring out where business, tech, and his own energy go from here. Hoffman shares his reaction to the election and what the outcome means for Silicon Valley, the overall economy, and more. Despite being a vocal critic of Tr

AI’s dominance is not inevitable, according to a tech ethicist

Anyone following the rhetoric around artificial intelligence in recent years has heard one version or another of the claim that AI is inevitable. Common themes are that AI is already here, it is indispensable, and people who are bearish on it harm themselves.

In the business world

Latest Google AIO Updates May Impact SEO via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Volatility in Google AI Overviews for shopping queries has stabilized, and rankings increasingly mirror organic search results

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This hidden iPhone feature makes filing your expense reports a breeze

Apple’s iOS 18, the operating system that powers the iPhone, is one of the company’s best software updates in years. A big reason is that iOS 18 integrates Apple Intelligence across the iPhone, allowing for all kinds of new productivity features.

iOS 18 also includes a host of

Speciální relativita kapalin: V blízkosti rychlosti světla houstnou

Speciální teorie relativity přináší řadu zajímavých jevů, nad kterými zůstává rozum stát. Fyzik Alessio Zaccone nabízí relativistickou teorii viskozity a navrhuje, že ke klasické kontrakci délky a dilataci času můžeme přidat zhušťování kapalin. Má to zajímavé důsledky pro výzkum relativistického plazmatu v astrofyzice a fyzice vysokých energií.

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Why MrBeast is in the hot seat over his ‘Beast Games’ competition show

What happened with MrBeast’s Beast Games?

The type of viral content that once propelled YouTube star MrBeast to online fame has now sparked controversy as the YouTuber aims to break into mainstream media with his reality competition show, Beast Games. Even before its release, the show has been in the headlines in recent months after at least five contestants

Why the running influencer Matt Choi was banned from the New York City Marathon

Runners often get a bad rap, crowding footpaths on Saturday mornings, rubbing the rest of us up the wrong way with their boundless energy and brightly-colored shorts. Often the negative press is not entirely warranted. But sometimes it is. 

​​Matt Choi, a running influencer who ran last Sunday’s New York City Marathon with a time of 2 hours 57 minuutes and 15 second

Can Elon Musk run for president?

Elon Musk has made it crystal clear that he intends to be a player in the political process moving forward—and Donald Trump called him a “new star” in his victory speech early Wednesday morning. That has some people wondering about the extent of Musk’s political ambitions.

“Let me tell you, we have a new star,” said Trump. “A star is born—Elon. He’s an amazing guy.”

Musk and Trump had an antagonisti

Who will bid on Alex Jones’s Infowars bankruptcy auction?

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s Infowars broadcasts could end next week as he faces a court-ordered auction of his company’s assets to help p

You can now lease a Tesla Cybertruck for $999 a month

Tesla is offering the option to lease its attention-grabbing, sharp-angled Cybertruck, with prices starting at $999 a month.

U.S. consumers who put down $7,500 have the option to lease an All-Wheel Drive version car for three years under that monthly payment, according to the company’s website. That same model can be purchased in cash for $79,990.

Why streaming has yet to crack

Earlier this year, a bunch of sports fans took to Reddit to vent. “I used to like sports, then they made it damn near impossible to watch them,” wrote one Reddit user. “They make it harder and harder to find games, and even if you know where it is, you’ll need a myriad of subscriptions to watch,”

Tech companies will have it easy under Trump. Just like they did under Biden

Despite its incessant whining, our technology sector has had it easy under Joe Biden and will have it even easier under Donald Trump. The president-elect is backed by a swath of Silicon Valley billionaires, likely to enjoy full control of Congress, and eager to usher in a wave of deregulation tha

Mozilla is now offering free AI voice training data in 180 languages

Since 2017, Mozilla’s Common Voice project has collected more than 30,000 hours of recordings of people from around the world speaking their languages.

The project’s goal is to provide a free, publicly available dataset that anyone can use for training voice recognition AI software and other projects, while ensuring that all the material is provided with the informed consent of the people being recorded. Common Voice now

The ultimate guide to get the most out of the very latest iPhone tools

Apple’s latest suite of updates—iOS 18 and the iPhone 16 series released in September, followed by the rollout of Apple Intelligence in October—represents a leap forward in privacy, productivity, and seamless user experience.

With new tools emphasizing customization, enhanced security, and dynamic AI capabilities, Apple is creating a more personal, intuitive interact

When To Use Nofollow On Links & When Not To via @sejournal, @JulieJoyce

Explore the concept of nofollow on links. Find out why it is important and how it can protect your website from spam and manipulation.

The post When To Use Nofollow On Links & When Not To appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

This YouTuber is livestreaming in ‘solitary confinement’ for a month

How long do you think you could last in total seclusion? YouTube creator Norme is putting that question to the test, now 500-plus hours into his attempt to livestream in “solitary confinement” for a whole month. 

Why? For views, of course. 

Norme, who has more than a million subscribers, is no stranger to streaming challenges. Some of his achievements, according to his YouTube bio, include not blinking for 2 hours and 6 minutes, and eating a cactus. The Australian Yo

The php[podcast] 2024.11.7

This week on the php podcast, Eric and John discuss PHP Event Sourcing with Laravel Verbs, CascadiaPHP, PHPTek 2025, whats new in the latest magazine release, potentially moving the podcast to another server for hosting, and more… Links from the show: php[architect] | The site for PHP professionals, Magazine, Training, Books, Conferences Verbs PHP[TEK] 2025 […]

The post The php[podcast] 2024.1

One of the world’s biggest web scrapers has some thoughts on data ownership

Or Lenchner, CEO of Bright Data, joins Ben and Ryan for a deep-dive conversation about the evolving landscape of web data. They talk through the challenges involved in data collection, the role of synthetic data in training large AI models, and how public data access is becoming more restrictive. Or also shares his thoughts on the importance of transparency in data practices, the likely future of data regulation, and the philosophical implications of more people using AI to innovate and solve pr

The Symfony of PHP

Welcome to the October edition of PHP Architect, The Symfony of PHP. We will explore essential topics to enhance your development skills and code security. From Symfony’s versatility for Laravel developers to concurrency techniques and secure remote access, our expert contributors break down valuable tools, tips, and insights. Plus, learn backend essentials, explore hosting options, […]

The post

The End of the PHPUgly Era

For those that never heard of the PHPUgly podcast, where have you been hiding? PHPUgly was started on March 15, 2016.  It was the brain child of Eric Van Johnson who really wanted to start a podcast but didn’t want to be a host.  When he learned of my (John Congdon) stint of podcasting on […]

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LinkedIn Video Posts Generate 3X More Reach, Study Finds via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

A study finds LinkedIn video posts perform three times better than text content, especially when shared in the morning and in short formats.

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