Ultra processed foods and the third age of eating - with Chris van Tulleken The future of organ transplantation - with Pankaj Chandak The everyday science of gas - with Mark Miodownik A step back in time at the Royal Institution - with David Philips 24h | The Royal Institution How to stop a killer asteroid from hitting Earth - with Robin George Andrews 2d | The Royal Institution Your AI chat has a shocking water footprint #chatgpt 9d | The Royal Institution Engineering a swarm - with Sabine Hauert 10d | The Royal Institution Behind the scenes: the 2024 Christmas Lectures - with the Ri demo team 11d | The Royal Institution A psychologist's 7 lessons for happiness - with Professor Bruce Hood 15d | The Royal Institution The art and science of uncertainty - with David Spiegelhalter 17d | The Royal Institution Statistical uncertainty in the modern world - Ri Science Podcast with David Spiegelhalter 22d | The Royal Institution Decoding quantum reality - with Vlatko Vedral 24d | The Royal Institution What actually is a calorie? #science 28d | The Royal Institution 1 2 3 4 5 > >> Join group Members Search CreatedPast one dayPast four dayPast month Choose a GroupThe Royal Institution Choose a User Sort byby relevanceUpvotedNew firstBookmark countComment count Search