Dart Extensions: Full Introduction and Practical Use Cases

Dart extensions unlock a few interesting use cases in Flutter apps. This tutorial shows how to enable them, what they are, when to use them, and when not to. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/dart-extensions-full-introduction/

What's great about Flutter?

Evaluating Flutter from various criteria: Portability, Language Tooling and Features, Documentation, Performance, Testing, Community, Package Ecosystem, Maintainer Commitment and many more. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/whats-great-about-flutter/

Launching CodeWithAndrea.com

CodeWithAndrea.com is a brand new website about high-quality Flutter tutorials. It will contain all my YouTube videos, articles and courses. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/launching-code-with-andrea/

Using underscores for unused builder arguments in Dart

How to remove some noise in your Dart code by using underscores for unused function arguments. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/using-underscores-builder-arguments/

2019 in Retrospective: Udemy and YouTube Income Report

This article is a complete retrospective of my journey creating Flutter tutorials and courses in 2019. I share a full income report from my Udemy sales, and all the numbers from my YouTube channel. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/2019-retrospective-udemy-youtube/

Apple Sign In with Flutter & Firebase Authentication

How to implement Apple Sign In with Flutter & Firebase Authentication (from scratch), and give your iOS users a convenient way of signing into your app. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/apple-sign-in-flutter-firebase/

Easily move the focus between TextFormFields with FocusScopeNode

FocusScopeNode provides a simpler way of move the focus between text fields in your Flutter forms. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/easily-move-focus-scope-node/

Flutter Custom Painting: Do Not Fear The Canvas

This tutorial shows how to use Flutter custom painters to draw a happy face on screen with Dartpad, starting from scratch. Included: drawing custom shapes with Canvas and Paint, and layout considerations when using CustomPainter. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-custom-painting-do-not-fear-canvas/

Starter Architecture for Flutter & Firebase Apps using Riverpod

In this tutorial I give a detailed overview of a production-ready architecture that I've fine-tuned over the last two years. You can use the included starter project as the foundation for your Flutter & Firebase apps. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/starter-architecture-flutter-firebase/

