Case Study: Combining Cutting-Edge CSS Features Into a “Course Navigation” Component

Having been tasked with creating a UI component for navigating the content of an online course, Daniel found himself neck-deep in a pool of new CSS features that he wound up using on the project.

Case Study: Combining Cutting-Edge CSS Features Into a “Course Navigation” Component originally published on

14h | CSS tricks
Support Logical Shorthands in CSS

There’s a bit of a blind spot when working with CSS logical properties concerning shorthands.

Support Logical Shorthands in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. Y

2d | CSS tricks
Revisiting CSS border-image

I’ve used border-image regularly. Yet, it remains one of the most underused CSS tools, and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why. Is it possible that people steer clear of border-image because its syntax is awkward and unintuitive? Perhaps it’s because most explanations don’t solve the type of creative implementation problems that most people need to solve. Most likely, it’s both.


5d | CSS tricks
Quick Reminder That :is() and :where() Are Basically the Same With One Key Difference

I’ve seen a handful of recent posts talking about the utility of the :is() relational pseudo-selector. No need to delve into the details other than to say it can help make compound selectors a lot more readable.

:is(section, article, aside, 

6d | CSS tricks
Styling Counters in CSS

Going from the most basic ways to style lists directly in HTML to advanced customization techniques that are even capable of making things that aren't lists look like lists.

Styling Counters in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the

9d | CSS tricks
Web Components Demystified

Scott Jehl released a course called Web Components Demystified. This is my full set of notes from Scott's course. You'll still want to take the course on your own, and I encourage you to because Scott is an excellent teacher who makes all of this stuff extremely accessible, even to noobs like me.

Web Components Demystified originally published on

12d | CSS tricks
Powering Search With Astro Actions and Fuse.js

With Astro, we can generate most of our site during our build, but have a small bit of server-side code that can handle search functionality using something like Fuse.js. In this demo, we’ll use Fuse to search through a set of personal “bookmarks” that are generated at build time, but return back proper results from a server call.

Powering Search With Astro Actions and Fuse.js

15d | CSS tricks
Smashing Meets Accessibility

The videos from Smashing Magazine's recent event on accessibility were just posted the other day. I was invited to host the panel discussion with the speakers, including a couple of personal heroes of mine, Stéphanie Walter and Sarah Fossheim. But I was just as stoked to meet Kardo Ayoub who shared his deeply personal story as a designer with a major visual impairment.

Smashing Meets Accessibili

15d | CSS tricks
A CSS-Only Star Rating Component and More! (Part 2)

In this second article of a two-part series, Temani Afif demonstrates an alternative approach to creating the star rating component from the first article using experimental scroll-driven animations to animate the star rating's colors in place rather than using the border-image property.

A CSS-Only Star Rating Component and More! (Part 2) originally published on

19d | CSS tricks
Maybe don’t use custom properties in shorthand properties

This easily qualifies as a "gotcha" in CSS and is a good reminder that the cascade doesn't know everything all at the same time. If a custom property is invalid, the cascade won't ignore it, and it gets evaluated, which invalidates the declaration.

Maybe don’t use custom properties in shorthand properties originally published on

19d | CSS tricks
