Enforce strong passwords in Debian

This tutorial explains how you can enforce a strong password for users on Debian. https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/enforce-strong-passwords-in-debian.html

3y | unixsheikh
GnuPG Tutorial

This is a minor tutorial in the usage of GnuPG to encrypt, decrypt, and sign emails and files. The examples provided in this tutorial has been tested on Debian GNU/Linux, Devuan GNU/Linux, Arch Linux and Ubuntu GNU/Linux. https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/gnupg-tutorial.html

3y | unixsheikh
How to set your hostname and domain name correctly

This tutorial describes how to set your hostname, domain name and fully qualified domain name properly. Both a mail server and a web server needs to run with the right hostname and domain name. https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/how-to-set-your-hostname-and-domain-name-correctly.html

3y | unixsheikh
An alternative way to play YouTube videos without using Flash

This tutorial was written when it was only possible to view videos on YouTube via Flash, however the tutorial is still useful if you need to download videos from YouTube, or some other video service, in an easily manner and watch them on your favorite video player. https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/an-alternative-way-to-play-youtube-videos-without-using-flash.html

3y | unixsheikh
PSR-0 is not a solution it is a bypass!

This is a small article that takes an objective look at the PSR-0 autoloader "standard" implemented by PHP-FIG. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/psr-0-is-not-a-solution-it-is-a-bypass.html

3y | unixsheikh
Most PHP Frameworks are not for programmers

A small article about PHP frameworks, design patterns, and the art of programming with passions. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/most-php-frameworks-are-not-for-programmers.html

3y | unixsheikh

