Keeping your home in Git, the right way

This tutorial describes how you can keep your home directory in a Git repository.

3y | unixsheikh
Some notes on Arch Linux - 2

I have previously written a small article called "Some notes on Arch Linux", first in 2008, then revisited in 2009, approximately a year later. At the time of this writing (2013) I haven't touched Arch Linux in four years. I then decided to re-test it and write some notes. In the previous notes I compared Arch Linux to Debian GNU/Linux (and to some extend FreeBSD and OpenBSD), I will again compare it to Debian GNU/Linux, but will not mention the BSD flavors. In these notes I will not address the

3y | unixsheikh
Design Patterns Can Be Very Evil

"Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software", is a software engineering book which describes recurring solutions to common problems in software design. The book has been very influential to the field of software engineering and it is viewed upon as an important source for object-oriented design theory and practice. The authors are often referred to as the Gang of Four (GoF).

3y | unixsheikh
To framework or not to framework?

What level of complexity do you want to be at? Are you really thinking about and understanding what you're doing or are you just following "trends" and always using a framework?!

3y | unixsheikh
No your API isn't REST, but don't worry, it really shouldn't be!

In 2008 Roy T. Fielding expressed his frustration with people calling their HTTP-based interfaces for REST API's when in fact they aren't. Today in 2015 nothing has changed, people are still calling their HTTP-based interfaces a REST API, even though they are not. But that's not the worst part of all of this, the worst part is that no HTTP driven API should try to be REST in the first place!

3y | unixsheikh
Bummer PHP

Since the release of the PHP programming language, PHP has been both loved and hated by many. In this article we'll take a look at one of the reasons why PHP really is such "a bummer".

3y | unixsheikh
Composer and Packagist - a bad implementation!

On many websites, in a huge amount of Github projects, and in several books, like the book 'Modern PHP, New Features and Good Practices' by John Lockhart, so-called 'modern PHP' is made synonymous to using Composer and Packagist in combination with the usage of the recommendations provided by the PHP-FIG. Lots of people follow these advices almost blindly, but the reality is that this is NOT good practice from a security stand point.

3y | unixsheikh
How to split your DNS requests when using a VPN

This tutorial describes how you can split your DNS requests between a local DNS resolver and remote DNS resolvers in order to prevent a DNS leak when you use a VPN connection.

3y | unixsheikh

