"Ruské ministerstvo zahraničí vyzývá NATO a EU, aby přestaly dodávat zbraně na Ukrajině. Protiletadlový systém Stinger totiž může skončit v rukou teroristů."
Neznamena to v preklade, ze keby sa Stinger doda, tak ruske letectvo utrpi vyrazne straty? Tieto vety mozu naozaj platit len na rusov ...
"Podle časopisu Aviation Week mají ruské aerolinky tři čtvrtiny svých strojů v pronájmu, přičemž polovinu z nich od evropských společností, které často mají sídlo v Irsku. Nově uvalené sankce podle evropských činitelů umožňují těmto firmám, aby stroje zabavily a stáhly zpět do EU."
"Ruská federální agentura pro leteckou dopravu Rosaviacija dnes doporučila všem ruským leteckým společnostem, které si pronajímají stroje od zahraničních firem, aby od neděle pozastavily lety mimo Rusko a od 8
Bojoval za to, ze sa zablokovali proruske weby, ze kde je sloboda prejavu a Rusko zablokuje facebook a twitter... No, presne, kde je ta sloboda prejavu?
"Putin podle agentury TASS podepsal zákon, který zavádí trestní odpovědnost v podobě až 15 let vězení za lživé zprávy o ruské armádě."
Toto je komedia, ale ruskym dochodcom sa to nevysvetli. Kedze to bude ten hlavny mozgovy trust, ktory ho podporuje, neuveritelne, babky a dedkovia rozhoduju o nuklearnej vojne, mozne iba v Rusku. Pritom ich cely zivot iba okradal... Ale v podstate to iste ako ked bradavicoveho Fica podporuju dediny, kde ziju len stari ludia, romovia a ina elita naroda.
Takze to budu len dalsie provokacie. Bolo by dobre ho denacifikovat... nech to uz znamena cokolvek... kedze podporuje nacionalizmus proti ktoremu teraz tak Rusko bojuje.
"V Bělehradě se pochodu na podporu Ruska účastní asi 2000 lidí. Demonstranti odmítají možnost protiruských sankcí a velebí bratrství mezi Srby a Rusy."
Cize v podstate suhlasia s invaziou. Cize na Srbsko by mohlo nabehnut Taliansko a tych 2000 denacifikovat. Logika nepusti.
"Ruský cenzurní úřad Roskomnadzor se rozhodl zablokovat přístup k sociální síti Facebook v Rusku. Informují o tom zahraniční tiskové agentury."
Vsak predsa pravda je na strane Ruska, coho sa tak boja? Mozu bezplatne sirit objektivne informacie a nestaci im to...
Yandex teraz musi byt pod obrovskym tlakom...
"Moskva je ochotná jednat s Kyjevem, pokud budou splněny všechny její požadavky. Podle Kremlu to řekl Putin v rozhovoru s německým kancléřem Scholzem."
Moskva si len vymysla, ziadna dohoda nebude dobra.
Vsetci ti proruski ludia by mohli byt exportovani do Ruska, nech tam vybuduju svoju vytuzenu blahobytnu spolocnost.
"Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin prohlásil, že Rusko se bude dál rozvíjet bez ohledu na to, jak je situace těžká. Ujistil, že Rusko nemá špatné úmysly vůči sousedním státům. "
Treba sa spytat tych susedov...
Tak chce, aby sa nezvysovalo napatie sankciami a sam utoci na inu krajinu.
Toto je smutne, je uplne zrejme, ze dochodky komunistov by mali byt uplne zhabane, v lepsom pripade.
"If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from an uncontrolled deorbit and fall into the United States or…Europe? There is also the option of dropping a 500-ton structure to India and China. Do you want to threaten them with such a prospect? The ISS does not fly over Russia, so all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them?"
ISS by mala byt aktivna do roku 2028. Kludne nech spadne, zaujimave bude poz
Vojaci mu tam zomru a on sa na 3 sekundy postavi a posle rodine odmenu 100 dolarov. Nech je cim viac rodin odmenenych..
"Podle Putina jsou Ukrajinci a Rusové jeden národ. Řekl, že ruští vojáci se snaží nepřipustit oběti mezi ukrajinským civilním obyvatelstvem a poskytují mu „humanitární koridory“, aby mohlo uprchnout."
Ano, vidiet tu radost...
"Dva ruští poslanci předložili návrh zákona, podle nějž by museli všichni zatčení z protiválečných demonstrací narukovat do ruské armády a bojovat na Donbase. Jedním z navrhovatelů je poslanec Andrej Lugovoj, který je podezřelý z vraždy Alexandra Litviněnka radioaktivním poloniem. "
V prvej linii by mala byt cela ruska duma, plejada zbytocnosti..
"Ruská speciální vojenská operace na Ukrajině se rozvíjí přesně v souladu s harmonogramem a podle plánu, uvedl podle TASS ruský prezident Putin."
Najlepsie mu nedavat priestor, najlepsie vyzbrojit Ukrajinu, cim sa da, nech sa ubrani... a mala vec nech si tam krici do steny..
"Mluvčí ruského ministerstva zahraničí Marija Zacharovová se dnes opřela do britské veřejnoprávní BBC, která má i ruskojazyčnou službu. Podle agentury Reuters mluvčí sdělila, že „BBC je používána k podkopání vnitřní politické situace v Rusku“."
Fakt sa neda tomu Rusku rozumiet, vsak ked je to tam tak dokonale, ako moze niekto z vonka nieco podkopavat?
"USA a jejich spojenci se snaží o ekonomickou blokádu Ruska, protože nemají odvahu čelit mu přímo, uvedl podle TASS šéf ruské civilní rozvědky SVR."
Ano, je to pravda, radsej nech to pomre bez nejakeho vonkajsieho zasahu ...
"Putin je velmi odhodlaný; jeho cílem je ovládnout Ukrajinu a to nejhorší nás teprve čeká, varuje Paříž po telefonátu Macrona s Putinem."
Odpustat by sa nemalo, ohrozuju vsetkych, mohlo by sa nejakym sposobom eliminovat hornych par sto tisic rusov... bol by pokoj, aj tak je to len skorumpovane zbytocne zoskupenie ludi...
"Ruský prezident Vladimír Putin ve čtvrtek svému francouzskému protějšku Emmanuelu Macronovi řekl, že cíle ruské operace na Ukrajině – její demilitarizace a neutrální status – bude dosaženo v každém případě. Dále sdělil, že jakékoli pokusy Kyjeva o zdržování vyjednávání povedou k nárůstu dalších požadavků."
A ako to chce dosiahnut? Vsak na Ukrajine si vybije pravdepodobne kompletne vsetky armadne zdroje... Navyse to nejako udrzat, aby boli ludia spokojni...
Na konci dna bude utekat pred "v
"Moskva je přesvědčena, že jedná správně v konfrontaci se Západem, řekl to ruské státní televizi ministr Sergej Lavrov."
Ano, jedine Moskva...
"Ruský ministr zahraničí Sergej Lavrov ve čtvrtek v ruské státní televizi řekl, že věří, že se někteří zahraniční vůdci připravují na válku proti Rusku."
Rusko zautoci, tvari sa, ze ok a ostatni maju cakat akoze na co? Ja neviem ci ti rusi v Rusku su naozaj nejako osprosteni lokalnymi novinami, tv, spravami... Vsak to je na urovni Lukasenka...
Navyse ak je pravda toto: "Ruští okupanti používají k přepravě munice zdravotnická vozidla." https://t.co/nnVJCsZK9B
Tak je to vsetko tak pri
"Ruský ministr zahraničí Sergej Lavrov ve středu řekl, že pokud by došlo ke třetí světové válce, zahrnovalo by to jaderné zbraně, a bylo by to destruktivní. Informovala o tom agentura RIA."
Ak su tie ich rakety pripravene tak ako armada, tak je to v klude...
"Ruský ministr zahraničí Sergej Lavrov se podle své mluvčí nemá jak dostat do Ženevy na 49. zasedání Rady OSN pro lidská práva, protože evropské země uzavřely vzdušný prostor pro ruská letadla. Uvedla to agentura TASS. Lavrov má na jednání vystoupit v úterý, očekává se, že se vyjádří k obviněním z represí domácích aktivistů Moskvou a k situaci na Ukrajině."
Vsetko co by povedal, by bolo aj tak zbytocne, skoda kysliku a casu, nech si tam s Putinom odpocitavaju posledne dni...
"President Zelenskyj tvrdí, že hovor s běloruským prezidentem Lukašenkem byl velmi podstatný. Lukašenko ho prý ujistil, že vojenské jednotky nenapadlou Ukrajinu z Běloruska."
a par minut na to
"Poradce ukrajinského ministra vnitra oznámil, že rakety Iskander, které byly vypáleny z Běloruska zasáhly letiště ve městě Žitomir."
Proste od prirody zbytocny clovek:
"Putin nařídil vojenskému velení, aby drželo jaderné zbraně ve stavu nejvyšší pohotovosti kvůli reakcím zemí NATO. "
A teraz si akoze mysli, ze sa vsetci zlaknu? Zacat eliminovat tieto 150cm blbosti a ich podporovatelov.
Tychto dochodcov proste chytit, prefackat a hodit do vazenia...
Teraz je krasne vidiet, ze aj v investiciach do armady to bolo iba rozkradanie a kupovanie nejakych 30-40 rokov starych stihaciek, v podstate "pro forma"...
Fico, Danko tym v podstate ohrozili stat, ze bojaschopna je iba 1 stihacka a ruski mechanici v podstate "konaju svoju pracu uplne skvele"... z pohladu Moskvy...
Preco nikto neriesi tieto ich rozhodnutia? Ohrozili vsetkych, nech ich do tych stihaciek posadia
git could have ability to reset all local values to remote, including tag, branch removal..
is there something like this?
Just wondering how to separate good/bad companies, good/bad users, good/bad anything and no way seems to be reliable...
maybe most important factors could be:
- user rating
- user comment
- user mood
- locality
... but still, not reliable
Interesting to see, that relatively large company can drop 23% of its value... from minute to minute
...is when 2 people talking about "thing", one of them is not able to create anything on its own and second is creating educative courses about "thing", but in reality neither is able do it in real world.
interesting number game on one of website:
About 22,200 results (0.15 seconds) 02.02.2022
There could be several add_header directives. These directives are inherited from the previous level if and only if there are no add_header directives defined on the current level.
Synopsee extending with messages. People can now communicate with each other about future cooperation.
Package to check unused packages
sudo -u www-data php -d memory_limit=-1 composer-unused.phar -vvv
to access "root level" variables in golang templates
{{ range .items }}
{{ .variable }}
{{ $.variable }}
{{ end }}
one of worst feelings is if you feel like your head is going to blow away... and ibalgin is not helping ... 🤕
It would be interesting to have mini drone (3x3cm), not noisy with follow me feature to record your sport activities. It will be sufficient, for amateur purposes, with battery life up to two hours.
Is there something for reasonable price?
I found only "f11 drone 4k", but it is too large and too noicy, low battery etc...

Interesting behaviour.
After each restart of android device, there is a crash with this plugin: https://pub.dev/packages/geolocator
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver rekab.app.background_locator.BootBroadcastReceiver: java.lang.NullPointerException:
Workaround is turn off this:
<receiver android:name="rekab.app.background_locator.BootBroadcastReceiver"
<action android:n
Interesting and very useful:
To prevent animation between routes, call route with:
PageRouteBuilder(pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => ProfileRoute()),
PSALM si cool, useful project. It will be nice if PSALM could be extended:
a) to have nice output of code analysis - number of errors, warning, notices with option to export to json, xml.
quick workaround is:
cat psalm_output.json | python3.8 -m json.tool | grep "severity" | wc -l
or something similar...
b) with better memory management - with few ten of files it takes around 600MB which is too much.
workaround is to analyze directory by directory
[Error] InnoDB: Clustered record for sec rec not found InnoDB: sec index record PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
One of those errors which cause several hours of searching for reason and table repairing.
The solution could be: alter table table_name engine=innodb;
on every table with corrupted index
Is possible to manually run log4j2 in elasticsearch?
(want to test new configuration, restarting elasticsearch service does not seem to work)
It seems all stocks are all time high. Will be the year 2022 year of 40%-60% price correction?
And I don't mean the charismatic and messianic type when I say the best. I mean the one who have a substantial record of accomplishments and his vision is being proved right. For me that one now is Jensen Huang from Nvidia. When I say the one who should go away, he can have the best record, but he no longer fits in the company or has underperformed substantially recently. I will be controversial and say that one is Warren Edward Buffet from Berkshire. submitted by /u/digitalwri
With the fourth quarter ending December 31, just wonder if Walmart had a great final push for Christmas. Every year on Christmas Eve I go to a local Walmart superstore and watch the chaos that occurs at 5:30 PM as the store gets ready to close at 6 PM. I am sure it will be just as crazy as ever Friday evening. Do you think they had a good fourth quarter that will push the share price from $140 up to $150? submitted by /u/KCGuy59 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/st
As a lot of you know, $BZUN & $BABA took a large, rapid hit recently (mostly due to reasons unrelated to company performance). I'm currently -60% on $BZUN (don't have any shares of $BABA) and unsure what I should do. Pull out now or wait until it recovers? While I'm confident $BABA will recover, I'm not so sure about $BZUN. When it crashed -20%, I told myself this is only temporary and will recover soon, but now here I am at -60% and am worried about it continuing to drop.
Can i invest like 10 dollars into It or do I have to buy the full stock? Do I need to be in a retirement account or can I just buy in a regular account? I'm new to investing and don't know how to buy s&p 500 submitted by /u/Purple-Advisor-9017 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rndlvj/how_do_invest_into_the_sp_500/
I know there is no crystal ball and no one knows what tomorrow brings. I have been investing for almost twenty years and have gone through a couple cycles. At the same time I built a decent portfolio. However, if I could double it twice, once every 5 years I could retire early and very comfortably. Considering that I would like to hear which stocks do you think have a chance to double? submitted by /u/facewithoutfacebook [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/com

Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. is planning to distribute more than $16 billion worth of shares in JD.com Inc. to its shareholders, which will result in it no longer being the Chinese e-commerce firm’s biggest shareholder. From March on, Tencent will give out around 457 million Class A shares in JD.com as a special interim dividend, representing about 86.4% of its total stake and 14.7% of the online retailer’s total issued shares, according to a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Thu
I noticed the VXUS dividend that was paid out today was 3.13% yield, or $0.9412 per share. This is larger than previous dividend payouts, which I don't love because it's in a taxable account and I have a sizable amount. I also noticed that with VTI today, that the expected dividend on the 30th will be higher than previous payouts this year for the fund's dividend yield / amount per share. Anyone know why dividends for these funds are higher now than they were—what determines that? T
There are two schools of thought on this: Intel stock goes up because TSM's production is cut off, therefore greatly hampering fabless chip companies like AMD or NVDA. Intel stock goes down, because while Intel has American fabs, a lot of the components and packaging are still done in Asia so a war in that region will still lock down Intel's production. Plus TSM makes chips for Intel as well. For purpose of this hypothetical, assume that the war is contained to just between China and T
I am currently looking for people who follow trade algorithms, and trade signals and was wondering who people found useful? Currently I am following EagleEyeAlgo and TickSingals but was wondering if people like anyone else? Not sure the best place to look or find these people. submitted by /u/MaverickCarter [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rnalab/favorite_trade_signal_analysts_to_follow/
Just like the title states, in late 2017 I purchased shares in Spark Therapeutics (ONCE) because they had an FDA approval for an eye disease treatment. I checked their ticker and noticed the market was slow to react, so I jumped on and dropped some money on it. Eventually, the market reacted and their stock shot up. It kept going up and I just left it alone. Then fast forward, I kinda lost track of them, life got busy, and didn't really check my portfolio as regularly. Now, looking at my por
I read that some dividends may be exempted if they are paid by foreign companies or short term capital gain dividends. Could anyone help to give some examples? Especially on capital gain dividend, as all dividends are gains so I have no idea what that means. submitted by /u/ShortPutAndPMCC [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rmty51/are_non_us_citizens_charged_a_flat_rate_of_30_for/

Novavax Inc. NVAX -4.07% said its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine demonstrated “strong immune responses” against the Omicron variant and other variants of the coronavirus, citing initial data. Still, the company said neutralization against the Omicron variant was “4-fold lower” than it was against the original strain of the virus, suggesting that a booster shot or a new Omicron-specific vaccine would be beneficial. A third shot six months after the first two doses indicated an increase in antibodies t
There is almost no buy volume and I’ve been struggling to dump these at market order for 3 weeks. Is it legal to post them on a specific exchange and have a friend buy them for $0.01, and then venmo that friend? submitted by /u/Spkeddie [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn7z0j/i_want_to_realize_a_loss_on_worthless_calls/
Hello, Disclaimer (I own shares in both $KO (75 shares at 57.45) and $VZ (100 shares at 52.13) ) I just wanted to open a small discussion about Coka Cola ($KO) and Verizon($VZ) within the community, since I believe both these stocks are a great buy, and there is a lot of upside potential within both of these companies, because of their past histories, their dividend payments, acquisitions from KO, and etc. What are your thoughts on these two companies? All discussion is welcome submitted
I am curious how all of you choose which investments to put in each type of investment account? I am relatively new to investing and my philosophy would be to use pre-tax (traditional) and taxable accounts for ETFs (like VTI and VXUS), then use a Roth IRA for riskier investments to ideally make the most of the capital gains tax benefit. However, because of the low maximum amount that can be contributed to IRAs each year, I could also see why others would rather park that money in ETFs as well to
I bought my brother a Bull and Bear statue for Christmas since he has shown great interest in stocks over the past years. I’m looking to have an investing quote plated onto the bottom area of it to keep him driven and inspired but don’t know what to put. Probably cheesy but the only quote I have thought of so far is from Nelson Mandela “Either you win or you learn. You never lose.” Any ideas? submitted by /u/astralapex [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comme
For example, Domino's Pizza and Costco have PE ratios of about 41 and 47, whereas Facebook and Alphabet have PE ratios of about 24 and 28. Facebook and Alphabet have historically had higher growth and have higher growth expectations so what could be the reason behind the large difference in PE ratios? submitted by /u/darealgeezer [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rmmd1z/what_are_reasons_why_companies_with_lower_growth/
Hi all, Was just comparing these two SPACs and unable to understand why one of them is valued so much higher than the other. Clov made $400M in rev in Q3, currently valued at 1.98B. SoFi made $269M in rev in Q3, currently valued at 12.12B. Why is there such a big difference in the valuations here? Is Clov now in deep value territory? submitted by /u/Test-Ing2K [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn100c/clov_vs_sofi_better_buy_avoid_both/

Novavax Inc. shares gained in the extended session Wednesday after the biotech drug maker said initial data showed its COVID-19 vaccine booster showed immune responses against the omicron variant. Novavax NVAX, -4.07% shares ended after-hours trading up 4.8%, after rising as much as 6% and dropping as much as 8% from their Wednesday close of $183.30. The company said data showed a two-dose regimen of its NVX-CoV2373 vaccine demonstrated “broad cross-reactivity against omicron and other circulati
I have a small Roth IRA account and a Roth 401k. I’m hoping to leave my current job this year and roll my Roth 401k into my Roth IRA. I’m trying to figure out if it’s really that bad of an idea to use my Roth IRA for riskier investments (riskier as in individual stocks instead of ETFs). Of course I’ve seen other people here on Reddit get ten baggers in their Roth accounts but I know I can’t bank on that. So, what are your opinions on using Roth IRAs for high risk investments? And if you use them
As some folks have pointed out, traders tend to cut their losing trades at the end of the year causing some downward/selling pressure on stocks that have underperformed for most of their buyers. What are some companys who you think will experience a significant drop in the closing days of the year? I'm going to be watching PYPL and DOCU for potential bearish trades. P.S. Hope everyone had a great investing/trading year! See you guys in the next one. submitted by /u/clear_haze
For tax purposes, are ETF shares treated the same as individual stock shares? That is, if you sell ETF shares before holding them a year, any gains are taxed as ordinary income? And if you hold them longer than a year, and then sell, gains are taxed at the long-term capital gains rate? submitted by /u/No2reddituser [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn8n5p/etf_question/

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Mosaic Company (MOS) is a fertilizer producer specializing in potash. They have seen a great run in the past year, but I don't believe it's over. US recently imposed sanctions on Belarus who is a huge exporter of potash (13 million tons/yr), projected demand in coming years is 44 million tons; tl;dr huge exporter of potash is going to be cut off China recently stopped exporting potash, and they provide a large chunk through exports Potash pric
Square financials seem to be slipping a bit, so I can see their stock reflecting that. But then PayPals financials are relatively solid, yet their stock has slid almost identically to Squares. What's happening? submitted by /u/Shivy_Shankinz [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rmk0w9/whats_happening_to_squarepaypal/
Other post got removed for low effort because I deleted some of the text from my post. So I'll put it back. Anyways, COIN being a glaring example and BA being another example to a lesser extent. I'm looking mainly for mid and large caps, but if you do have a really really great small cap that fits the bill I wouldn't mind hearing about that as well. submitted by /u/CyanGatorade [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn2a7q/what_stocks_are_cur
As the title said, BABA discovered a security flaw in Apeche Log4J and reported to the software developer (vendor). The CCP is pissed off because it wants to know about the flaw first. As the result, CCP pulled support for BABA cloud services for 6 months. The real reason: CCP wants to know about the flaw first so it can take advantage of the security hole. What a bunch of crooks. Edit: Source https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/apache-log4j-bug-china-s-industry-ministry-pulls-support-from-alib

https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/globalfoundries-announces-extension-of-amd-wafer-supply-agreement-to-guarantee-supply-301450593.html GlobalFoundries Inc. (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF), a global leader in feature-rich semiconductor manufacturing, today announced that it has agreed to amend its Wafer Supply Agreement (WSA) with AMD to increase the volume of chips GF will supply as well as extend the terms of the agreement to secure supply through 2025. The agreement also expands the breadth of the p
Today in brief S&P: 4,725.79 (+29.23) (+0.62%) Dow: 35,950.56 (+196.67) (+0.55%) Nasdaq: 15,653.37 (+131.48) (+0.85%) In time for the Holiday, the US markets cheered up with the S&P closing at a new record and shrugging off the worries that troubled in the beginning of the week. Fueled by optimism on the impeding Santa Claus rally next week the indices posted back-to-back sessions gains with most of the stocks in the green. The VIX continued to dip reflecting the market sentiment and clo
Basically I decided to finally learn about investing by having "some skin in the game." I've made some, I've lost some, I've dabbled in options, nothing too crazy. Started of course by buying calls, then dabbled in selling calls and puts, and basically I feel really comfortable selling calls. My strike price is always a decent bit above my average cost, so if it gets assigned, then oh well, I'm forced to take some profit (and paid a little premium for it!) I try to sell
Crocs footwear made what looks like a solid acquisition today and bought HEYDUDE to expand their profitable footwear line. As a result, they are down 14% to $120 a share, which is well below what they were previously trending at. Anyone else buying the dip? submitted by /u/Maxter_Blaster_69 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn2f2y/crox_buy_the_dip/
Not a huge deal since the majority of my holdings are blue chips and index funds, but I have used some of these drastic swings to pick up some TQQQ while the market was down. These swings have been crazy though, wondering if it's just my holdings or the entire market. submitted by /u/degenerus [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rn5hbo/has_this_been_the_most_bipolar_month_ever_for/
Alright people of the internet. I have a yolo question. If you had $15K to buy one stock and one stock only to buy and hold for the foreseeable future what would it be? Here are the details. I have a bit of money and am thinking of throwing it into one stock, and a fun investment. I know lots of people will answer the S&P or a total market fund etc. but I already have those. I’m looking for one stock to buy as a big bet and hold onto. So any suggestions? I would also welcome answers from tho
PsychoMarket Recap - Thursday, December 23, 2021 The stock market continued its positive momentum, with all three major indexes pushing higher for the third straight day to close out the holiday-shortened week as investors continue to digest a trove of new economic data, including a report on inflation, and the FDA approval of Pfizer (PFE) and Merck’s (MRK) coronavirus anti-viral pill. Notable Numbers Today S&P 500 (SPY): +0.61% Nasdaq (QQQ): +0.75% Dow Jones (DIA): +0.55% Russell 2000 (IW
My expectation for a strong 2022 remains in tact. There are still opportunities for big legislative bills and when the weather warms up the omicrons jitters should melt away as well. So what’s everyone buying this holiday season? I picked up some Verizon and Disney today to start submitted by /u/Didntlikedefaultname [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/rmy8fl/tis_the_season_to_keep_on_buying/
This is the daily discussion, so anything stocks related is fine, but the theme for today is on stock options, but if options aren't your thing then just ignore the theme and/or post your arguments against options here and not in the current post. Some helpful day to day links, including news: Finviz for charts, fundamentals, and aggregated news on individual stocks Bloomberg market news StreetInsider news: Market Check - Possibly why the market is doing what it's doing including sudde
Will inflation increase stock/crypto tradings in 2022?
Do you plan to invest more?
.... ~47. minute
Efficient way to remove millions of unused files from disk based on last_access attribute?
There could be a file system with automatic file expiration.