![Šumavská zvěřina má v sobě pětkrát víc rakovinotvorných látek, než připouští zákon](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/Q/r/X/y/r/sumavska-zverina-ma-v-sobe-petkrat-vic-rakovinotvornych-latek-nez-pripousti-zakon.webp)
Také jste žili v představě, jak je životní prostředí národních parků nedotčené a maso tamních zvířat zdraví prospěšné? Možná tomu tak někde je, ale v případě Národního parku Šumava nejspíš ne. http://www.osel.cz/13536-sumavska-zverina-ma-v-sobe-petkrat-vic-rakovinotvornych-latek-nez-pripousti-zakon.html
![Gigantický automatický přepravní systém propojí Tokio a Ósaku](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/E/V/8/A/v/giganticky-automaticky-prepravni-system-propoji-tokio-a-osaku.webp)
Japonsko se vylidňuje. Pokud se něco razantního nestane, v roce 2030 budou scházet lidi pro doručení 30 procent zásilek. Japonská vláda připravuje jako řešení ambiciózní projekt monstrózního dopravníkového systému o délce asi 500 km, mezi Tokiem a Ósakou. Pokud bude zprovozněn, měl by nahradit asi 25 tisíc nákladních automobilů, samozřejmě i s podstatnou částí jejich emisí. http://www.osel.cz/13535-giganticky-automaticky-prepravni-system-propoji-tokio-a-osaku.html
![Lynn Conway finally receives recognition for rocketing chip design into the future](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/p/6/N/3/9/lynn-conway-finally-receives-recognition-for-rocketing-chip-design-into-the-future.webp)
Lynn Conway may hold the record for longest delay between being unfairly fired and receiving an apology for it. In 1968, IBM — a company that now covers its logo in a rainbow flag each June for Pride Month — fired Conway when she expressed her intention to transition
![Samsung backs ‘world’s most powerful’ AI chip for edge devices](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/O/q/w/A/Z/samsung-backs-world-s-most-powerful-ai-chip-for-edge-devices.webp)
Eindhoven-based startup Axelera has raised $68mn as it looks to take its AI chip business global. One of the lead investors is Samsung Catalyst, the venture arm of semiconductor giant Samsung Electronics. Axelera is developing chips, known a
![How big could an Apple AI services business be?](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/w/y/6/a/w/how-big-could-an-apple-ai-services-business-be.webp)
Apple investors breathed a sigh of relief on June 10th when the company’s CEO, Tim Cook, and his deputies held a two-hour presentation about their intention to bring artificial intelligence to the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Apple had been seriously lagging the giants of AI, Microsoft, and Alphabet’s Google, but they managed to turn things around sharply with a vision for
![Why AI can’t replace science](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/n/6/p/n/M/why-ai-can-t-replace-science.webp)
The scientific revolution has increased our understanding of the world immensely and improved our lives immeasurably. Now, many argue that science as we know it could be rendered passé by artificial intelligence. Way back in 2008, in an article titled, “The End of Theory: The data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete,” Chris Anderson, the then-editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, argued that,
<blockquote class="wp-bl
![We’re sending way too many emails—and it’s hurting the planet](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/M/r/a/V/6/we-re-sending-way-too-many-emails-and-it-s-hurting-the-planet.webp)
When I first paid for Google One’s storage upgrade in March 2019, I never imagined I’d actually hit the limit of that new tier. The upgrade increases the available storage across your Google account from 15GB to 100GB; at the time, my Gmail accounted for just 14.5GB.
The idea that I’d add tens more gigabytes of digital detritus to my Google account and would ever have
![This Netflix series creator wants to own every movie—on VHS](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/4/w/X/G/5/this-netflix-series-creator-wants-to-own-every-movie-on-vhs.webp)
Shea Serrano has a TV series currently on Netflix. He also owns 861 VHS tapes.
The cocreator of Reggaeton-flavored streaming series, Neon, and Freevee’s family sitcom, Primo, has a respectable collection of DVDs, Blu-Rays, and 4K steelbooks as well, but his heart resides inside his massive VHS stash. Those other formats are excellent at capturing, for posterity, modern movies best viewed in the highest quality possible. They
![44 Pinterest Statistics And Facts For 2024 via @sejournal, @annabellenyst](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/N/O/5/q/r/44-pinterest-statistics-and-facts-for-2024-via-atsejournal-atannabellenyst.webp)
Explore the power of Pinterest: Discover the latest facts and statistics about this unique social platform and its advertising potential.
The post 44 Pinterest Statistics And Facts For 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![What Is Bounce Rate & How To Audit It via @sejournal, @vahandev](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/j/B/M/N/L/what-is-bounce-rate-how-to-audit-it-via-atsejournal-atvahandev.webp)
Gain a clear understanding of what bounce rate really means and how to interpret it using Google Analytics 4.
The post What Is Bounce Rate & How To Audit It appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Does your service business need AI? Here are 4 rules to help you decide](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/d/w/9/Z/j/does-your-service-business-need-ai-here-are-4-rules-to-help-you-decide.webp)
Artificial intelligence is the big thing right now, with industries from finance to health care to retail scrambling to adopt AI or risk being left behind. But speaking as professors of business, we think some companies might be jumping the gun. Our recent rese
![Forget all the cables: you only need 3 charging gadgets for travel](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/Z/3/d/Y/Z/forget-all-the-cables-you-only-need-3-charging-gadgets-for-travel.webp)
I’m leaving for a trip tomorrow. It should be a joyous, exciting occasion. Unfortunately, I have terrible—nay, debilitating—battery anxiety when traveling.
Yes, phones last all day on a charge now. Usually. But what if mine doesn’t? What if one of my kids doesn’t properly shut down a tablet and leaves the screen on for a couple hours in a backpack?! What if the charger in my airplane seat isn’t working?!! All corner cases, to be sure, but still I fret.
However, I do have
![How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/z/7/P/W/w/how-to-build-open-source-apps-in-a-highly-regulated-industry.webp)
Today we chat with Reshma Khilnani, co-founder and CEO of Medplum, an open-source platform enabling companies to build healthcare applications like EHRs and patient portals. She discusses how to iterate rapidly in an industry where SOC2 compliance is just the beginning (one of the compliance tests is named after Dante’s epic poem depicting the nine circles of hell, if that gives you an idea). https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/06/28/reshma-khilnani-medplum-open-source-highly-regulated/
![#435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/K/q/R/p/O/435-andrew-huberman-focus-controversy-politics-and-relationships.webp)
Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
- Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off
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- NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour
- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10%
![This AI lobbyist group is running ads during the debate urging leaders to ‘protect America’s AI edge’](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/a/a/N/P/M/this-ai-lobbyist-group-is-running-ads-during-the-debate-urging-leaders-to-protect-america-s-ai-edge.webp)
While the economy, legal matters, and questions of competency are likely to be the main points of contention between the candidates in Thursday’s presidential debate, one lobbyist group is hoping to steer people’s focus to artificial intelligence.
The American Edge Project (AEP), an industry front group, will air
![Data centres in space could be one solution to AI’s big energy problem](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/G/w/v/l/q/data-centres-in-space-could-be-one-solution-to-ai-s-big-energy-problem.webp)
As AI boosts demand for more data storage, Europe is considering sending data centres into space — and the plan is not as outlandish as it may first appear. A 16-month, €2 million study has concluded that space-based data centres are technically, econ
![Silo and Mistral join forces in yet another European AI team-up](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/0/B/X/2/J/silo-and-mistral-join-forces-in-yet-another-european-ai-team-up.webp)
If you follow European AI news, you may have read that Finland’s Silo AI and Germany’s Aleph Alpha recently established a partnership to deliver “sovereign AI.” It would seem whoever is responsible for partnerships at Silo is keeping busy, as th
![Google Reveals Its Methods For Measuring Search Quality via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/O/q/w/j/m/google-reveals-its-methods-for-measuring-search-quality-via-atsejournal-atmattgsouthern.webp)
Google measures search results using surveys, experts, and user behavior. Improving quality leads to trickier searches and ongoing challenges.
The post Google Reveals Its Methods For Measuring Search Quality appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Google Completes June 2024 Spam Update Rollout via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/n/6/p/R/5/google-completes-june-2024-spam-update-rollout-via-atsejournal-atmattgsouthern.webp)
Google completed the June 2024 spam update, targeting policy-violating websites. As search quality improves, search rankings may fluctuate.
The post Google Completes June 2024 Spam Update Rollout appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Tyranosauři byli přece jen rychlými běžci](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/A/r/A/Y/8/tyranosauri-byli-prece-jen-rychlymi-bezci.webp)
…aneb Co nám o atletických dovednostech „krále“ teropodů prozradila nová studie http://www.osel.cz/13533-tyranosauri-byli-prece-jen-rychlymi-bezci.html
![Kvantová mechanika odmítá stvoření černých děr zhroucením samotného záření](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/q/6/Z/9/x/kvantova-mechanika-odmita-stvoreni-cernych-der-zhroucenim-samotneho-zareni.webp)
Mnozí vědci nejspíš uroní slzu. Nový výzkum pohřbívá exotický koncept „kugelblitzu,“ čili fantaskní černé díry, která měla vznikat nikoliv zhroucením hmoty, ale elektromagnetického záření. Teoretičtí fyzici zjistili, že kvůli kvantovým jevům a virtuálním částicím dojde k vypařování houstnoucího záření mnohem dřív, než by se mohlo zhroutit do nicoty. Hlavu vzhůru, jede se dál. http://www.osel.cz/13534-kvantova-mechanika-odmita-stvoreni-cernych-der-zhroucenim-samotneho-zareni.html
![Can AI cure the corruption and biases that plague boxing?](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/g/o/N/j/p/can-ai-cure-the-corruption-and-biases-that-plague-boxing.webp)
Boxing is a whimsically old-fashioned sport. Feuds are settled in fights, traditions are revered, and ageing faces run the show. Fifty years since their heydays promoting Muhammad Ali, the 92-year-olds Don King and Bob Arum remain leading powerbrokers. They wor
![Silicon Valley’s AI-controlled hot rock batteries are coming to Europe](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/5/p/8/9/B/silicon-valley-s-ai-controlled-hot-rock-batteries-are-coming-to-europe.webp)
A Silicon Valley startup is developing a hot rock battery that could be the next big thing in energy storage — and it’s coming to Europe. The giant brick toaster is the brainchild of San Francisco-based Rondo Energy. The startup believes it could
![Europe is pouring public funds into quantum tech startups, report says](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/Q/r/X/q/w/europe-is-pouring-public-funds-into-quantum-tech-startups-report-says.webp)
A report published today by McKinsey on the state of the global quantum tech sector has found that Europe is spending more and more in public funding on technologies such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum co
![A big privacy law is moving through Congress. So why do privacy hawks hate it?](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/G/w/v/b/6/a-big-privacy-law-is-moving-through-congress-so-why-do-privacy-hawks-hate-it.webp)
Privacy legislation is the white whale of American politics, at once obsessively sought after, and frustratingly out of reach. A bipartisan, bicameral bill called the American Privacy Rights Act, which is being considered by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday, promised to change that. The bill would give people the ability to access and delete data collected on them, limit the amount of data that can be collected on people in the first place, and include new requirements for
![This tech startup is putting drones in soldiers’ backpacks](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/0/B/X/K/o/this-tech-startup-is-putting-drones-in-soldiers-backpacks.webp)
Matt Higgins was at ground zero within hours of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Higgins, who was at the time working as Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s press secretary, saw the rubble—and the rebuilding—firsthand.
Twenty-three years later, Higgins gets that same feeling of unease when he looks at the
![Box removes its enterprise AI query limits and announces new GPT-4o-powered feature](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/L/5/b/P/N/box-removes-its-enterprise-ai-query-limits-and-announces-new-gpt-4o-powered-feature.webp)
Box removes its enterprise AI query limits and announces new GPT-4o-powered feature
Box announced today it is removing limits to the number of AI queries its Enterprise Plus users can perform. The content cloud company also said it’ll soon offer enterprises the ability to use AI to search through the images and spreadsheets they store in the cloud.
Box’s AI services are built atop OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 generative AI models, which Box accesses via a
![The AI industry is working hard to ‘ground’ enterprise AI in fact](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/o/6/M/8/V/the-ai-industry-is-working-hard-to-ground-enterprise-ai-in-fact.webp)
Welcome to AI Decoded, Fast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.
The AI industry assures corporate America it’ll “ground” AI models in reality
Consumer generative A
![Muscle Building Science for Massive Gains: Chest & Triceps Routine Explained! | That's Good Money](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/r/6/0/w/v/muscle-building-science-for-massive-gains-chest-triceps-routine-explained-that-s-good-money.webp)
![Explaining generative language models to (almost) anyone](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/p/6/N/w/6/explaining-generative-language-models-to-almost-anyone.webp)
Here’s a simple, three-part framework that explains generative language models. https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/06/27/explaining-generative-language-models-to-almost-anyone/
![EU awards €1B and 8 million supercomputing hours to 4 AI startups](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/K/q/R/b/j/eu-awards-1b-and-8-million-supercomputing-hours-to-4-ai-startups.webp)
The EU’s supercomputer alliance yesterday announced the winners of its AI startup competition. Four companies will split €1bn — and precious uptime on world-class high-performance computer systems to train their models. Training and running AI requires massive amounts of
![‘Sleeping on it’ really does help: 4 recent sleep research and tech breakthroughs](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/Y/r/P/d/Y/sleeping-on-it-really-does-help-4-recent-sleep-research-and-tech-breakthroughs.webp)
Twenty-six years. That is roughly how much of our lives are spent asleep. Scientists have been trying to explain why we spend so much time sleeping since at least the ancient Greeks, but pinning down the exact functions of sleep has proven to be difficult. Duri
![EU awards €1M and 8 million supercomputing hours to 4 AI startups](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/y/Y/N/0/0/eu-awards-1m-and-8-million-supercomputing-hours-to-4-ai-startups.webp)
The EU’s supercomputer alliance yesterday announced the winners of its AI startup competition. Four companies will split €1mn — and precious uptime on world-class high-performance computer systems to train their models. Training and running AI requires massive amounts of
![WordPress Plugins Compromised At The Source via @sejournal, @martinibuster](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/v/v/r/5/y/wordpress-plugins-compromised-at-the-source-via-atsejournal-atmartinibuster.webp)
Hackers are exploiting WordPress plugins at the source, enabling them to infect every site using the compromised plugins
The post WordPress Plugins Compromised At The Source appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Which Metrics Matter In PPC? via @sejournal, @navahf](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/3/W/l/n/P/which-metrics-matter-in-ppc-via-atsejournal-atnavahf.webp)
Stay ahead in the world of PPC advertising by understanding the metrics that matter. Discover which metrics to track for better campaign performance and ROI.
The post Which Metrics Matter In PPC? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![SEO Cost Calculator: How Much Should You Budget For SEO Services? via @sejournal, @ChuckPrice518](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/R/r/X/Z/n/seo-cost-calculator-how-much-should-you-budget-for-seo-services-via-atsejournal-atchuckprice518.webp)
Discover the importance of budgeting for SEO services. Find out how to calculate and plan your SEO budget effectively for optimal online presence and growth.
The post SEO Cost Calculator: How Much Should You Budget For SEO Services? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![TNW Podcast: Live from TNW 2024! Maria Amelie on fact-checking with AI; post-quantum cryptography](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/w/y/6/K/v/tnw-podcast-live-from-tnw-2024-maria-amelie-on-fact-checking-with-ai-post-quantum-cryptography.webp)
Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry. In today’s episode — recorded with live
![Supercritical launches world’s first live pricing and availability for biochar carbon removal](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/l/6/m/2/R/supercritical-launches-world-s-first-live-pricing-and-availability-for-biochar-carbon-removal.webp)
Carbon removal platform Supercritical today announced the launch of its live pricing and availability function for global biochar projects in support of the transparency of the budding carbon removal market. Most have heard of carbo
![Online violence against women is soaring, a new report finds](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/9/K/8/2/Q/online-violence-against-women-is-soaring-a-new-report-finds.webp)
Globally, one in three women—or 736 million people—have experienced violence of some sort, whether from an intimate partner, sexual assault, or both. Much of that offline violence is linked to online habits, according to a new report from Dutch NGO Rutgers, which was launched today at the Human Rights Council in Genev
![AI dataset licensing companies form group to promote ‘ethical data sourcing’](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/6/3/x/m/6/ai-dataset-licensing-companies-form-group-to-promote-ethical-data-sourcing.webp)
Seven content-licensing sellers of music, image, video, and other datasets for use in training artificial intelligence systems have formed the sector’s first trade group, they said on Wednesday.
The Dataset Providers Alliance (DPA) will advocate for “ethical data sourcing” in the training of AI systems, including rights for people depicted in datasets, and the protection of content owners’ intellectual property rights, the companies said in a statement.
![Google Ads Revamps Query Matching: What You Need to Know via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/5/p/8/Z/M/google-ads-revamps-query-matching-what-you-need-to-know-via-atsejournal-atmattgsouthern.webp)
Google Ads revamps query matching, adding misspelling tools and brand controls to boost campaign efficiency.
The post Google Ads Revamps Query Matching: What You Need to Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![The 8 Best PPC Ad Networks via @sejournal, @LisaRocksSEM](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/g/o/N/x/n/the-8-best-ppc-ad-networks-via-atsejournal-atlisarockssem.webp)
Choosing the right PPC ad network is crucial for successful advertising campaigns. Discover the top networks and what sets them apart.
The post The 8 Best PPC Ad Networks appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Google: “Our Ranking Systems Aren’t Perfect” via @sejournal, @martinibuster](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/Q/r/X/0/A/google-our-ranking-systems-aren-t-perfect-via-atsejournal-atmartinibuster.webp)
Google's SearchLiaison acknowledged flaws in current search ranking systems and explained steps they are taking to improve search results
The post Google: “Our Ranking Systems Aren’t Perfect” appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Skelné gely jsou extrémně pevné, ačkoliv obsahují přes 50 procent kapaliny](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/E/V/8/M/Q/skelne-gely-jsou-extremne-pevne-ackoliv-obsahuji-pres-50-procent-kapaliny.webp)
Skelné polymery jsou velmi pevné a tuhé, ale zároveň také křehké. Oproti tomu gely obsahují velký podíl kapaliny, díky které jsou měkké a pružné, ale mnoho nevydrží. Nové skelné gely v sobě spojují přednosti obou těchto materiálů. Vlastně mají tolik podivuhodných vlastností, že jejich tvůrci nepochybují o úspěchu. http://www.osel.cz/13531-skelne-gely-jsou-extremne-pevne-ackoliv-obsahuji-pres-50-procent-kapaliny.html
![Webbův teleskop potvrdil kalibraci vzdáleností pomocí cefeid z Hubblova teleskopu](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/B/q/A/M/b/webbuv-teleskop-potvrdil-kalibraci-vzdalenosti-pomoci-cefeid-z-hubblova-teleskopu.webp)
Proměnné hvězdy cefeidy jsou klíčové pro určování vzdálenosti galaxií. Z jejich pomocí se realizuje určení absolutní svítivosti supernov Ia typu, které se využívají pro určování kosmologických vzdáleností až po hranice našeho pozorovaného vesmíru. Je tak velmi důležité, že Webbův teleskop potvrdil určení vzdálenosti nejvzdálenějších galaxií, kde pozoroval Hubblův teleskop cefeidy. http://www.osel.cz/13532-webbuv-teleskop-potvrdil-kalibraci-vzdalenosti-pomoci-cefeid-z-hubblova-teleskopu.html
![Opera unveils new version of its flagship AI browser](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/K/q/R/o/z/opera-unveils-new-version-of-its-flagship-ai-browser.webp)
Opera is unveiling today the new version of its flagship AI-centric browser, Opera One, which first launched in 2023. With Opera One, the Norwegian company became one of the early adopters of generative AI applications in web browsing. Its native chatbot, Ari
![Floodbase is using space data to improve flood insurance](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/P/d/X/n/E/floodbase-is-using-space-data-to-improve-flood-insurance.webp)
Amid climate change and rising waters, Floodbase is seeking to use space data to streamline the flood insurance process, reducing the load for insurers and getting money into people’s hands for damages more quickly.
Origin story
Floodbase cofounders Beth Tellman and Bessie Schwarz met while pursuing a master’s degree at Yale around the same time as Hurricane Sandy doused the East Coast, leading to record flooding.
![The Supreme Court sides with Biden administration in social media ‘jawboning’ case](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/l/6/m/q/z/the-supreme-court-sides-with-biden-administration-in-social-media-jawboning-case.webp)
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden administration Wednesday in a case concerning whether the government’s efforts to pressure tech platforms to moderate users’ content—a practice often called “jawboning”—violated the First Amendment.
In the 6-3 majority opinion, Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote that th
![Figma’s new Slides app focuses on design, fun, and (oh, yeah!) AI](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/2/o/8/b/W/figma-s-new-slides-app-focuses-on-design-fun-and-oh-yeah-ai.webp)
In a sense, Figma has been in the presentation software business for years—just not on purpose.
The company’s namesake product is a web-based design platform optimized for prototyping user interfaces, not assembling and conducting slideshows. Nonetheless, plenty of users commandeered it for that purpose. In just the past 12 months, users have created 3.5 million slide files, the company says.
![Porsche’s EV ambitions threatened by Taycan recall](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/9/K/8/Z/0/porsche-s-ev-ambitions-threatened-by-taycan-recall.webp)
The Taycan, Porsche’s first electric vehicle, hit the market in 2019. Now, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is recalling over 31,000 Taycans, dating back to the car’s premiere date. The issue focuses on the vehicle’s front brakes, which for about 5% of Porsche Taycan drivers are at risk of losing all functionality.
What is the reason for the recall?
The NHTSA determined
![DoorDash was interested in taking over U.K.’s Deliveroo](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/a/a/N/d/w/doordash-was-interested-in-taking-over-u-k-s-deliveroo.webp)
![Google Announces New GA4 Features As Universal Analytics Sunset Nears via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/7/v/r/2/9/google-announces-new-ga4-features-as-universal-analytics-sunset-nears-via-atsejournal-atmattgsouthern.webp)
Google enhances Analytics 4 with AI insights, cross-channel reporting, and budgeting tools as Universal Analytics shutdown nears.
The post Google Announces New GA4 Features As Universal Analytics Sunset Nears appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Helsinki startup raises €4M for smart bed legs to outsmart bed bugs](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/O/q/w/Q/R/helsinki-startup-raises-4m-for-smart-bed-legs-to-outsmart-bed-bugs.webp)
Helsinki-based Valpas has raised €4mn in a seed round to tackle a crawling menace: bed bugs. The bed bug outbreak in Paris last year spread apocalyptic vibes across the hotel industry and beyond. Containing the pest infestation proved and remains a challengin
![Swedish digital pet care startup raises €20M to expand in US](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/R/r/X/N/9/swedish-digital-pet-care-startup-raises-20m-to-expand-in-us.webp)
Swedish pet telehealth startup FirstVet has secured €20mn to grow its operations and expand its remote veterinary care services in North America. The platform offers immediate video consultations and wants to be “the first natural point of
![How To Develop Great Data Studies – The 5R2 Roadmap To Great Data Story via @sejournal, @InsightNarrator](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/x/K/r/5/v/how-to-develop-great-data-studies-the-5r2-roadmap-to-great-data-story-via-atsejournal-atinsightnarrator.webp)
Create compelling data stories with the 5R2 roadmap. Learn practical steps to develop great data studies for marketing.
The post How To Develop Great Data Studies – The 5R2 Roadmap To Great Data Story appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![200 Push ups and 200 Squats in 10 Minutes Challenge - Mike | That's Good Money](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/J/B/Y/d/2/200-push-ups-and-200-squats-in-10-minutes-challenge-mike-that-s-good-money.webp)
![Mamutí motor Wärtsilä se stal kolosálním generátorem čisté energie](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/W/r/X/N/P/mamuti-motor-waertsilae-se-stal-kolosalnim-generatorem-ciste-energie.webp)
Námořní motor Wärtsilä 31, jeden z největších na světě, který doposud poháněl masivní tankery či kontejnerové lodě, podle všeho neskončí jako neptačí dinosauři. Wärtsilä vyvinuli varianty 31SG-H2 a 31H2, které mohou jako generátory buď částečně nebo výhradně spalovat vodík a v ideálním případě nabídnou energii bez emisí uhlíku. Na trhu se objeví v roce 2026. http://www.osel.cz/13530-mamuti-motor-w-rtsil-se-stal-kolosalnim-generatorem-ciste-energie.html
![How Slutty Vegan owner Pinky Cole is paying it forward](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/l/6/m/V/W/how-slutty-vegan-owner-pinky-cole-is-paying-it-forward.webp)
While many plant-based foods brands have struggled recently, Pinky Cole’s fast food chain Slutty Vegan keeps growing, with new restaurants opening across the U.S. Pinky explains how she’s scaling the brand despite lawsuits, social media attacks and a flurry of vegan restaurant competitors closing. Pinky also shares the story behind her recent keynote at Savannah State University, where she gifted the HBCU grads almost $9 million in entrepreneurial tools and training.
![Google Debunks SEO Myth: Branded Keywords Won’t Hurt Rankings via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/P/d/X/8/4/google-debunks-seo-myth-branded-keywords-won-t-hurt-rankings-via-atsejournal-atmattgsouthern.webp)
Google debunks SEO myth: Using branded keywords in content doesn't harm rankings.
The post Google Debunks SEO Myth: Branded Keywords Won’t Hurt Rankings appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Google Ends Continuous Scroll SERPS: What It Really Means via @sejournal, @martinibuster](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/l/6/m/7/W/google-ends-continuous-scroll-serps-what-it-really-means-via-atsejournal-atmartinibuster.webp)
Google ends continuous scrolling search results. Some are unhappy about the reason Google gave for doing this
The post Google Ends Continuous Scroll SERPS: What It Really Means appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Central banks should use AI to ‘sharpen’ inflation predictions, BIS report says](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/y/Y/N/9/x/central-banks-should-use-ai-to-sharpen-inflation-predictions-bis-report-says.webp)
Central banks should embrace the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)has said, but stressed the technology should not replace humans when it comes to
![Data-Driven Content Strategy: Boost Google Rankings With Real Audience Insights via @sejournal, @CallRail](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/v/v/r/7/O/data-driven-content-strategy-boost-google-rankings-with-real-audience-insights-via-atsejournal-atcallrail.webp)
Learn how to boost Google search rankings by using first-party data, zero-party data, and automated audience insights in your content strategy.
The post Data-Driven Content Strategy: Boost Google Rankings With Real Audience Insights appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
![Biden administration probes three Chinese companies over data access](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/e/j/B/M/B/2/biden-administration-probes-three-chinese-companies-over-data-access.webp)
The Biden administration is investigating China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom over concerns the firms could exploit access to American data through their U.S. cloud and internet businesses by providing it to Beijing, three sources familiar with the matter said.
The companies still have a small presence in the United States, for example, providing cloud services and routing wholesale U.S. internet traffic. That gives them access to Americans’ data even after telecom r
![Swiss SkyCell bags $116M to optimise pharma transport with smart cold chain containers](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/P/d/X/z/b/swiss-skycell-bags-116m-to-optimise-pharma-transport-with-smart-cold-chain-containers.webp)
SkyCell, based in Switzerland, has closed $116M in a Series D round for its technological solution that improves the pharmaceutical supply chain for air travel. Founded in 2013, the startup manufactures temperature-controlled containers, using proprietary col