How to style an ElevatedButton in Flutter

How to style an ElevatedButton in Flutter, including reusing the same style across all buttons with ThemeData.

Flutter: How to draw a task completion ring with CustomPainter

CustomPainter is often the way to go when we need to draw some custom shapes in Flutter. Let's see how to use it in practice.

Flutter Timer vs Ticker: A Case Study

Need a Flutter widget that updates every frame? Here's why using Timer is not a good choice, and why Ticker is a much better solution.

How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter with Code Generation using Freezed

Tired of writing JSON parsing code by hand? Here's how to automate this with code generation and the Freezed package.

How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter: The Essential Guide

Learn how to parse JSON and define strongly-typed model classes that can handle validation, nullable/optional values, and complex/nested JSON data.

Side effects in Flutter: don’t mutate state inside the build method

Mutating state or calling async code inside the build method can cause unwanted widget rebuilds and unintended behaviour. Here are some examples and rules to follow.

How to implement a shake text effect in Flutter

How to create a custom animation curve and implement a shake effect that can be applied to any widget in Flutter.

Responsive layouts in Flutter: Split View and Drawer Navigation

How to implement a responsive layout in Flutter by using a split view on large screens and drawer navigation on mobile.

Learn Flutter Animations in 8 Minutes + Free Gallery App on GitHub

Learn how to use the most common Flutter animation APIs with examples and a free gallery app on GitHub.

