How to Parse Large JSON Data with Isolates in Dart 2.15

How to parse large JSON data using compute, Isolate.spawn, and Isolate.exit - a new feature for fast concurrency with worker isolates in Dart 2.15.

Flutter Tutorial: Stopwatch App with Custom UI and Animations

One-hour video tutorial on how to use Flutter tickers and matrix transforms to build a clone of the iOS Stopwatch app.

How to create a Flutter GridView with content-sized items

GridView is only suitable for items with a fixed aspect ratio. Here's how to use the flutter_layout_grid package to render responsive layouts with variable item sizes.

Flutter Web vs HTML, CSS & JS: Performance Comparison

And in-depth performance comparison of my new home page, built with Flutter web vs standard web technologies. All benchmarks were run with Google PageSpeed Insights and

Flutter State Management with Riverpod: The Essential Guide

A complete guide to the Riverpod package for Flutter state management. Included: core concepts & how to use all the available providers. Updated to Riverpod 1.0.

Flutter Tutorial: Mood Tracking App with Firebase Cloud Functions

A simple Flutter app illustrating how to work with Firestore, Cloud Functions, and the Firebase Local Emulator.

Firebase Cloud Functions: Introduction and Project Setup

Learn how to setup your first project using Cloud Functions for Firebase. Includes additional resources about Node.js and the Firebase CLI.

Flutter TabBar Tutorial: How to Navigate Programmatically Between Tabs

Learn how to use the Flutter TabBar widget to take the user through a sequence of pages, and disable user interaction on the tabs themselves.

Flutter TextField Validation: How to work with TextEditingController, Form, and TextFormField

TextField validation is a common problem that can be solved in multiple ways. Here's an interesting approach based on TextEditingController and ValueListenableBuilder.

AsyncValueWidget: a reusable Flutter widget to work with AsyncValue (using Riverpod)

How to create a reusable widget class that helps us when working with asynchronous data from Riverpod providers.

