Zuck vs. Musk: please, no more fighting Navigating the fragile maze of reconstructive memory in UX ‘Doing strategy’ as a product designer Chat is dead: Why is it still the #1 AI design pattern? Something newContinue re 1h | UX Design UX design is like diet and exercise — essential, yet easily ignored https://uxdesign.cc/ux-design-is-like-diet-and-exercise-essential-yet-easily-ignored-e94acd35eb7d?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 10h | UX Design The hype and risks of vibe coding and why designers should not head down this path.Continue reading on UX Co 1d | UX Design Minimum Viable Whatever MVP misconceptions: Why it’s so much more than just a quick release and how to avoid the poop trap 1d | UX Design I dreamed about being in the New Yorker In honor of the magazine’s 100th anniversary, here’s how I got in. 3d | UX Design How government agendas shape the UX landscape A tale of UX and power.Continue readin 3d | UX Design From designing things to designing change https://uxdesign.cc/from-designing-things-to-designing-change-c8b4f6b130f3?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 4d | UX Design Not contént, but in cóntent Most challenging (and disappointing) things about working in Content Design. 4d | UX Design There’s no making without breaking https://uxdesign.cc/theres-no-making-without-breaking-4091393ece90?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 5d | UX Design From gold to plastic to dust The evolution and ultimate demise of a drinking straw design.Continue r 5d | UX Design 1 2 3 4 5 > >> Alăturați-vă grupului Căutare CreatăA trecut o ziUltimele patru zileLuna trecuta Choose a GroupUX Design Choose a User Filtrează dupădupă relevanțăVotat în susMai întâi nouNumăr marcajeNumăr de comentarii Căutare