Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 2— Performance)

I hope you enjoyed the first part of this series where I covered SEO and Web Scrappers and their bearing on using Flutter for Web, if you have not read it yet, it is definitely worth checking out first. Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 1 — SEO) *T... https://remelehane.hashnode.dev/flutter-web-should-i-use-it-part-2-performance-d801d122fc3e

Flutter For Beginners#4- Flutter Layouts

it’s time to look at Flutter in a bit more detail. There is a Popular saying “In Flutter it’s all about widgets”, Scenes when you start dealing with API’s. So, in direct contravention to the popular saying, Flutter is not, in fact, all about the widg... https://bezaleelnwabia.hashnode.dev/flutter-for-beginners4-flutter-layouts

Flutter For Beginners#5- Flutter Routing and Navigation

Navigation and routing are some of the core concepts of all mobile application, which allows the user to move between different pages. We know that every mobile application contains several screens for displaying different types of information. in Fl... https://bezaleelnwabia.hashnode.dev/flutter-for-beginners5-flutter-routing-and-navigation

Live Video Stream + Video Recording + Image Stream in Flutter

Introduction I had this project where I needed to stream the video+audio to a backend RTMP Server, and also needed to do a local recording, along with some ML Model inferencing locally. The usual Flutter Camera package: https://pub.dev/packages/came... https://blog.tensorclan.tech/live-video-stream-video-recording-image-stream-in-flutter

VSCode Tips & Tricks for Flutter Projects

Introduction VSCode has many features and extensions to make your Flutter Project development process much easier, neat, and fun. In this article we are going to explore the tips & tricks that I use in all of my projects. Add Flutter UI Guidelines Th... https://codereis.hashnode.dev/vscode-tips-and-tricks-for-flutter-projects

An Introduction to Top 3 Flutter Widgets

Flutter Widget – Container() Do you have a widget that needs some background styling? Maybe a background color, shape, or some size constraints? Try wrapping it in a container widget.The container widget helps you compose, decorate, and position ch... https://flutterdevelopment.hashnode.dev/an-introduction-to-top-3-flutter-widgets

Building a Post Scheduling App with HarperDB & Flutter

Hi everyone, in this article I want to describe my project for the HarperDB Hackathon here on Hashnode. When I saw for the first time the Hashnode Hackathon in collaboration with HarperDB I immediately started thinking about how I can use HarperDB, i... https://blog.albertobonacina.com/building-a-post-scheduling-app-with-harperdb-and-flutter

Using more than one Event channels in Flutter

Hello there, it's been a minute ... Introduction All those seasoned Flutter/Android/iOS developers know that at the end of the day, Flutter apps are just android and ios apps on the Android Platform and iOS platform respectively. So in order to acces... https://blog.iampato.me/using-more-than-one-event-channels-in-flutter

Why Flutter and Firebase are best buddies

If you are starting a startup or building the next big app for the AppStore, I recommend trying out the pair Flutter and Firebase as a programming stack. Flutter and Firebase are both developed by Google, where Flutter is their open-source cross-plat... https://fredrikj31.hashnode.dev/why-flutter-and-firebase-are-best-buddies

Flutter Book UI

Easy to use Flutter Book UI Template Purchase now. This template contains two pages. The home Page with the Card UI and the second page with a ScrollView and a Horizontal Scroll Image view. Buy Source Code https://axiscoder.hashnode.dev/flutter-book-ui
