Aplicación Web con Python y Flet

Introducción En este tutorial, aprenderemos a consumir una API Rest que ofrece dos endpoints para cifrar y descifrar mensajes utilizando el algoritmo RC4, conocido por su simplicidad. La API ya está desarrollada utilizando Python y Flask, por lo que ... https://jpadillaa.hashnode.dev/aplicacion-web-con-python-y-flet

Pokémon, Python & Flet

¿Qué es Flet? Flet es una framework de código abierto que facilita desarrollar aplicaciones web, móviles y de escritorio con Python. Flet es basado en Flutter, un framework para el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario multiplataforma de código abierto... https://jpadillaa.hashnode.dev/pokemon-python-flet

Dart 3: Switch and Records in tandem

Dart 3 was introduced a few months ago and brought a lot of interesting changes. Among those new features were the "Record" type and more powerful switch expressions. This article will focus on the combination of these two features.Before diving deep... https://stevenosse.com/dart-3-switch-and-records-in-tandem

Flutter Switch

Flutter Switch is a material design widget. We can use it as a toggle button. It can hold only two values:- true or false. Whenever the switch is toggled, the onChanged function is called. The onChanged function does not maintain the state, rather if... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/flutter-switch

Import Image AssetFiles to Flutter

Applications have some important images, icons, font styles, music and videos, etc. Except for imports using the internet, we can also store them inside the application. We can import different files as assets in Flutter. So in this tutorial, we lear... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/import-image-assetfiles-to-flutter

GridView Class Tutorial

GridView is a 2-d scrollable list of widgets. We can display items in the form of a grid. The grid can have any number of columns and rows. Create a GridView To create a simple GridView in Flutter, we will use the following syntax:- GridView( gridD... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/gridview-class-tutorial

Flutter : Image Picker Tutorial | Pick single image from Gallery

Introduction In this tutorial, we will create an image picker and display the content on the screen. Image Picker picks a file from the Storage or Camera and stores it in an XFile object. Implementation Install dependency We will first need the image... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/flutter-image-picker-tutorial-pick-single-image-from-gallery

Flutter | Material Banner Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will create and display Material Banner in Flutter. Material Banners are displayed at the top of the screen. User interaction is required to dismiss the banner. Material Banner Material Banner alerts the user about action and pro... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/flutter-material-banner-tutorial

Queue and Completer with dart async

use case: I am trying to build an advanced Ble Queue manager that sends data to multiple devices simultaneously and need to understand how Completer and Queue work in depth to have a customized and powerful solution. What is Queue in Dart? and Why us... https://condingminutes.hashnode.dev/queue-and-completer-with-dart-async

How to create  SnackBar in Flutter | SnackBar Tutorial

In this article, we will create and display different types of SnackBars in Flutter. SnackBars in Flutter SnackBars are used to briefly display some information or inform the user about an action. For instance, when a user deletes a mail or message y... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/how-to-create-snackbar-in-flutter-snackbar-tutorial
