Card Widget in Flutter

A Card in Flutter is a material design concept that acts as a container for holding items such as text, images, and actions. It is a flexible and customizable widget that can be used to create a variety of designs and styles. The Flutter framework pr...

Diving into the Flutter AboutDialog Widget: A Comprehensive Guide

The Flutter AboutDialog widget is a pop-up dialog that displays information about an application. It provides a brief overview of the app and its features, along with details such as the app version, developer information, and any relevant licensing ...

Get User Location in Flutter: geolocator package

The User Location may be required in many cases where you don't want to get the wrong/incorrect address or any other cases. The Flutter geolocation plugin which provides easy access to platform-specific location services makes the task easier. We wil...

Hero Widget in Flutter

The Hero widget in Flutter is used to create a shared transition between two pages (or screens) in an app. It allows an element on one page to transition smoothly to a corresponding element on another page, creating a seamless visual effect. The Hero...

IconButton Widget in Flutter

An IconButton widget is simply an Icon widget with a clicking callback feature. We get the same functionality as that of ElevatedButton but instead of Text or any other widget, we use Icons. In this tutorial, we are going to learn and implement the I...

Zoom Image in Flutter - InteractiveViewer Widget

The image sharing apps, shopping apps, etc. have image zoom functionality required to see the image in detail. Today, we will learn to implement the same with the help of a widget, InteractiveViewer. This widget allows us to implement our application...

Slider and RangeSlider Widget in Flutter

A Slider widget in Flutter is a material design slider that allows users to select a value from a range of values. It is a horizontal bar that can be dragged to select a specific value or range of values. Sliders are commonly used to adjust settings ...

Navigation in Flutter

Applications may have multiple screens and users may want to jump to different screens. Placing every element on a single screen is not a feasible solution. Hence navigation comes into the role and allows the developers to place different components ...

Icon Widget in Flutter

The Icon widget in Flutter displays a graphical icon bundled with IconData. The Icon widget is not interactive, so we don't have any click callbacks. In this tutorial, we will implement the Icon widget in Flutter and learn to style it. The following ...

SQFlite in Flutter - SQL Database for Flutter app - Offline Database

SQL stands for structured query language which is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. SQL is used as an offline database in Mobile applications and is popularl...
