What is an Emulator: In app development, an emulator is like a virtual version of a device or system that allows developers to test their apps on different types of devices, like smartphones or tablets, without actually having those devices. It helps... https://usamajay.hashnode.dev/setup-your-emulator-for-vs-code

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app development, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Flutter, a powerful open-source UI software development kit (SDK) by Google, has been making waves since its inception. As we step into 2023, it's esse... https://kamranhccp.hashnode.dev/unveiling-the-cross-platform-technology-a-comprehensive-guide-to-flutter-in-2023

Enumerations, often abbreviated by enum, are special class types that allow a limited number of constants to be represented. Why use an enum rather than a class? Enum makes it possible to represent a limited number of constants, allowing better reada... https://lyabs.hashnode.dev/everything-you-need-to-know-about-enum-with-flutter-and-dart

What's the goal? Flutterflow is great(if you don't know how to build apps with flutter), but the shit relies on Firebase too much. I wanted to have auth and notifications running from my backend service. But Flutterflow as of writing this document on... https://athul.dev/detach-push-notifications-from-flutterflow

An abstract class cannot be instantiated but it can be sub-classed.
To define an abstract class we use abstract keyword.
Syntax for defining Abstract Class abstract class class_name { // Body of abstract class }
Abstract Methods Abstract method... https://blogs.jaytillu.in/abstract-classes-and-abstract-methods-in-dart

Photo by Artur Shamsutdinov on Unsplash Signing users up, in and out are nearly universal features for every type of app. In this series, I’ll teach you how to build a simple authentication system. Part 1 will cover the basics of API calls and models... https://coreyscorner.hashnode.dev/flutter-user-authentication-part-i-models-api
Dart: final vs const This document aims to clarify the differences between final and const in Dart programming language. final
final is used to declare variables whose values cannot be changed after initialization.
A final variable can be assigned ... https://khaled4Cus.dev/pros-cons-in-dart

In this post, we will explore the functionality of tab routing in auto_route. It offers the AutoTabsRouter, which allows seamless transitions between various tabs while maintaining the state of offstage routes. Basic setup
Create a Wrapper Page for ... https://haoz.hashnode.dev/tab-routing-with-autoroute

Photo by Tony Pepe on Unsplash Introduction I will show you how to create a custom widget in FlutterFlow to show a Stepper widget with form fields. We will submit the data to Firestore. This code is also reusable in non FlutterFlow generated apps. Yo... https://cmcoffeedev.hashnode.dev/flutterflow-stepper-form-with-firebase-firestore-f52c34ed4242

Cross-platform mobile development is a rapidly growing field, as businesses look for ways to save time and money by developing a single app that can be used on multiple platforms. React Native and Flutter are two of the most popu... https://ervalmz.hashnode.dev/react-native-vs-flutter