There are certain motifs you can expect to find in one of Pat Finnerty’s YouTube videos: enthusiastic shout-outs to Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, for example; or the ever-expanding mobile of guitar pedals that hovers like a halo above his head; or his undying disdain for music producer and fellow platform personage Rick Beato.
Finnerty, 42, is the creator of What Makes This Song Stink?, a popular YouTube series that explains, well, why certain songs (mostly ones written after

When it comes to the metaverse, there is no shortage of opinions. On one side of the aisle, you have maximalists like Mark Zuckerberg, who sincerely believes we’ll eventually work and socialize within immersive 3D worlds, and is spending billions to make Meta the cornerstone of this new Internet.
Their counterparts are the metaverse bulls—people like Xbox chief Phil Spencer, who’s decried existing metaverse products as a “poorly-built video game.”
Each generation of Mars rovers offers unique technological quirks: Pathfinder introduced the cushioned landing with inflated airbags; Phoenix, the anthropomorphized rover Twitter account; Curiosity, the far-out sky crane descent.
But Opportunity stands out as the Energizer Bunny of the bunch in its capacity to keep going . . . and going. The rover journeyed to Mars for an early 2004 landing along with a twin explorer named Spirit for 90-day missions. While Spirit lasted just over 6
By now, most of us know that our meat comes from unsavory places. Globally, 90% of meat comes from large-scale factory farms that confine animals under cruel and environmentally destructive conditions. In the U.S., it’s a whopping 99%. Despite this harsh reality, Americans are eating more meat than ever before. In 2021, they consumed 224.9 pounds per person, and that number is projected to rise in 2022. It’s no wonder the U.S. meat industry is worth $172 billion, and is expected

Greenwashing is the clever disguise companies use to claim sustainability without actually doing anything, and the fashion industry is one of the worst offenders. PANGAIA’s Fashion scientist, Dr. Amanda Parkes, is on a mission to fix the industry’s problems with both unsustainable processes and the lack of information keeping

I don’t want to spoil the punchline of this article, but Amazon’s Kindle e-reader lineup runs from inexpensive to expensive. And with the introduction of the latest entry-level Kindle, the inexpensive end of the spectrum looks mighty enticing.
If you’re in the market for a new Kindle, here’s a look at your current options–including the differences between all the models and, perhaps more importantly, what they all have in common.
The lineup

Branded is a weekly column devoted to the intersection of marketing, business, design, and culture.
A few months ago, when artificial-intelligence services that generated images based on text prompts started taking over the Internet, Heinz decided to test just how much its brand was synonymous with ketchup in general.
Working with the agency Rethink, Heinz asked AI image-maker DALL-E 2 to render “ketchup” and variations with different aesthetic modifiers (&#

Here’s a clever device that is both deceptively simple and surprisingly effective: a humidifier made of clay, inspired by the way trees absorb and evaporate water, that works without any external power whatsoever. Just physics. And 3D printing.
The device—called the Print Clay Humidifier—was created by designer Jiaming Liu as his master’s graduation project at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany. It looks like an almost perfect exercise in

Seven months after Fitbit recalled the entirety of its Ionic smartwatches in March, a large number of customers say they still haven’t been reimbursed over the potentially faulty product.
Fitbit sold about 1 million Ionic watches in the U.S. in addition to nearly 700,000 internationally before it stopped production in 2020, with the company reportedly planning to release an updated version in the future. Still, consumers continued to use the product and a small percentage of
Life in the Gig Economy tells the stories of workers in an industry relied upon by millions. If you’d like to share your story, email staff writer Jessica Bursztynsky at
Dominique Huff is a 40-year-old who has been driving and delivering for Uber for nearly one year in Atlanta, Georgia. This is what the experience