Introduction Another Supabase Launch Week has passed, with some exciting new updates. During a previous launch week, I had participated in a hackathon by building a multiplayer quiz game with Flutter and Supabase, and I wrote about my experience in a... https://dartling.dev/build-a-realtime-tic-tac-toe-game-with-flutter-and-supabase

Hive is the oldest and most used local database in Flutter. While it’s not recommended to use it since it’s not maintained anymore, if you are a consultant or a freelancer you will get a project which still uses it. Since Github Copilot has come out,... https://dinkomarinac.dev/beyond-code-generation-crafting-custom-hive-adapters
![[Prototype] An IntelliJ plugin to preview Flutter widgets](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/y/5/P/J/L/prototype-an-intellij-plugin-to-preview-flutter-widgets.webp)
I got annoyed a couple of weeks ago when I had to adjust a small component in an existing Flutter app. The code change itself wasn't big, the annoying part was verifying everything looked good. I started the iOS simulator and waited painfully for it ... https://norbert515.com/prototype-an-intellij-plugin-to-preview-flutter-widgets
We've all experienced the frustration of sending a text and not getting a response, while watching the same person promptly reply to someone else. It leaves us wondering: Why do some people ignore certain texts while replying to others? Let's dive in... https://Joshpee.dev/why-do-some-people-really-ignore-certain-texts-while-replying-to-others

Drawer :
Drawer widget is used to provide access to various destinations and functions within your application. It is symbolized by three horizontal parallel lines at the top of the scaffold. The drawer moves horizontally from the edge of the scaffo... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/drawer-widget-in-flutter

Today we are going to see how we can connect our Flutter Web App hosted on Firebase Hosting to Godaddy. As you know from my previous article this is the Flutter App on my Firebase Hosting:
Connecting the Domain: From our Firebase Hosting page. Click... https://harishkunchala.com/seamlessly-connecting-your-godaddy-domain-to-firebase-hosting-a-step-by-step-guide

Row Image :
MultiChild Widget
Align all children Widgets in a horizontal direction
Example : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() { runApp(const MaterialApp( home: RowImages(), )); }
class RowImages extends StatefulWidget... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/row-image-set-in-flutter

📌 Introduction Integrate real-time messaging protocol (RTMP) livestream functionality seamlessly into your Flutter video call application for a dynamic and engaging user experience. With RTMP support, users can effortlessly stream live video content... https://videosdk.hashnode.dev/integrate-rtmp-live-stream-in-flutter-video-call-app

Rich Text :
The RichText widget is used to display text that uses various different styles. The displayed text is described using a tree of TextSpan objects, each of which has its own associated style that is used for that subtree. Depending on the ... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/rich-text-widget-in-flutter

Hello Devs, Today we discussed state, State Management, and different types of State Management. In Flutter Everything is distributed in Widgets. What is a State? The state is like the memory of your app. It's the information that tells your app what... https://mayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev/topic-5-understanding-state-management