This template provides a solid foundation for building cross-platform mobile applications using Flutter and Supabase. This template will save you 24+ hours of development work. You can quickly kickstart your mobile app development process, focusing o... https://miljepetrovic.com/flutter-supabase-mobile-app-starter-template

There are severWhile there are several popular ways to host your Web Apps such as AWS, GCP or even Digital Ocean (Which I am a huge fan), nothing beats the simplicity of hosting on Firebase Web and it's free for the most part. Introduction: Firebase ... https://harishkunchala.com/hosting-your-flutter-web-app-on-firebase-step-by-step-including-github-actions

As we know that Without automatic builds and deploys, we will handle the process yourself every time you want to update your web app. Prerequisite: Make sure that your Flutter web app is connected to Firebase as shown in this article. Now that's done... https://harishkunchala.com/efficient-manual-deployment-of-firebase-web-to-hosting-a-step-by-step-guide

Exciting News! Our blog has a new Home! 🚀
Background The PageView widget allows user to transition between different screens in their Flutter application. As per Flutter doc,
PageView is a scrollable list that works page by page. Each child of a p... https://canopas.hashnode.dev/how-to-implement-adaptive-pageview-in-flutter

Source (All Credits To Hitesh Choudhary sir) Where can i start from? Well, To Start with Mobile Development there are 3 different approaches
Web :
PWA(Progressive Web Apps) : It wraps your web application in a special kind of browser and added to t... https://midnight-rabi.hashnode.dev/beginners-guide-to-mobile-app-development-part-2
Introduction: In the fast-paced world of mobile and web development, performance optimization is paramount. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, offers powerful ... https://creator.dev/mastering-flutter-performance-top-optimization-tips-for-dart-developers

The most amazing part of creating something is seeing it live at a place where not only you but everyone can see your work. And the term we are looking for is “Deployment”. Deployment means in terms of any application, making is available for all use... https://yogitaagarwal.hashnode.dev/deploying-the-flutter-web-application-on-github-pages

Flutter's powerful navigation system makes creating multi-screen apps a breeze. Whether you're switching between different parts of your app or diving deep into nested screens, Flutter provides a variety of navigation techniques to make things smooth... https://nikhilsomansahu.hashnode.dev/a-step-by-step-guide-for-mastering-screen-navigation-in-flutter

Introduction Since the inception of social media, one key feature seems to be the driving force of usage: the feed. We have all seen it, used and abused it. The key technical concept making this feature possible is called pagination. What is paginati... https://dinkomarinac.dev/riverpod-pagination-the-ultimate-guide-for-flutter-developers

Hello devs, In this blog we talk about Keys. We explore what is key, How many keys are available in Flutter, and Why keys are important in flutter. Keys In Flutter, keys are like special tags that help identify and manage widgets. Think of them as un... https://mayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev/topic-4-understanding-flutter-keys