Flutter is one of the most popular cross-platform UI frameworks for creating rich mobile, desktop, and web applications. With Flutter users growing in number, a vast collection of plugins and extensions are ... https://syncfusion.com/blogs//flutter-made-easy-5-tools-to-build-better-apps-faster

File Manager is an interesting app where we can manage the files and folders stored on our device and we can also alter them (rename or delete). In this tutorial, we are going to build the same app, which will help us to explore the storage of our de... https://www.allaboutflutter.com/file-manager-in-flutter-full-tutorial

Hello devs, So In this blog We talk everything about Flutter tree. Yeah, you read it right flutter has also a tree. In Flutter there are three trees are there. Types of Trees
Widget Tree
Element Tree
Render Object Tree
All these trees have diffe... https://mayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev/topic-3-understanding-flutter-tree

Introduction When it comes to Android and iOS app development, the Flutter framework is now one of the formidable frameworks that offer the developer a great toolkit which they can use to build high functionality, cross-platform applications. Nonethe... https://igexsolutions.hashnode.dev/5-common-challenges-in-flutter-app-development-and-how-to-overcome-them

You have already read many articles on “What are extensions in Flutter.” Here, I am providing you with a list of useful extensions that I use in my projects. I have categorized all extensions based on types. BuildContext extensions:
showSnackbar — S... https://arjun-mahar.hashnode.dev/practical-flutter-extensions-for-real-world-development
![[Flutter] json_serializable을 사용해보자](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/P/z/3/r/n/flutter-json-serializable.webp)
인턴 중인 회사에서 json_serializable을 통한 데이터 직렬화와, retrofit을 통한 API 통신을 진행하기로 했다. json_serializable은 Dart 객체와 JSON 데이터 간의 변환 작업을 자동화하여 데이터 직렬화를 담당하며, retrofit은 네트워크 API와의 효율적인 통신을 쉽게 구현하는 데 사용된다. 이 두 개 패키지를 사용함으로서 코드의 가독성과 확장성을 향상시키고, 데이터 처리 및 네트워크 통신의 복잡성을 ... https://cherrie.hashnode.dev/flutter-jsonserializable

Firebase App Check is a security feature offered by Google Firebase that helps protect your Flutter app from unauthorized access and abuse. It works by verifying that incoming requests to your app's backend resources (like databases, storage, or cust... https://harishkunchala.com/level-up-your-flutter-app-security-how-to-add-firebase-app-check

Step 1: Create a Firebase Project and Initialize it in your flutter app I know you all know this already but just to be sure go ahead and create a firebase project. In my case I am using a project I just created for this purpose:
Step 2: Setup Flutt... https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-on-fire-connect-your-app-to-firebase-now

In the vast universe of programming, each language has its own structure and style, marking its distinctive identity and usefulness. On this journey towards Dart introduction, we will delve into the fundamental concepts that build the foundations of ... https://fluttermania.hashnode.dev/introduction-to-dart-vol-1

abstract: Used to declare abstract classes. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly. //Declaration abstract class SubClass {}
//Usage class MainClass extends SubClass{}
as: Used for typecasting to a type. dynamic dynamicInt = 0;
//... https://odinachi.hashnode.dev/dart-cookbook-keywords-and-their-usage