What is Stateful Widgets ?
Stateful widgets in Flutter are those that can change their state over time. The changes could be in user interactions or real-time data updates. Stateful widgets include checkboxes, radio buttons, sliders, form inputs, et... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/stateful-widget-in-flutter

Stateless WidgetStateful Widget
Static widgetsDynamic Widgets
They do not depend on any data change or any behaviour change.They can be updated during runtime based on user action or data change.
Stateless Widgets do not have a state.Stateful Wi... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/stateless-vs-stateful-widget

Container class in flutter is a convenience widget that combines common painting, positioning, and sizing of widgets. A basic container element that stores a widget has a margin, which separates the present container from other contents. The total co... https://jinali.hashnode.dev/container-widget-in-flutter

What is a text widget ?
The function of displaying a string in a Flutter app is handled by a text widget, as we know everything Flutter offers to style the UI is a widget. The text widget can simply be used by creating the text widget class and pass... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/text-widget-in-flutter

What is Stateless Widget ?
Flutter Stateless widgets are those components that describe a part of the user interface which can be determined only by configurations in the constructor. They don't store mutable states. Examples of Stateless widgets ar... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/stateless-widget-in-flutter

What is Container ?
A Container is a Box. You can specify height , width , color , margin and padding etc. and in the below example.
EdgeInsets.all means all direction (top , bottom , left , right).
Example : import 'package:flutter/material.dart... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/container-class-in-flutter

What is MaterialApp class?
MaterialApp class is an application that uses material design.
It is a convenience widget that wraps several widgets that are commonly required for material design applications.
const MaterialApp({ Key key, GlobalKey<Na... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/materialapp-class-in-flutter

What is Scaffold ?
A Scaffold Widget provides a framework which implements the basic material design visual layout structure of the flutter app. It provides APIs for showing drawers, snack bars and bottom sheets. Have a look at its constructor and t... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/scaffold-class-in-flutter

Every Flutter project includes a pubspec.yaml file, often referred to as the pubspec. A basic pubspec is generated when you create a new Flutter project. It's located at the top of the project tree and contains metadata about the project that the Dar... https://jinali.hashnode.dev/flutter-and-the-pubspec-file

Automatically formatting code in VS Code Install the Flutter extension (see Editor setup) to get automatic formatting of code in VS Code. To automatically format the code in the current source code window, right-click in the code window and select Fo... https://jinali.hashnode.dev/code-formatting