![Flutter: A Firebase App named `[Default]` already exists.](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/y/5/K/0/x/flutter-a-firebase-app-named-default-already-exists.webp)
Sometimes we get a bug in Flutter when we are trying to build an app.
The problem is that we can try to run flutterfire configure to try to reinitialize our apps with our Firebase project. But it wouldn't work because that command still doesn't clea... https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-a-firebase-app-named-default-already-exists

Stateless Widgets: A stateless widget in Flutter represents a UI component that does not maintain any state internally. This means that once a stateless widget is built, its content and behavior remain constant throughout its lifetime. Stateless widg... https://flutterwidgets.hashnode.dev/stateless-vs-stateful-widgets-unraveling-flutters-ui-magic

For any app development company, it is important to have an edge in terms of costs, efficiency, and communication within the ecosystem. And this competitive edge can be gained by making the best possible use of Flutter! Recently came across a highly ... https://pallaviii.hashnode.dev/flutter-and-cross-platform-app-development

Image Widget :
Image is a widget that is responsible for displaying images in the Flutter app. There are several ways to load images onto the Flutter app. There are lots of parameters that we can alter to get the desired image in the desired format.... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/image-widget-in-flutter

Row Widget :
The Row widget is a commonly used layout pattern in Flutter applications. It is a multi-child widget that displays its children in a horizontal array. Its main-axis alignment is horizontal, as shown in the image below.
Example : impor... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/row-widget-in-flutter

FlutterLogo :
FlutterLogo widget is as simple as it sounds, it is just the flutter logo in the form of an icon. This widget also comes built-in with flutter SDK.
This widget can found its use as a placeholder for an image or icon.
Constructor of ... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/flutterlogo-widget-in-flutter

Icon Widget :
Icon class in Flutter is used to show specific icons in our app. Instead of creating an image for our icon, we can simply use the Icon class for inserting an icon in our app.
Syntax :
Icon( key key, size, c... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/icon-widget-in-flutter

ElevatedButton :
An elevated button is a labeled child displayed on a Material widget whose Material.elevation increases when the button is pressed.
Buttons in applications are provided to add actions and functionalities.
The constructor of the ... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/elevatedbutton-widget-in-flutter

Column Widget :
Column widget is one of Flutter application's most commonly used layout patterns. It is a multi-child widget that displays its children in a vertical array. This widget is widely used to create user interfaces with multiple component... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/column-widget-in-flutter

AppBar class :
A Material Design app bar.
An app bar consists of a toolbar and potentially other widgets, such as a TabBar and a FlexibleSpaceBar. App bars typically expose one or more common actions with IconButtons which are optionally followed b... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/appbar-widget-in-flutter