How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter: The Essential Guide

Learn how to parse JSON and define strongly-typed model classes that can handle validation, nullable/optional values, and complex/nested JSON data.

Side effects in Flutter: don’t mutate state inside the build method

Mutating state or calling async code inside the build method can cause unwanted widget rebuilds and unintended behaviour. Here are some examples and rules to follow.

How to implement a shake text effect in Flutter

How to create a custom animation curve and implement a shake effect that can be applied to any widget in Flutter.

Responsive layouts in Flutter: Split View and Drawer Navigation

How to implement a responsive layout in Flutter by using a split view on large screens and drawer navigation on mobile.

Learn Flutter Animations in 8 Minutes + Free Gallery App on GitHub

Learn how to use the most common Flutter animation APIs with examples and a free gallery app on GitHub.

How to build any kind of app in Flutter (and overcome Tutorial Hell)

Tips for learning how to build your own Flutter apps, overcome Tutorial Hell, and figure out what to do when you get stuck.

Colors / Numbers Game with Flutter Implicit Animations

How to use animations in Flutter to spice up a fun game written in Dartpad. Learn about implicit animations, AnimatedAlign, duration and curves.

Flutter: Why do TweenAnimationBuilder and AnimatedBuilder have a child argument?

Why and when to use the child widget argument to optimize Flutter performance when working with TweenAnimationBuilder and AnimatedBuilder.

HSL Colors Explained: What they are and when to use them in Dart/Flutter

Going from RGB to HSL: How to more easily reason about colors as hue, saturation and lightness, and how to use HSL in Flutter.

