Migrating a Flutter & Firebase app to Null Safety: A Case Study

Migrating Flutter apps to Null Safety can be a challenging process. Here I show how to make this as painless as possible, using a non-trivial app as an example. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/migrating-flutter-firebase-app-null-safety/

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget [Part 2]

How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms (part 2). https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-animations-page-flip-widget-part2/

Flutter Animations: Interactive Page Flip Widget

How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-animations-page-flip-widget-part1/

How to disable the default Widget splash effect in Flutter

Many Material widgets such as InkWell, ElevatedButton, and ListTile show a splash effect when selected. Here's how to disable this. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/disable-widget-splash-effect-flutter/

Flutter State Management with Riverpod: The Essential Guide

A complete guide to the Riverpod package for Flutter state management. Included: core concepts & how to use all the available providers. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-riverpod/

Flutter State Management: Going from setState to Freezed & StateNotifier with Provider

Mixing UI and logic inside Flutter widgets is bad. Here's how to refactor a simple app for better separation of concerns, immutability, and type safety using Freezed & State Notifier. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-setstate-freezed-state-notifier-provider/

Flutter State Management Basics and Useful Resources

An overview of Flutter's built-in widgets for managing state, along with links to the best resources from the official Flutter documentation. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-basics/

How to speed up code generation with build_runner in Dart & Flutter

Two effective techniques for reducing code generation times for Flutter apps that use with build_runner. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/speed-up-code-generation-build-runner-dart-flutter/

Flutter & Firebase Auth 02 - Create, validate and save a login form + Firebase iOS auth integration

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 2 shows how to build an email and password form with validation, and how to add Firebase to the project (iOS setup included). https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part2/

Flutter & Firebase Auth 03 - Add Firebase registration form + State management

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 3 shows how to sign in with Firebase authentication, add the registration flow, write asynchronous code with async/await, and handle errors. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part3/

