Intro to Platform Channels: Building an Image Picker in Flutter

Let's see how to use platform channels by building an image picker on iOS, and using it from the Dart code.

Flutter & Firebase Auth 04 - Overview of root & home page + Refactor Firebase authentication code

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 4 shows how to redirect user to a welcome screen after logging in. Also how to refactor the authentication code into a separate reusable class.

Flutter & Firebase Auth 05 - Switch between login & home page + State initialization

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 5 shows how to add a root widget and control what UI to show depending on authentication state.

Flutter & Firebase Auth 06 - Home page + Sign out + Complete and review sign in flow

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 6 shows how to create a home page and complete the sign out flow.

Flutter & RoboHash 01 - Add an avatar to your app

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 1: quick tour and project setup.

Flutter & RoboHash 02 - Add an avatar to your app

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 2: creating a configurable Avatar class, using the http package, and using FutureBuilder to load content asynchronously and handle loading / success / error states.

Flutter & RoboHash 03 - Add an avatar to your app

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 3: customising appearance with BoxDecoration, adding a border with a circle shape and a background gradient, and more.

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: Row, Column, Stack, Expanded, Padding

How to build basic layouts in Flutter. Also included: MainAxisAlignment, MainAxisSize, CrossAxisAlignment, Baseline, AlignmentDirectional, LayoutBuilder, SizedBox.

Flutter: My favourite keyboard shortcuts

List of the most useful IntelliJ/Android Studio shortcuts for better productivity.

Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: PageView, ListView, GridView, Slivers, CustomScrollView

How to build layouts with scrollable pages, lists, grids, and other convenience widgets. Includes slivers and their usage to create a hero image effect.

