Calling All Africa Flutter Developers & Figma Designers!

In partnership with our Parabeac Africa Chapter led by Will Odia, we are throwing our first challenge where you can win up to $300 USD by building an app prototype or component package using Figma, Flutter & Parabeac! You can use parabeac_core which ...

TicTacToe with Flutter

I had made TicTacToe game with HTML-JS earlier, this time I made it with flutter. In-game when one of the players wins the round boxes turn green if there is no winner all boxes turn grey. Boxes are GameBox widgets and there is a model class for box...

Publishing Flutter Windows apps to Microsoft Partner Center with Codemagic

Flutter enables you to use a single codebase to build apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices. The introduction of Flutter 2.0 has made it easier to try out desktop apps, as this option is now available on the stable channel. This article...

Hello world!

Yay, another blog version, this is my first blog post from the #Hashnode platform. What content you can expect if you follow me:

TS/JS. Angular 2+. ReactJS/NextJS. NodeJS (NestJS). Flutter. UI/UX in enterprise app.

Flutter: Navigate to a new screen

First of all, the question is why we require to navigate in a flutter. In all mobile apps, We are creating different screens based on requirements. So using navigate application move one screen to another screen. Let's start with a simple example. I...

Flutter 2.10 Updates 🤓

Introduction Let's talk about the programmers' bridge.

From the report of currently built projects, Flutter is chosen as the best tool to build multi cross platforms app. Flutter came in involving itself in every field from mobile app development bo...

Flutter Location Permission with permission_handler

Hello All, Here I will explain how to integrate location permission in a flutter. This blog is written for a simple case. Here you get package information permission_handler 1st Step Add dependencies in your flutter project. Now the question is in wh...

Firebase x Flutter: Cloud Messaging


One of the most important components of any application is notification. We can use it to notify users about new emails, offers, or other information, effectively re-engaging and retaining them.

And you can do just that using Firebase Cloud M...

asdf Flutter version manager (MacOS/ Linux)

Without a doubt, Flutter is a framework that is constantly changing. And as developers, we need to be ready and have more than one version installed at the same time. One of the most famous solutions for this problem is Flutter Version Manager by leo...

This week in Flutter #40

This week there was the "Flutter for Windows developers" event. Honestly, not much was announced during the event. The feature that allows creating Windows apps with Flutter was already there. It is now stable enough to be announced. Another version ...
