Why should you use Flutter?

Because i told you to. Flutter is the hot new framework and everyone else 's doing it, so why shouldn't YOU?Seriously: There are plenty of reasons why you should use flutter. Let's discuss what it offers over other cross-platform tools. Flutter is an... https://dimaodin.com/blog/why-should-you-use-flutter

Why should you use Flutter?

Because i told you to. Flutter is the hot new framework and everyone else 's doing it, so why shouldn't YOU?Seriously: There are plenty of reasons why you should use flutter. Let's discuss what it offers over other cross-platform tools. Flutter is an... https://dimaodin.hashnode.dev/why-should-you-use-flutter

Understanding in-app updates in Flutter

A few months ago, we mistakenly pushed out a poorly thought out feature that would ruin the experience of the user. Once we realized this we pushed a reverted release immediately. The best thing about this was we were sure the user would be updated a... https://neo-femo.hashnode.dev/understanding-in-app-updates-in-flutter

What Would Happen if Dash Memo Leak Had Never Happened?

So, 12 years have passed after the infamous "Dash Memo" leak was published.

For those who doesn't know: V8 team did a side gig and created a new language with its own VM as they were exhausted maintaining all the JS shortcomings. So as a side projec... https://gladimdim.org/what-would-happen-if-dash-memo-leak-had-never-happened

Synchronize the scrolling of your ListViews in Flutter

In my current project, I have a requirement where I display multiple ListViews below each other and these lists must scroll together. It does not matter which list is scrolled by the user, the other one should follow it. You can use ScrollController... https://blog.dtengeri.com/synchronize-the-scrolling-of-your-listviews-in-flutter

Generating Isolated Component Packages for Flutter

Our open-source Figma to Flutter converter has been used across various projects. While many developers will include UI directly in their Flutter project, we learned that for other companies and projects, the best use case of Parabeac was generating ... https://siliconivan.hashnode.dev/generating-isolated-component-packages-for-flutter-ckz6a9brx0sbkghs19828d5i5

Flutter Guide for noobs

Most of us have heard that one can make apps these days that have a single code base and work on IOS, Android, and the web. The two major Technologies which allow one to do this are React and Flutter. Flutter is more well suited for mobile apps while... https://anishsan.hashnode.dev/flutter-guide-for-noobs

Tech I plan to invest my time in 2022

Over the past few years I have been trying my hand at various technologies in the domain of web, cross-platform, cloud, cybersec, IOT, ML and general scripting. While this allowed me to have a better general understanding of respective domains, I alw... https://hashnode.com/post/tech-i-plan-to-invest-my-time-in-2022-ckz5vrbj30plqghs18c2o9jz8
