I made a pretty logger for flutter

A flutter package that developers have pretty logs instead just printing everything like a newbie.

Features Makes it easy to log to console without using print in a colorful way, with multiple colors, and it works only in debug mode, makeing it perf... https://baronsindo.hashnode.dev/i-made-a-pretty-logger-for-flutter

Advanced Flutter: Introduction To Drawing Complex Shapes in Flutter With CustomPaint

Ever seen an insane UX/UI Mobile App design and thought the designer must hate developers? via GIPHY Fret not child, Flutter Gods are with you. Here, take this Widget of magic, Whatever Shape you imagine to be in your flutter app, it will Make true.... https://bezaleelnwabia.hashnode.dev/advanced-flutter-introduction-to-drawing-complex-shapes-in-flutter-with-custompaint

Top 10 Most Viewed Flutter Videos on Youtube

1 Flutter Update: App Monetization

Views : 2.7 Million+ Channel : Flutter


2 Introducing Flutter

Views : 2.1 Million+ Channel : Google Developers

7 tips for junior Flutter developers

The beginnings in the world of programming are very hard, many things to learn, difficulties to understand the learning materials that one finds, doubts that appear and that seems impossible to solve... This article stems from a Reddit thread where a... https://davidserrano.io/7-tips-for-junior-flutter-developers

This week in Flutter #39

There is a new Flutter event next week, apparently tailored to Windows developers. This could mean two things:

new developer tools that run on Windows; Flutter for Windows getting out of beta.

I am going to bet on the latter. Flutter grew a lot in ... https://mvolpato.hashnode.dev/this-week-in-flutter-39

Using Environment Variables in Flutter

Introduction In this tutorial, you will learn how to use environment variables in flutter using the flutter_dotenv package. Environment variables are a set of parameters that help the system understand the running environment and provides value uniqu... https://mubharaq.hashnode.dev/using-environment-variables-in-flutter

Mobile development on Android without using emulators and without using USB debugging.

The first thing... The problem I am a mobile application developer. I develop apps for both Android and iOS using Flutter. One of the main problems I had when I started in this world of mobile development is the high consumption of RAM memory that em... https://luisciber.hashnode.dev/mobile-development-on-android-without-using-emulators-and-without-using-usb-debugging

Auto-versioning Flutter apps

By default a Flutter project is set up to automatically update the Android and iOS version on the version setting in pubspec.yaml when you build the project. This configuration is useless since is already done. But if you need to re-enable this sett... https://aquilarafael.hashnode.dev/auto-versioning-flutter-apps

Azure and Flutter, release pipeline

Hello, my name is Rodrigo and I would like to share a pipeline that I built using azure to deploy a release version of one application that I'm working with azure. At first, I found some difficulties to find examples of how to deploy to stores using ... https://engineer-journal.hashnode.dev/azure-and-flutter-release-pipeline

Building a multi-package project with flutter

Hi, my name is Rodrigo Martins, I'm a senior software engineer at EBANX, and I'm here to share a little bit about the latest project that I'm working on. The main idea of this project is: Run the application in multiple countries from Latin America, ... https://engineer-journal.hashnode.dev/building-a-multi-package-project-with-flutter
