Drawing Bezier curves and Splines with CustomPaint flutter

Of recent, I implemented an animation that required me to draw bezier curves and splines. I used methods like Path.quadraticBezierTo(x1, y1, x2, y2), Path.conicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, w) and Path.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3). I also used a class you mi... https://jasper-dev.hashnode.dev/drawing-bezier-curves-and-splines-with-custompaint-flutter

Getting input from the console using 'Dart'

Before starting let's have a quick and short introduction to dart. What is Dart?

So, Dart is a General-Purpose Programming Language developed by Google

It is also an Object-Oriented Programming language mostly designed for client-side development. ... https://samwasu999.hashnode.dev/getting-input-from-the-console-using-dart

Implementing True Black dark theme mode in Flutter

Introduction If you've been using Flutter for a while, you already know theming with Flutter is very easy, and switching between light and dark mode is available out-of-the-box, something which can be a pain to implement with other frameworks if you ... https://dartling.dev/implementing-true-black-dark-theme-mode-in-flutter

Getting input from the console using 'Dart'

The very first step is to import the library that is 'dart.io' adding this import statement will extract the components and it is written at top of the code editor. Every program resides in the main method to dart's main method or entry point is void... https://samwasu.com/getting-input-from-the-console-using-dart

Firebase Authentication with Email - Flutter Login

Para crear un sistema de Login usando Firebase debes crear un proyecto en Google Firebase, este es un servicio de Google que contienen multiples servicios que pudes utilizar tanto en aplicaciones móviles como en Aplicaciones Web.

Entre las funciona... https://vladi.hashnode.dev/firebase-authentication-with-email-flutter-login

Fix Flutter const with const constructors

So you are busy hammering away at your Dart code but, you keep seeing these squiggly lines:

The problems terminal in Visual Studio Code might be showing this

To fix it, open the analysis_options.yaml which contains the linter rules. Add this line ... https://hashnode.com/post/fix-flutter-const-with-const-constructors-ckysdbzny0amt66s10isk2g3q

Hydrated Bloc: Persist and Restore Your Bloc State/Data


Helloo Flutter Devs. I'm here with another interesting Flutter Bloc article to continue the flow of Flutter Bloc articles. Bloc is a fantastic state management architecture, and Hydrated Bloc is one of the packages that make it even better. I... https://dhruvnakum.xyz/hydrated-bloc-persist-and-restore-your-bloc-statedata

This week in Flutter #38

This week Vandad Nahavandipoor released 35 hours of coding videos on YouTube. If you want to learn some specific topics from creating developer accounts to coding an entire Flutter app that connects to Firebase, to submitting it to the stores, you ca... https://mvolpato.hashnode.dev/this-week-in-flutter-38

Understanding Material App, Scaffold and Widgets in Flutter in 2022

About the App A guy called Arman decided to create an app called I Am Rich. And it was a pretty clever idea. He decided that he was going to make an app that basically does absolutely nothing. It just shows a single icon of a ruby on the screen. And ... https://sceptrum.hashnode.dev/understanding-material-app-scaffold-and-widgets-in-flutter-in-2022

The dark side of Flutter: 4 inconveniences that every Flutter developer should know

Flutter is an incredible framework for building mobile apps, from its elegant declarative syntax, the flexibility and power of its widget system, the possibility of seeing the changes in the code reflected in the app in less than a second thanks to t... https://davidserrano.io/the-dark-side-of-flutter-4-inconveniences-that-every-flutter-developer-should-know
