Web application with a single entry point

I stumbled upon an article called "Writing modern day PHP applications" in which the author states that he sometimes comes across third party code that he believes exhibit features that were "customary in the 90's". One such feature is applications not having a single point of entry. https://unixdigest.com/articles/web-application-with-a-single-entry-point.html

1y | unixsheikh
Keeping your home in Git, the right way

This tutorial describes how you can keep your home directory in a Git repository. https://unixdigest.com/tutorials/keeping-your-home-in-git.html

1y | unixsheikh
No your API isn't REST, but don't worry, it really shouldn't be!

In 2008 Roy T. Fielding expressed his frustration with people calling their HTTP-based interfaces for REST API's when in fact they aren't. Today in 2023 nothing has changed, people are still calling their HTTP-based interfaces a REST API, even though they are not. But that's not the worst part of all of this, the worst part is that no HTTP driven API should try to be REST in the first place! https://unixdigest.com/articles/no-your-api-isnt-rest-but-dont-worry-it-really-shouldnt-be.html

1y | unixsheikh
To framework or not to framework?

What level of complexity do you want to be at? Are you really thinking about and understanding what you're doing or are you just following "trends" and always using a framework?! https://unixdigest.com/articles/to-framework-or-not-to-framework.html

1y | unixsheikh
Bummer PHP

Since the release of the PHP programming language, PHP has been both loved and hated by many. In this article we'll take a look at one of the reasons why PHP really is such "a bummer". https://unixdigest.com/articles/bummer-php.html

1y | unixsheikh
Composer and Packagist - a bad implementation!

On many websites, in a huge amount of Github projects, and in several books, like the book 'Modern PHP, New Features and Good Practices' by John Lockhart, so-called 'modern PHP' is made synonymous to using Composer and Packagist in combination with the usage of the recommendations provided by the PHP-FIG. Lots of people follow these advices almost blindly, but the reality is that this is NOT good practice from a security stand point. https://unixdigest.com/articles/composer-packagist-a-bad-imple

1y | unixsheikh
Programming languages and programming paradigms

The Internet is filled with articles, blog posts, and forum debates about which programming language or which programming paradigm that is better than another. Python vs. Java vs. PHP vs. Ruby. Procedural vs. object oriented, object oriented vs functional, etc. In this article we'll take a much deeper look at programming languages and programming paradigms and try to understand these concepts from a different angle. https://unixdigest.com/articles/programming-languages-and-programming-paradigms.

1y | unixsheikh
Real full disk encryption using GRUB on Arch Linux for BIOS and UEFI

In this tutorial we're gonna take a look at setting up full disk encryption on Arch Linux using GRUB for both a BIOS/MBR based setup and a UEFI based setup. While the choice to install in UEFI mode is encouraging, early vendor UEFI implementations carry more bugs than their BIOS/MBR counterparts. You are advised to do a search relating to your particular motherboard model before proceeding. Contrary to "modern" advice I haven't personally found any compelling reason to use UEFI. https://unixdige

1y | unixsheikh
How to split your DNS requests when using a VPN

This tutorial describes how you can split your DNS requests between a local DNS resolver and remote DNS resolvers in order to prevent a DNS leak when you use a VPN connection. https://unixdigest.com/tutorials/how-to-split-your-dns-requests-when-using-vpn.html

1y | unixsheikh

