Real full disk encryption using GRUB on Void Linux for BIOS

In this tutorial we're going to take a look at setting up full disk encryption on the Void Linux base system using GRUB for a BIOS/MBR based setup. While the choice to install in UEFI mode is encouraging, vendor UEFI implementations still carry more bugs than their BIOS/MBR counterparts. Contrary to "modern" advice I still haven't found any compelling reason to use UEFI yet.

1y | unixsheikh
Package management in OpenBSD

If you have experience running any of the popular Linux distributions like Debian GNU/Linux, Arch Linux, Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc., and are trying out OpenBSD, one of the easiest things to get confused about is the package management, it's a bit different on OpenBSD.

1y | unixsheikh
Reviving Cubox with Arch Linux ARM

I decided it was time to try and revive my old Cubox that has been lying around unused for a very long time. Back then it was running a custom Armbian (Debian for ARM) release from SolidRun, but SolidRun have long since abandoned the old Cubox and deleted all content from their servers. In this tutorial I'll share how I got the Cubox up and running again with the latest Linux kernel. It is currently working as a small backup server running two USB harddrives in a Btrfs mirror. https://unixdigest

1y | unixsheikh
Battle testing ZFS, Btrfs and mdadm+dm-integrity

In this article I share the results of a home-lab experiment in which I threw some different problems at ZFS, Btrfs and mdadm+dm-integrity in a RAID-5 setup.

1y | unixsheikh
Installing Arch Linux with ZFS on a USB stick

In this tutorial I am going to show you how you can make a working Arch Linux USB stick with ZFS. This can be useful if you're running a homelab NAS and you want to boot of the USB stick and only use your drives for ZFS. It can also be used as a diagnostic or administration tool for dealing with ZFS on Arch Linux or some other Linux distribution.

1y | unixsheikh
Go (Golang) - Logging that matters

Some people complain about the logging capabilities of the log package from the Go standard library, but I not only find it adequate, I really like it.

1y | unixsheikh
When abstractions, design patterns, and design principles lead to spaghetti code

If you are thinking about abstractions, design patterns, and programming principles while you are programming, you are not really programming, rather you are wasting valuable time fantasizing. The end goal is always to have good working readable code, not code that has been bent, twisted, and shoved into formations and structures in order to fulfill the vanity of someone living in a fairy tail.

1y | unixsheikh
Stop pushing JavaScript!

Front-end developers are pushing JavaScript as though the web could not function without it. The fact is that JavaScript is one of the top reasons for security breaches on the client computer and client mobile phones, it is a plague that turns privacy into a public exhibition, and it has paralyzed the industry in such a way that you can hardly find a website that doesn't display "the white screen of death" if JavaScript has been disabled in the browser.

1y | unixsheikh
My favorite note-taking method

On Hacker News, Reddit, and elsewhere, people often ask about favorite note-taking methods. In this post I share mine.

1y | unixsheikh

