Real full disk encryption using GRUB on Debian GNU/Linux for BIOS

In this tutorial we're gonna take a look at setting up full disk encryption on a BIOS MBR based system using GRUB on Debian GNU/Linux - the KISS way.

1y | unixsheikh
Stay away from Cloudflare

Cloudflare has become one of the fastest growing DNS and CDN hosters on the Internet delivering some of the best DNS speeds worldwide, but if you value customers or visitors to your website you maybe need reconsider using Cloudflare.

1y | unixsheikh
The typical discussions about BSD vs Linux

In this article we're going to take a little look at the typical discussions about the differences between popular operating systems such as BSD and Linux.

1y | unixsheikh
Make the current commit the initial commit in a Git repository

In this tutorial we're gonna take a look at how you can make the current commit in your Git repository the initial and only commit. This is useful if you're using Git as a backup solution and you want to clean out old files. It also works on GitHub.

1y | unixsheikh
Arch Linux mail server tutorial - part 1 - What is email?

In this tutorial we're going to setup Arch Linux as a mail server for virtual users using openSMTPD and Dovecot. The setup I am going to use is a simple setup for home usage or office usage without webmail or database management of virtual users (though you can easily add that). Instead the users are managed using a simple flat file and they connect to the server using an email client. The setup is very easy to manage and it is very well suited for home usage, if you want to manage your own emai

1y | unixsheikh
Arch Linux mail server tutorial - part 3 - Get DNS right, it's important!

In this part of the tutorial we're going to take a look at the important parts of setting up DNS in order to run a mail server.

1y | unixsheikh
OpenBSD is fantastic

I have been running OpenBSD, a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system, both professionally and privately since about 2004, and today I'm going to share some of my thoughts about the system.

1y | unixsheikh
The real motivation behind systemd

In this article we're going to take a close look at the real motivation behind the development of systemd, and we're going to take a look at some of the future perspectives for GNU/Linux as an operating system.

1y | unixsheikh
Void Linux - a great and unique Linux distribution

Void Linux is a great rolling release and independent general purpose Linux distribution that uses the X Binary Package System (XBPS) package manager, which was designed and implemented from scratch. It uses runit as the init system and service supervisor, which is a simple and very effective approach to initialize the system with reliable service supervision contrary to something heavy and bloated like systemd. Void Linux supports both the musl and GNU libc implementations, patching incompatibl

1y | unixsheikh

