
posts by Tomas_r2
Quantum computing will make encryption techniques obsolete—the U.S. government has a plan

For roughly three decades, experts in digital cryptography have been monitoring a distant threat: that a powerful enough quantum computer could one day render the most widely used forms of encryption—the layer of code protecting everything from national security secrets to personal banking records—obsolete. Today, the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is unveiling the final version of three new algorithms, long in development, that are designed

State Of SEO Report: Top Insights For 2025 Success via @sejournal, @Juxtacognition

Download our ebook to uncover the latest trends and challenges in SEO. Gain valuable insights into what SEO professionals are facing in 2025.

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Monopoly: A Ruling Against Google Could Benefit The Open Web via @sejournal, @Kevin_Indig

Understanding the implications of the monopoly ruling against Google. Discover the potential effects on SEO and the online advertising landscape.

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Zkáza po dopadu planetky se vypálila do genomu ptáků

Když před 66 miliony let dopadla u dnešního Yucatánu planetka a ukončila křídu i celé druhohory, některé linie tehdejších organismů to přežily a následně zažily explozi diverzity. Jejich genomy dnes představují cenné svědectví o tehdejších apokalyptických časech. Ptáci jsou výtečným příkladem.

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Conversion Tracking & Reporting For Enterprise Accounts: Avoid Common Pitfalls via @sejournal, @navahf

Discover the challenges and solutions for conversion tracking in enterprise SEO. From securing permissions to reporting, we've got you covered.

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Why Go programming language is on the rise (again)

Go was first released as an open source programming language in 2009, and it’s had its ups and downs over the past 15 years. Although it was only released in November 2009, Go saw such a dramatic rise in interest that it was named the 2009 Programming Language of the

6mo | The Next Web
Raindrop is a great tool for organizing bookmarks

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

Raindrop is a terrific free tool for organizing bookmarks. I use it to save links for classes I’m teaching and topics I’m researching. I also save link collections to share with friends,

Scaling systems to manage all the metadata ABOUT the data

On this episode, Ryan and Cassidy talk to Satish Jayanthi, CTO and co-founder of Coalesce, about the growth of metadata and how you can manage it, especially in systems using generative AI. They explore the importance in providing context and transparency to data, how metadata can be generated automatically, and the future of metadata including knowledge graphs.

POV: Trump is making bogus claims about Kamala Harris using AI—and he’s playing with fire

Size matters, and it matters to Donald Trump more than most. Trump kicked off his presidency by exaggerating the modest turnout at his inauguration; now, he’s desperate to diminish the crowds showing up for his 2024 opponent.

Over the weekend, the former president posted on Truth Social

Google Halts AdSense Monetization For Russia-Based Publishers via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google halts AdSense monetization in Russia, impacting publishers and and further isolating Russia's digital economy amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.

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AI is like Google Maps: The user is the product

The other day, on a long road trip in a rental car, I found myself looking for a place to pull off the road. As I’ve done many times before, I typed into Google Maps “Food Near Me.” I peered at the options. (Don’t worry, I was in the passenger seat.) The response was bleak: Google recommended a string of chain restaurants. Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and so forth.


Apple’s 30% App Store fee will soon hit Patreon subscriptions

Soon, new Patreon memberships purchased on the iOS app will be subject to Apple’s 30% App Store fee in the coming months, the crowdfunding platform announced Monday in a blog post.

Patreon has to implement the change by November or risk being kicked off the App Store. That would have devastating effects since Patreon CEO Jack Conte ">said

UK startup launches SAF plant at Oxford Airport in quest for greener flights

UK startup OXCCU has opened a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) demo plant at London Oxford Airport, as it looks to make a dent in emissions from air travel.  OXCCU spunout from Oxford University in 2021. The startup has developed

6mo | The Next Web
Balderton Capital announces $1.3B fund for European tech

Balderton Capital today announced the closing of its $1.3bn early stage and growth funds in a sign of the European tech sector regaining investor confidence and momentum.   We are often disconcerted at the lack of support for European ent

6mo | The Next Web
EV battery fires are on the rise. They’re also totally preventable

The stories are getting too numerous to track. An electric bike battery fire injured four, one critically, in Brooklyn in June. Scooter batteries set off a house blaze in Sydney in May, and an apartment fire in San Francisco

How the FTC will make it easier for you to click ‘unsubscribe’

In the name of consumer protection, a slew of U.S. federal agencies are working to make it easier for Americans to click the unsubscribe button for unwanted memberships and recurring payment services.

A broad new government initiative, dubbed “Time Is Money,” includes a rollout of new

Trump’s campaign claims their emails were hacked and Iran is to blame

Former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said Saturday that it has been hacked and suggested Iranian actors were involved in stealing and distributing sensitive internal documents.

The campaign provided no specific evidence of Iran’s involvement, but the claim comes a day after Microsoft issued a report detailing foreign agents’ attempts t

Climate tech VCs already raised more in 2024 than whole of last year

Climate-focused venture capital funds have already raised $6.9bn since the beginning of 2024, up from $5.2bn for the entirety of 2023, according to a new report from Venture Capital Journal. While climate VCs have closed less funds overall — 24 compar

6mo | The Next Web
Why Neuralink’s Blindsight and brain implants to restore sight won’t work like human eyesight

Elon Musk recently pronounced that the next Neuralink project will be a “Blindsight” cortical implant to restore vision: “Resolution will be low at first, like early Nintendo graphics, but ultimately may exceed normal human vision.”


Why this beauty start-up just picked up a major defense contract

Debut Biotechnology was founded to “set a new standard in beauty.” Now it may end up shaping how the Pentagon prepares for war.

Since its inception in 2019, the San Diego-based company has presented itself as a disruptor in the cosmetics space. By employing novel methods of biomanufacturing—that is, the use of biological systems to produce commercial products like chemicals or textiles—Debut is able to generate relatively scarce and

AI Agnostic Optimization: Content For Topical Authority And Citations

Unlock the potential of AI and citations in search engines. Learn how to build brand authority and create compelling content for the AI ecosystem.

The post AI Agnostic Optimization: Content For Topical Authority And Citations appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Inside Bolt’s expansion strategy across 50+ markets

In the business world (and beyond) everybody loves the success story of an underdog. Estonia’s Bolt is one such example. The startup was founded in 2013 by then 19-year-old Markus Vilig with €5,000 in his pocket. Since then, it has successfully become the Euro

6mo | The Next Web
Srdeční infarkty u očkovaných

Také vám připadá, že spolu s tím jak hnutí antivax nabírá na síle, a jak se v podobném smyslu začali před volbami vyjadřovat i mnozí politici, že nám media začala selektovat informace? Jak jinak si vysvětlit, že o závěrech jedné z největších světových studií vyvracející mnohé z kolujících fám, není nikde ani ťuk...

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Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) via @sejournal, @vahandev

Find out how Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) can affect your website and why it's important to optimize for this Google ranking factor.

The post Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

What Are Breadcrumbs & Why Do They Matter For SEO? via @sejournal, @sejournal

Improve SEO and user experience with breadcrumbs on your website. Learn how implementing breadcrumbs can have a positive impact on your website's visibility and navigation.

The post What Are Breadcrumbs & Why Do They Matter For SEO? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Startup Group1 vyvinul první draslík-iontovou baterii velikosti 18650

Ústup od fosilních paliv vyvolává ohromnou poptávku po nabíjitelných bateriích. V dnešní době to znamená poptávku po problematickém lithiu. Texaský startup Group1 nabízí jako zajímavou alternativu draslík-iontové baterie (KIB). Jejich novým želízkem v ohni je KIB baterie asi nejžádanějšího formátu 18650.

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Robotaxis are worrying China’s ride-hailing drivers as permits pick up the pace

Liu Yi is among China’s 7 million ride-hailing drivers. A 36-year-old Wuhan resident, he started driving part time this year when construction work slowed in the face of a nationwide glut of unsold apartments.

Now he predicts another crisis as he stands next to his car watching neighbors order driverless taxis.

“Everyone will go hungry,” he

Toxoplasma gondii, a common parasite, could someday deliver drugs to the brain

Parasites take an enormous toll on human and veterinary health. But researchers may have found a way for patients with brain disorders and a common brain parasite to become frenemies.

A new study published in Nature Microbiology has pioneered the use of a single-celled parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, to inject therapeutic proteins into brain cells. The

No more wrangling your cat into a carrier: Pet telehealth is here

If you think it’s hard to get a doctor’s appointment for yourself, try getting one for a pet. Veterinarians in the U.S. are slammed. More than 23 million American households—nearly one in five—adopted a pet during the pandemic, according to the ASPCA. Today, 66% of American households—nearly 87 million—own a pet, according to a 2023–2024 survey by industry as

Morální nálada: Základní lidské hodnoty se mění podle ročních období

Morální hodnoty často vnímáme jako maják, který nám ukazuje cestu bouřlivou realitou. Poslední dobou ale vychází najevo, že tenhle maják je až překvapivě ve vleku pocitů, dojmů a emocí. Teď tomu nasazuje korunu výzkum, podle něhož se základní hodnoty konzervativního či autoritářského typu v populaci mění v průběhu roku. Na jaře a na podzim jsou silnější, v létě a v zimě slábnou.

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Heat-trapping ‘glitter’ could make Mars more habitable for humans, scientists say

The idea of transforming Mars into a world more hospitable to human habitation is a regular feature of science fiction. But could this be done in real life?

Scientists are now proposing a new approach to warm up Earth’s planetary neighbor by pumping engineered particles—similar in s

Why Apple iOS 18’s ‘Distraction Control’ ad blocker is deeply controversial

This week Apple quietly introduced a new feature coming to iOS 18’s Safari web browser called Distraction Control. The feature, which you can access now via the iOS 18 developer beta, is unusual because Apple made no mention of it when it first previewed the iPhone’s upcoming opera

Google who? This new service actually gets AI search right

Time for a bit o’ brutal honesty: Whenever I hear about a new search tool or info-surfacing service, my first reaction is to proactively cringe a little—and then set my skepticism guard to its highest possible setting.

Surely you’ve had this same sort of response by now, too—right? Since the start of this whole generative-AI explosion, we’ve seen an endless parade of apps touting themselves as The Future of Search™.

And with very rare exception, more or less all of ’em sh

Po stopách nešťastné lásky hrdinné Madó Mavrogenús v Naupliu

Povstání, láska, politika… Láska zrozená při povstání, nenaplněná pro zvůli politiků. Postupný zmar nejen lásky, ale taky idejí svobody a humanity ve prospěch osobních ambic protivníků, bývalých spojenců, a extrémního národovectví. Čím větší a prázdnější něčí ambice, tím absurdnější velikášská idea.

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Čínští CASIC zvládli vakuový test ultrarychlého maglevu T-Flight

Čínský maglev T-Flight, který jezdí tunely s hrubým vakuem, by měl mít na svém kontě rychlostní rekord 623 km/h a dělá si zálusk na 1 100 km/h, což je rychlost, která pokoří i běžné dopravní letouny. Pokud dojde i na třetí fázi vývoje, mluví se o rychlostech kolem 4 tisíce km/h. Z toho se točí hlava.

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Why Impossible Foods isn’t focusing on the climate impact of its plant-based meat alternatives

As the so-called “meat culture wars” enters a new chapter, Impossible Foods’s CEO Peter McGuinness believes that plant-based players need to drastically pivot their marketing strategy to compete with the deep pockets of the traditional meat industry. McGuinness shares his plan to center Impossible’s messaging less around climate impact—and instead, letting its product do the talking. McGuinness’s embrace of past mistakes and fluid pragmatism is a crucial case study in evolving to stay releva

Microsoft says Iran increasing cyber activity to influence U.S. election

Iran is increasing its internet activity that appears intended to influence November’s U.S. presidential election, according to a new report from Microsoft. 

As part of the efforts, hackers with ties to the Iran government tried breaking into the account of a high-ranking official on a U.S. presidential campaign in

Rekordně gigantický protein PKZILLA vyrábí jed toxickým prvokům

Toxický bičíkovec Prymnesium parvum umí při přemnožení „vodní květy,“ kterými masově tráví ryby. Padouchem je v tomto případě bizarně složitý hemolytický fykotoxin prymnesin, jehož chemický název byste nikdy nechtěli vyslovovat. Bičíkovcům ho vyrábí dvojice superproteinů PKZILLA-1 a 2, z nichž ten větší budí hrůzu 1 250 nanometry a 4 730 kilodaltony.

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Google DeepMind’s new AI robot plays table tennis at ‘human level’

China is currently busy accumulating most of the gold medals in the table tennis events in the Paris Olympics. Meanwhile, an AI-powered robot from Google DeepMind has achieved “amateur human level performance” in the sport.  In a study published

6mo | The Next Web
Samsung stove recall hits 1 million electric ranges; hundreds catch fire, causing injuries, property damage, and pet deaths

Samsung Electronics America has issued a recall for more than one million of its Slide-in Electric Ranges after hundreds of the units caught fire, causing injury and property damage. Here’s what you need to know about the recall and which Slide-in Electric Ranges are affected.

Why is there a recall?

At issue is that the front-mounted knobs on the Slide-

Microsoft says this country’s cyber activity may be targeting the U.S. election

Iran is accelerating online activity that appears intended to influence the U.S. election, in one case targeting a presidential campaign with an email phishing attack,

Patient, upbeat AI companions are probably rewiring kids’ brains 

As a sophomore at a large public North Carolina university, Nick did what millions of curious students did in the spring of 2023: He logged on to ChatGPT and started asking questions.

Soon he was having “deep psychological conversations” with the popular AI chatbot, going down a rabbit hole on the mysteries of the mind and the human condition.

He’d been to therapy and it helped. ChatGPT, he concluded,

Social Media Career Path: How To Get Started via @sejournal, @brentcsutoras

Get started on your social media career path with our guide. Learn how to break into the industry and become a successful social media marketer.

The post Social Media Career Path: How To Get Started appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Spotify is full of AI music, and some say it’s ruining the platform

Artists have long criticized Spotify for its meager royalties system and its questionable content moderation practices. Now artists must contend with an entirely different problem: increased competition from AI-generated tracks, some of which have gained hundreds of thousands of